Thanks for the suggestions. The pouch cover hadn't crossed my mind. I've not use one and it's probably the easiest option. I think my local community ... I'm starting to use a 1-piece depending on the situation. I've had my stoma since end 2019 and during COVID times been working from home close to 100%... Yesterday was 3 weeks post op. I was discharged 5 days post surgery and a little earlier than original planned, mainly because the recovery was going ... My experience has been that without a ring, I have to be very careful that the wafer is not touching the stoma. If it does, I had a couple of times th... Thank you all for your feedback. It's now day 3 post-op and I'm still in hospital. I went in on Mon morning and the procedure took just under 5 hours.... @glenn-giroir Thanks for the quick reply and that's great to hear. I'll share my experience here, over the next couple of weeks - hopefully as positiv... I thought all those teenagers were wearing jeans with holes as a fashion statement but now I get it: they're all kneelers :-D
Your other option is ... I was only a novice ostomate last year when Hollister changed the material. Now almost a year later I must admit the change has its pros and cons. Wit... @mimi Hi Mimi,
I'm only a couple of months ahead of you (got my ileostomy in Nov) and have tried a lot of different products. My standard combinatio... In my experience there is another variable to take into account. In love my my coffee and usually have 3 in the morning. For me the link between outpu... G'day Metalhorse, You're about a week ahead of me! I live in Sydney as well and had my colon removed with an ileostomy on 9 Dec. Can't help you with h...
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RE: Help my favourite Hollister pouch is EOL - any recommendations for alternatives?
2 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 429
RE: My leak-free streak ended today. Interesting observations...
3 years ago
RE: Experiences with robotic surgery for proctectomy
4 years ago
RE: Has anyone tried just using the wafer, and no ring or paste?
4 years ago
RE: Experiences with robotic surgery for proctectomy
4 years ago
RE: Experiences with robotic surgery for proctectomy
4 years ago
RE: For those who kneel when emptying their bag...
4 years ago
RE: For those having issues with Hollister's new bags, please let them know
4 years ago
RE: Tips on applying ostomy seal/barrier ring
5 years ago
RE: Does coffee affect your ostomy?
5 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 784
RE: G'Day from Aussie newbie ostomate
5 years ago