Ostomy Clothing Manufacturers and Suppliers

Ostomy Clothing manufacturers

Below, you will find a list of manufacturers and/or suppliers who specialize in ostomy clothing and accessories.  

These products include underwear, swimwear, pouch covers and wraps for ostomates.  

This list is by no means complete, nor does it count as an endorsement for the products or companies listed, but I will continue to add to it as I come across new links.

Info: I’ve reviewed quite a few ostomy accessories, including pouch covers, wraps and support bands. Check them out HERE.

Info: A clothing guide for men who have an ostomy can be found HERE, and the guide for ladies is HERE!

Many of these companies sell more than just what I’ve listed, and most will ship internationally.

Ostomy clothing manufacturers UPDATED: Oct 3, 2024

- Removed Valco (Oct 3, 2024; dead link)
- Removed Bags Undercover Etsy Store (April 27, 2024; no longer selling products)
- Added Ostome Fashion (April 17, 2024)
- Removed Knightwear, Osotmy Pouch Pockets, Pose menswear, Ostotees (March 15, 2024; Dead link)
- Replaced URL for Grandma's Hands and Alisa Lingerie (March 15, 2024)
- Added GlicoItaly and MrColitisCrohns (July 6, 2023)
- Added Ostotees (May 30, 2023)
- Removed Joeies (out of business (Nov 2, 2022)
- Replaced Tytex with Corsinel by Tytex link (April 28, 2022)
-Added 7 Stitches Boutique (March 30, 2022)
- Added Spoonie Threads (March 30, 2022)
Company NameLocationProducts Offered
Amazon.comUSA, offers various shipping options.Men and women's undergarments, support bands, pouch covers, stoma guards, shower covers,
7 Stitches BoutiqueUSASeat belt covers
Abiliteen/aOstomy pouch covers
ALISA LingerieSloveniaWomen's undergarments and lingerie; smaller line of men and girl's undergarments.
ANACanadaMen and Women's undergarments
Basko HealthcareNetherlandsSupport belts, hernia belts.
Bort MedicalGermany w/ international distributors.Hernia support belts.
Celebration Ostomy Support BeltUSAHernia and general support belts.
C&S Ostomy Pouch CoversUSAOstomy pouch covers, lingerie & intimate wear
ComfizzUKMen and women’s underwear, support bands, hernia bands.
Corsinel by TytexDenmarkOstomy support garments, hernia products
CUI WearUKOstomy underwear, support bands, hernia bands
ComfortBeltUKOstomy support belts
Design Your Stoma by StomaatjeNetherlandsOstomy pouch covers, seatbelt covers, ostomy wraps.
Dry CorpUSAWaterproof ostomy wrap.
EdgeparkUSACarries men and women’s ostomy underwear, wraps, support belts
Empower Your ChangeUSAShower guards
GlicoItalyItalyOstomy pouch covers, support wraps, men and women's undergarments, children's ostomy

Grandma’s HandsCanadaOstomy pouch covers
Gus GearUSAOstomy pouch covers
I Am DenimUKJeans and clothing specifically for ostomates.
Intimate MomentsUSAMen and women's undergarments and lingerie.
Matéma NetherlandsMen and women's ostomy swimwear and lengerie
Stoma support belt
My Everything Store CanadaOstomy support belts, hernia belts, underwear, etc.
NordiCareSwedenOstomy support bands, hernia bands.
Nu-Hope Laboratories, Inc.USAOstomy accessory belts, hernia belts
Ostomate ActiveAustraliaOstomy pouch covers, shower covers. support belts.
OstoMartUKUndergarments, support bands
Ostome FashionCanadaOstomy pouch covers
Ostomy Care C.S.P.CanadaMen and women's undergarments, wraps, support belts, pouch covers, swimwear.
OstomyPocketsUSAOstomy pouch support covers
OstomyProtectorUSASeat belt guard
OstomysecretsUSA, EuropeMen and women’s underwear, swimwear, wraps
Ostomy SolutionsUSAOstomy Support Belt
Premier Ostomy CentreCanadaOstomy wraps, men and women's undergarments, hernia belts.
Pretty Little CurlsUSAOstomy pouch covers
Respond Healthcare Ltd.UKOstomy support belts, wraps, swimwear
SIIL OstomySpainOstomy wraps, undergarments, swimwear, stoma guards; mostly for women, but they do have a men's wrap
Safe n' SimpleUSAOstomy support belts, hernia belts.
See Me GoNetherlandsOstomy wraps for men and women
Simply Beautiful StoreUSAOstomy wraps for ladies
Spoonie ThreadsUSAOstomy wraps, pouch covers
Stealth BeltUSACustom ostomy support belts
StomaCloakUSAOstomy pouch covers
Stoma na undGermanyOstomy bands, wraps, hernia support, ladies shorts.
StomaStyleUKOstomy pouch covers.
SuportXUKMen and women's underwear, wraps, support belts, hernia belts.
The Great Bowel MovementUSAOstomy awareness apparel
Thelma's Fiber ArtCanadaOstomy pouch covers, shower pouch covers.
The Ostomy Clothing CompanyCanadaOstomy pouch covers, seat belt guards, wraps, shower guards, hernia belts, etc.
Vanilla BlushUKMen and ladies underwear, swimwear

24 thoughts on “Ostomy Clothing Manufacturers and Suppliers”

  1. Which is the wrap you are showing in the video which has pockets. Please let me know. I am from India and wanted to know if they do ship to India

    • Hi Bhavani, the best thing is to contact one of the manufacturers on this list and see if they will ship to your country. Most will ship internationally, but it’s best to inquire with them directly for purchase information.


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