Thank You, Nurses! Celebrating Nurses Week

Nurses Week

It takes a team of medical professionals to help a single person, but patients are most often in contact with a nurse more than any one else on that team.  From May 6th to the 12th, we celebrate Nurses Week, and I’d like the nurses who’ve played a role in my care to know how important they are to me.

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What Causes Crohn’s Disease? (Humor)

What Causes Crohn's Disease

As I listened to a podcast from my friend Stephen Dempster on the blog Behind the Times, he raised a good point that immediately got my tired brain working. He stated the following:

The question we should really be asking is not so much “Do you think we will ever find a cure for Crohn’s Disease?”, but rather, “Do you think we will ever find a cause?”

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Laughing at Crohn’s Disease

Laugh at Crohn's Disease

How do you cope when you’re stuck with a chronic illness or life-changing surgery? For me, it’s got to be humor; not just chuckling at random jokes, but deliberately making it a point to crack jokes or create memes about IBD or my ostomy.  Why?

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