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I have a colostomy for about 6 months now. It is situated just below the waistline. My output is thick so I am always pancaking. I have tried lubricants which seem to help somewhat. My clothing fits snug to my body but is stretchable so I find my output is being constricted, is this dangerous for the stoma.
Hi Joeann,
Provided that you are comfortable and there is no bleeding from the stoma, I don’t see any harm in doing that.
The biggest risk in that situation is perhaps an increase of leaks, but I can only speak for myself, having an ileostomy.
One thing to consider, since you have a colostomy, and I’m sure you’d rather not have the pancaking to deal with, is irrigating your stoma. It would be best to consult with a stoma nurse for instructions, since you will need some equipment to do it, but it could make things a lot easier for you.
I believe some of our forum members irrigate, if you wanted to post a question there to get some feedback. It’s at http://www.veganostomy.ca/community/
Take care :)
Does anyone have suggestions on how to store Ostomy products in the heat.
I am currently wearing a very flexible one piece Convatec appliance.
Hey there, when say say “in the heat”, do you mean like in a hot car or do you live in a place that’s hot? Either way, even a cooler or insulated lunch bag should provide some options for you if a cool place isn’t available.
Thank you Eric for the ostomy information and videos. My wife will be getting a colostomy in 8/11/2020. The information and presentations on this site is extremely helpful for my wife and me.
I wish you both all the best!