Ostomy Diet: What to Eat in the First Six Weeks (w/ video)

Ostomy Diet: The first 6 weeks

I was fortunate to have received quite a bit of information about what foods to eat (and avoid) following my ileostomy surgery. The information was quite important because it was aimed to not only prevent dehydration but also to avoid potential blockages.

Because our stoma swells up after surgery, we can’t eat meals that would be hard to pass through that swollen stoma.

Knowing how to reduce the risk of blockages is important (saving you a trip from the ER!).

Disclaimer: Your doctor or stoma nurse should be able to provide recommendations during this initial healing period. The usual time on this post-op diet is 6 weeks, but your surgeon may require you to be on it longer (or shorter) depending on your progress. This post focuses on ileostomy post-operative care based on my own experience. Many of the foods and suggestions that are given would apply to colostomies too.


Ostomy Diet Tips: The First Six Weeks
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Dietary Goals for the First 6 Weeks

  • Maintain adequate hydration and electrolyte balance.
  • Avoid foods that are likely to cause blockages. These are often high-fiber or high-residue foods.
  • Avoid food/beverages that increase output too much.
  • Learn to chew! Practice mindful eating.
  • Eat smaller meals throughout the day.
  • Keep nutrition high. Vitamins, minerals, and protein will help you heal.
  • Eat enough to maintain a healthy weight (or to increase it if you’re underweight).
Post Ileostomy diet goals
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Food to Eat and Avoid

Here’s a list of common foods that are deemed “safe” to eat following surgery, as well as common foods that should be avoided during the healing phase. I’ve compiled this list from various sources, but I’ve tailored it in a way that substitutes animal products; this means that anyone will be able to make use if this list.


Beverages to IncludeBeverages to Avoid
When it comes to avoiding blockages, just about every beverage is “safe”.Some drinks may increase output (alcohol, certain fruit juices, coffee, cola, etc.) or produce more gas (carbonated drinks). Keep track of the ones that do, and avoid them.
A guide to keeping hydrated can be found HERE.Alcohol should be avoided during this period, not only to help avoid dehydration but also because you may be taking pain meds which may interact negatively with alcoholic beverages.


Grain Products to IncludeGrain Products to Avoid
Bread, including pita bread, flatbread, and wrapsAny products that have whole grains, seeds, dried fruit, bran or added fiber.
Pasta, noodles, vermicelli, couscousBrown and wild rice
White rice
Cereal (not whole grain), including oatmeal.
Cookies, oatmeal cookies

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables to IncludeFruits and Vegetables to Avoid
Vegetable juice (like V8) are excellent. Carrot juice and tomato juice on their own are great too.Asparagus, raw beans, raw carrots, broccoli, cabbage (incl. sauerkraut, tomatoes, celery, etc.)
Apple sauce, well-cooked apples (without the skin).Corn and corn products.
Canned fruits and veg (I found canned peaches, canned carrots, canned green beans and canned beets worked really well).Mushrooms (all types, even if they are canned)
Most smooth baby food (don’t laugh, this one can help a lot!).Grapes, whole apple, pineapple, whole mango, etc.
Bananas, plantains.Dried fruits.
Cooked veg are usually fine as long as they are soft (no skins, no seeds).Fruit jam (with seeds).
Tomato sauce (without seeds).Greens (spinach, lettuce, bok choy, kale).
Potatoes without the skin (mashed, boiled, microwaved, steamed, baked).Skins of fruits and vegetables.
Sweet potatoes (without skin) and squash.Seeds in fruits and vegetables.
Soups made from blended veg or broths.Coconuts (even shredded).
Avocados. Great to add over potatoes or as a spread.
Fruit jelly.

Non-Dairy Products

Dairy alternatives:

  • Non-dairy milk (soy, almond, hemp, coconut, rice, etc.).
  • Non-dairy yogurt.
  • Non-dairy cheese.
  • Sorbet or non-dairy ice cream.

Avoid any of these products if they have fruit pieces in them (i.e. in yogurt).

Protein-Rich Foods

Protein-Rich Foods to IncludeProtein-Rich Foods to Avoid
Tofu.Chunky nut/seed butter, whole nuts, and seeds.
Seitan (wheat gluten); ease into this one if you haven’t had it before.Legumes including Adzuki beans, black beans, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, mung beans, whole soybeans (including edamame).
Most mock meat products are safe, high in protein, fortified with vitamins and minerals and taste great.Tempeh.
Smooth nut and seed butter (almond, peanut, sunflower seed, cashew, etc.).
Hummus (avoid whole chickpeas).
Many of the non-dairy products are high in protein.

Fats and Oils

While these are usually foods to avoid for optimal health, they can be a source of much-needed calories during recovery and can help make bland foods more palatable.

  • Vegan margarine.
  • Vegan mayo.
  • Oils are considered “safe” for new ileostomates, but olive and flax oil are the healthiest of the bunch.
  • Coconut oil can be used to cook with, or as a spread on bread.

