I was told by my Doctor that they are called Phantom feelings. Like something is there but isn't?. I'm lucky so far. I haven't had any blockages Thin... I was just referring to my Pelvic pain and then led into I countenance. My Doctor offered Physical Therapy but mine was so bad.. We opted for surgery. My Pelvic pain and incontenance was over whelming me. I need help now !... Yes, I go thru PayPal. They are great at helping. Be careful who you order from check reviews. Good luck😁 I haven't been on here in awhile. I came across the issue of Pelvic issues. I had my Ostomy in Nov. 2017....since then, slowly I became more and more ... We had wind chill of -55 ..Terrible here, best Chicago. Rockford, Illinois. Brrrr I have Hernia surgery coming up from Nov. 2017 Ostomy ( rectal cancer). At Thanksgiving my Hernia was bigger than a pregnant Friend. Dr. Said no gua... Thank you. . I look like I'm sideways pregnant thoughts hoe big it has become. It just started hurting a few weeks ago not bad, but I see Surgeon last... Thank you for kind words. I've been on this site since Nov. 2017....I came across Eric's site and it led me to here. I've been in Oklahoma with my Sis... Hod Bless Marcie. ..Prayers your way. . I to aam preparing for Hernia Surgery Feb. 21st . Do to Rectal Cancer surgery Nov. 2017 ,I walked out of the Hospital with small Hernia .. My Hernia h... I'm so sorry ..I just received your reply from last April ? Wow. I'm not sure why. I will check my settings. I hope all went well for you. Keep in tou... P. S. I use Hollister Bags/ Pouches. I use both the open end and closed. Have had no problems, I'm happy. :) I just had to jump in here in this conversation. By no way am I an Authority on Ostomys. I I had my permanent Colonoscopy Nov. 2017. I to, was leery o... The Nurse marked my Stoma spot but Doctor re-marked. He did school job of placing it.. Good morning Stella! 🌝 I had stage 3 colon cancer, had surgery last Nov. I to had my rectum removed and Colostomy. It was an adjustment. In time, it ... Wise words.. I printed it out. A sense of humor helped me alot. My Friends, Grandkids, laugh when I toot, so do I. A second chance I was given.. Your welcome. Yes, a new leaf on life. I'm thankful everyday darn day. I feel better than I have in years. I was so sick for along time. Myself and ... Hi Stella, well aboard. I'm not sure what answers your looking for. My name is Linda. I had a Colonoscopy last November, colon Cancer, had both Chemo...
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RE: Pelvic floor question
6 years ago
RE: Pelvic floor question
6 years ago
RE: Pelvic floor question
6 years ago
RE: Ostomybagholder.com problems
6 years ago
RE: Pelvic floor question
6 years ago
RE: Let it Snow, Let it Snow...
6 years ago
RE: Dressing with an Ostomy: A Clothing Guide for Women
6 years ago
RE: Incisional hernia questions
6 years ago
RE: Colorectal cancer and ostomies
6 years ago
RE: Holidays
6 years ago
RE: Incisional hernia questions
6 years ago
RE: Colorectal cancer and ostomies
6 years ago
RE: Closed End Bags
7 years ago
RE: Closed End Bags
7 years ago
RE: Colorectal cancer and ostomies
7 years ago
RE: Colorectal cancer and ostomies
7 years ago
RE: Colorectal cancer and ostomies
7 years ago
RE: Colorectal cancer and ostomies
7 years ago
RE: Colorectal cancer and ostomies
7 years ago
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