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Stealth Belt - REVIEW

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I'm sorry to hear of your negative experience, Lissa. The people at Stealth Belt are great, so I'd suggest giving them a ring to see what they think of this. I don't know how the hernia would affect the fitting, but I'm sure it's a variable that could affect the size/fit you'd want.

Good luck!

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Hi Lissa, I just got my belt (I measured and ordered the wrong size and they were kind enough to alter it for me to if yours is too big, perhaps try that.i believe the cost was $25 but it was oooo big, I wouldn't have been able to wear it.)

So, today is the first day wearing it......first thing I noticed was (for me) it was easier to put on laying on the bed. I was able to get everything flat. I wear the Coloplast Sensura 2 piece system with the midi pouch. It's comfortable enough so far. My ileo is across from my belly button. I am 5'2 and about 130lbs....have gained weight since my surgery. I am a little concerned about emptying and making a mess but we will see how that goes later today.

The second thing I was so happy about was I got to put on real panties!!!!! I have been wearing high waisted snug "granny panties" for two years.

Since its day one and I don't have much on the go today I don't know how much it will move around but I will wear it all weekend and let you know. I plan on hopping in the pool later today with it on. I got the hernia support in mine as I had a hernia on my left side when my ileo was there and when I had surgery in September, they moved my stoma to the other side. Trying to prevent another one.

Vegan, thanks for the review. It was because of you that I decided to try it. I had mine shipped to our seasonal campsite in the U.S. so shipping was a little more reasonable.


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I'm a little late to respond, but since Stealth Belt does custom - sew the Stealth Belts per order, the zipper can be sewn on top. - Just call 800-237-4491 and request it :)

(@audra simpson)
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Does the belt make you sweat? I am looking for a belt that won't make my husband sweat around the waist. I ordered one off of amazon, and he said it is comfortable, but he can't deal with the sweat.


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Hi Audra, some belts/bands can certainly make you feet hot (a bonus if you're in Canada during the winter), but I think it can depend on a few factors:

- body weight
- how tight the band is
- how full you allow the bag to get (output is quite warm coming out)
- activity level
- environmental temperatures
- the use of fabric softeners (DON'T use them as they affect the moisture wicking benefits of fabric)

I don't find this belt to be particularly hot, and I think it actually helps when sweating because it allows moisture to come off the skin quickly.

I'll ping Richard at Stealth Belt to see if he has any ideas.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I have not had any issues with my belts causing me to sweat. I also don't have any issues with the bag filling up as I irrigate daily and this eliminates that process.

(@audra simpson)
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Thanks for checking. We are in Texas (HOT). Also, he has a urosotmy. That would still work with this band I assume?

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Liquid in the bag might cause a problem, and for a colostomate/ileostomate, it's easy to throw a gelling agent into the pouch to solidify liquid stool, but that really can't be done on a urostomy pouch that has a spout.

I'd be interested in knowing if other urostomates have used the Stealth Belt (horizontally). If he had the vertical belt, then it should work fine.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Hello Audra, just checking in. We have made a new lighter style of the Stealth Belt. Many of my clients really like it, it's almost like wearing nothing at all. I prefer to wear this lighter style in the evenings after work or on the weekends to relax. I have removed all the closures to make it lighter and used a lighter fabric. If you are interested let me know. I made one to wear on my honeymoon and it worked great. Note: We can design anything you need. Please send in any suggestion and I will be happy to help out. Richard - Stealth Belt Inc.
The one in the photo shows the out side covered in a light lace, but I can make it with black, nude or white outside layers.

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Hello Lisa, just checking back in to see how things are going.
Richard - Stealth Belt

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How long after surgery would you be able to wear the stealth belt? My son had his ileostomy on 6 Dec 2016 and is recovering well. He has a small hole at the edge of his stomach but that is healing well.

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Hey Alison. I hope that your son has been recovering well. I had my surgery in late August and received my StealthBelt Pro in early October. I didn't have many troubles wearing it that soon after surgery, but I would wait until his stomach wound is fully healed as it may put some unwanted pressure on the wound.

Take care, and have a Happy Holiday!


(@Alison McDowall)
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Thanks Eric. Happy festive season to you and yours. Much appreciate all that you do

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is size 46 the larges the steath belt comes I'm a size 48 to 50 so what other items can I use to help

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46" is the largest size in the regular belts, but StealthBelt allows you to ask for customization, so they may be able to make a larger belt. I'd contact them directly to see how they can accommodate you.

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My daughter, turning 5 in early August, is starting to become sensitive to the noises her stoma makes during class. I have noticed her putting her hand over her stoma (above her clothes) which I can only assert is some anxiety on her part. She has been using a stealthbelt since the age of 2 and it has performed extremely well. I was curious about the muffler from the same you feel it did conceal any noises? She wants me to get this product for her so I'm trying to find opinions on people who have actually used it. Thanks again

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Hi David,

Noisy stomas is something I'd like to write about in a future article.

I have used the StealthBelt muffler, but found it put too much pressure on my stoma (and didn't really help with the noise).

Putting pressure on a stoma (either using a hand or with a product like the stealthbelt) is a good way to help reduce noise, but it may also be beneficial to reduce gas at the source. I know that your daughter is young, but I usually recommend a food diary to find offending foods. I suspect this would be stressful for her as it may require eliminating some favorite foods, so I probably wouldn't go that route with a child.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@John Hierbaum)
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Just like a lot of companies these days, after I purchased a Stealth Belt I sent an email question request to Stealth Belt and have not heard a reply. Poor customer service.
John Hierbaum

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Question. Do you have any filter issues or addional filter issues when wearing the belt? I was thinking about trying the ostovents but if the belt blocks it that would be pointless. What's your experience?

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Posted by: @bigmike322

Question. Do you have any filter issues or addional filter issues when wearing the belt? I was thinking about trying the ostovents but if the belt blocks it that would be pointless. What's your experience?

I've been using filterless bags for years now, but yes, it creates situations where the filter is more saturated with output.

I'd either suggest going with no filter or use an Ez-vent if you need a way to degas the bag from time to time.

Just be aware that the Ez-Vent needs to be "clean" on the inner side, or you might end up spraying output when you open it! We have a lot of members here who use the Ez-Vent, so they can share some techniques if that's an option for you 👍 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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