Vitamin B12: Are You Really Getting It?

Vitamin B12 for vegans, ibders and ostomates

Having been vegan for so many years, I’m aware of the significance in getting enough Vitamin B12. But if you have Inflammatory Bowel Disease or an ostomy, did you know that B12 deficiency is also a concern for you too?

Here’s the lowdown on this vitamin!

Disclaimer: B12 deficiency can result in neurological problems, so play it safe and always ask your doctor to make sure your B12 levels are good.

An Intro to Vitamin B12

First, I should probably explain what B12 does, but I’ll keep this short and sweet!

B12 is needed for proper nerve function, the production of DNA, and it also plays a part in preventing anemia.

What’s important to know is that B12 is an essential nutrient, and must be obtained either through diet or supplementation.

And while we don’t need a whole hell of a lot of B12, getting enough is crucial to staying healthy.

So Where You Find This B12?

Most people get B12 through the consumption of animal products, but it’s important to realize that B12 is produced by microorganisms, not animals.

People who are not eating animals usually get B12 through fortified foods or supplements that are made using a bacterial process without harming animals.

But, there’s a catch…

If you have ileitis (inflammation of the ileium), Crohn’s Disease affecting your stomach or small intestine, or have had a bowel resection, chances are that you might be deficient in B12 because you aren’t able to properly absorb it through your gut (SOURCE).

This means that no matter how much you EAT, you’ll always be deficient unless you find another way to get B12 – and there are plenty!

Because B12 doesn’t have to pass through your digestive system, it can be obtained through any of the following:

Whoa, we’re pretty lucky, aren’t we? The good news is that even if you’re vegan and/or have IBD, using thse alternative forms of B12 can usually correct deficiencies and keep your levels up!

If you’re vegan, you should ALWAYS find a reliable source of B12.

Eric, VeganOstomy

You should still have regular blood tests to find out what your level of B12 is, but because B12 deficiency is often masked by other factors, it’s best to speak to your doctor about getting the most accurate test possible for your circumstance.

The test that seems to be common and reliable is an “MMA test”.

Deva sublingual B12
This is a brand that I’ve used in the past.

How Much Do You Need?

You’ll often find that the recommended daily intake (RDI) for B12 listed as 2.4 mcg (SOURCE, SOURCE) for most men, and women over the age of 19 (the RDI for pregnant women is 2.6 mcg), but recent evidence suggests that 4-7 mcg might be better (SOURCE).

These numbers assume that you’re a healthy adult with a healthy gut, and if you’ve got IBD or a current deficiency, then you may be advised to take many times that amount. I always try to get my B12 checked along with my regular lab work, since IBD is a risk factor for deficiency (SOURCE).

Supplemental B12 often has much more B12 than food sources, including fortified foods. In the example below, you can see that this sublingual B12, which can be taken daily, has 1000 mcg!!

Deva sublingual B12 facts
The B12 in this is over level 9000!!!!

B12 supplements are generally recognized as safe AT ANY DOSE (SOURCE), but some supplements contain other nutrients like folic acid (which help B12 metabolize, but you don’t want too much in synthetic form), so you should only take the recommended dose unless your doctor or pharmacist says otherwise.

Note: B12 can come in several forms, but the most common is cyanocobalamin. It really doesn’t make too much of a difference, so don’t go out of your way to find a specific type. Dr. Greger from NutritionFacts answers this question HERE.

Things to Consider

  • B12 deficiency can often take YEARS to manifest as symptoms in healthy adults, but that doesn’t mean you should wait for symptoms before taking action.
  • Often the first sign of B12 deficiency is tiredness and weakness. Since those are common symptoms of IBD, the two may be related, and some people find fast relief once they’ve received B12 therapy.
  • Some medication may cause deficiency or affect absorption. Speak with your doctor or pharmacist if you have any concerns.
  • Many people will claim that B12 can be obtained naturally through plant-based foods like seaweed, Blue-Green Algae, tempeh, etc., but most of these sources contain B12 analogues, which actually interfere with true B12 absorption (SOURCE).  Don’t rely on these for your B12 intake!

Further Reading/Sources

Question: Have you been deficient in B12? What have you used to correct that deficiency?

4 thoughts on “Vitamin B12: Are You Really Getting It?”

  1. My b12 always reads high. I also have an ileostomy. Do you think it reads high but I am actually deficient in it? I have a lot of low b12 signs.

    • Thanks for sharing. I don’t have access to the Facebook group because I don’t have a personal account, but I’m glad to hear that injections have been working for the people there – injections (at the dr’s office) are a common treatment for people with IBD, but I’ve had success with sublingual (although I’m taking regular b12 pills right now).


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