Other Foods and Supplements

Other Food and Supplements that may be IncludedOther Food and Supplements to Avoid
Protein powder may offer some benefits if you aren’t able to eat enough during the day. For my recovery, I went with THIS product.Avoid condiments and garnishes with seeds or chunks (certain mustard, relish, olives, some salsa, etc.)
Your doctor may recommend a multivitamin during the recovery phase; when choosing one, be sure that it’s not a slow-release version, or it may pass through your system without being fully absorbed. More info HERE.Popcorn and corn chips should be avoided.
Most condiments, like ketchup, vinegar or mustard are safe.Artificial sweeteners may increase output, so keep an eye out when consuming “sugar-free” or “low-calorie” products.
While candies are generally safe, they are empty calories.
Potato chips are usually well tolerated and can provide both sodium and calories, but will also help slow down your output.

Pro Tips

  • If you have access to a Registered Dietitian that understands the challenges of having an ostomy (or IBD), you’ll be able to get a personalized meal plan through them. Here is an article I wrote about how to find a dietitian HERE.
  • Try to have a variety of foods to make sure that you’re balancing nutrients.
  • Keep a food diary to monitor effects of certain food or drink, then adjust your diet accordingly.
  • Keep snack foods close by if you aren’t feeling well enough to cook or you don’t have any help following surgery.
  • Log your food intake so you can track calories and nutrients. I’ve used and still recommend CRON-o-meter.
  • If pouch odor is a concern for you, I’ve put together a handy guide on controlling it HERE.
  • When you’ve received the OK to start a normal diet, try new foods slowly so you can test to make sure they are passing through your stoma without trouble. Most people will be able to continue eating healthfully with only a few (if any) limitations.
  • The following foods and beverages can cause a dramatic change in your output’s consistency. You’ll likely be able to catch the culprit within hours of consuming them:
    • Coffee or tea
    • Sport drinks
    • Soda/Pop/Soft drinks (both diet and regular )
    • Fruit juices
    • Chocolate
    • Certain fruits (for me it’s cherries)
    • Artificial sweeteners
    • Alcoholic beverages (especially wine)
    • Fried foods
    • Hot/spicy foods
    • Non-vegan foods like dairy (or other lactose-containing food, if lactose intolerant)

Further Reading

  • Done your recovery? See what’s on the menu past your initial six weeks HERE.
  • To see what I was eating shortly after my surgery (along with nutritional profiles of those meals), please refer to THIS from approx. 2 weeks post-op, and THIS post from approx. 3.5 weeks post-op.
  • For more ideas on what foods to eat when eating is difficult, check out THIS article.
  • For ways to enhance nutrient absorption, consider reading THIS article.

Question: Do you have any tips to share?

81 thoughts on “Ostomy Diet: What to Eat in the First Six Weeks (w/ video)”

  1. Love your website. It has been very helpful to be. Had my colon rupture Dec 19 so I have a ileostomy . It’s been very hard to get a bag to fit good around my stoma whiteout leakage. Still trying different bags and techniques. Just added very soft well cooked green beans today so far no problem. My stool tends to be thick. What do you suggest to thin it

  2. I screwed up right after I got home from my operation.
    I bought microwaveable dinners. One was scrambled eggs with potatoes. The potatoes had a little bit of peel left on the edges. Back to the emergency ward. Totally blocked. Several days later out it came. The wad of undigested potato peels.
    One year later I have been eating everything I used to eat. Some of those things used to give me some troubles from mild to bad. But now I have not run into anything that gives me pains. The doctor went all through my plumbing and repaired any problem parts. So I probably have no strictures now that things have healed.

  3. Can I have sesame seed and vegan fruit cake?

    How has food been for you? Are you prone to blockages or anything else like that, since your surgery?

    Sesame seeds are pretty small, and I honestly don’t see any issues with them. However, fruit cake could have harder pieces that will need to be thoroughly chewed and in small quantities if you haven’t had that before. 

    If you can get in touch with a stoma nurse, or someone who knows your history, they may be able to give a more definitive answer. I would prefer you err on the side of caution and take it slowly if you do want to indulge 👍

    • Thankyou for getting back to me.

      So far so good no blockages, I have been taking it slowly introducing food back into my diet. I am hoping to be able to have some vegan fruit cake in December.

      Your Youtube channel it absolutely brilliant and I have subcribed. I am going to have a look around your website.

      I have not shown my ileostomy husband or anyone that doesn’t need to see it. I’m still getting used it myself. I have problems with pancaking and skin irrtation, as I have sensitive skin.

      Keep up the good work!!!

      Tracey xx

      • Glad to hear you’re not having any issues, Tracey. I think your experience will continue to get better/easier with time, and you’re doing the right thing by taking things slowly.

        Here’s to vegan fruit cake in December! 👍

  4. Hello there,
    I am a vegan. Can you please help!!! Can I have sesame seed and vegan fruit cake? 🤞I have been given two different answers.

    In August 2020 my intestines had twisted 360 degrees that killed a quarter of my intestines. I had an emergency operation and had a colostomy.

    In November 2020 I had a blockage on my small intestines. This was caused by my hernia. Another emergency operation and I had zero percent chance of surviving the operation.

    Eight weeks ago I had a ileostomy operation at a specialist hospital. I also had one of my hernias mesh.

    Thank you in advance for your help

    Kind regards
    Tracey xx

  5. What a great site 👏🏻 I had an ileostomy in 2012 and am just searching for info for a friend who had an emergency colostomy last night when I found your page ☺️


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