im 1 yr post op illeostomy and i know i cant be the only one that has this. feels like i gotta go but obviously thats NOT an option. anyone else and if so does this feeling go away eventually ???? Hello David... I'm sorry to hear your experiencing this. I still get that urge to go & sometimes even do go but I still have my rectal stump & the rectum still produces fluid that can build up in there & the need to expel it is real. I also get rectal spasms that have at time been painful & that pain is relieved by a suppository prescribed by the Doctor. If this urge causes pain don't hesitate to see your GP!! Maybe try sitting on the toilet to see if the pressure can be relived. As far as the "urge, " without a rectal stump, I can't help you there but I do know others here can. Hang in there & all the best! Linda Linda @davidinthailand ... David, try & hang tight, its the weekend and replies can be a little delayed but you will get some. If your terribly concerned please go see your GP or to the ER. There is never any shame in being careful & We can only say what caused our like issue, so a GP is always best. There are many reasons for that discomfort so in the mean time, please, try not to worry too much! Linda I also have an ileostomy and have had pressure as well that I feel like I have to have a bowel movement. My ostomy nurse explained to me that you have a mucus that forms in that area and eventually it will expel itself. She was right, I even had pea size pieces of poop coming out of my rectum. Have had my stoma for ten years and have experienced the pressure to go only a few times. So be patient and this too shall pass (pun intended). no rectal stump ( or anything else below the small intestine ) I can say that I experienced phantom rectum for a few years post surgery, getting less frequent as the years went by until I just stopped noticing it (i.e. it went away). If it's not causing you pain or any issues, I wouldn't worry too much about it. It can be alarming to have a sensation use the toilet, when there's no plumbing to actually do it, but the feeling will pass. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. no rectal stump ( or anything else below the small intestine ) I can say that I experienced phantom rectum for a few years post surgery … I’m two years post surgery (APR) with a colostomy and experience this phantom effect. My surgeon says it’s normal for some ostomates. Colostomy 12th May 2022
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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