Hollister Adhesive Remover Spray : REVIEW

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I’m a fan of adhesive removers because they can make appliances changes easy and more comfortable.

Today, I’ll be taking an in-depth look at the Hollister Adapt Adhesive Remover Spray.

Disclosure: The spray used for this review was purchased through my online ostomy product supplier.

About the Hollister Adapt Adhesive Remover Spray

Product name: Adapt Medical Adhesive Remover
Manufacturer: Hollister
Product #: 7737
Dimensions: 50 ml aerosol
Quantity per box: 1

Hollister not only has a strong ostomy appliance lineup, but they also make various supplies and accessories ranging from pouch deodorants (some good, some bad), barrier wipes, stoma powder; and of course, adhesive remover.

Adhesive remover sprays tend to all look very similar both in shape and capacity.

The Adapt adhesive remover comes in a metal can with a large, plastic spray nozzle. The nozzle is covered by a cap that’s secure and easy to remove.

Hollister Adapt adhesive remover spray close up of spray nozzle
The back of the actuator is pressed down to spray.

The capacity is 50ml, which is important if you plan to bring one along in your carry-on luggage when flying. The small size also makes it easy to grip and handle.

Hollister Adapt adhesive remover bottom of can
Typical warnings are printed on the front of the can.

While not all adhesive remover sprays can boast this feature, this product can be used at any angle, which could prove to be helpful when you’re trying to unstick something that might be in an awkward place.

Unlike the Eakin Release Spray, this product doesn’t come in any special scents or ingredients to sooth your skin.

Hollister has confirmed that this spray, as well as their adhesive remover wipes, are free of animal ingredients.

Using this product

Spray adhesive removers work great for removing wafers, medical tape, or other dressings that stick to your skin.

If I’m removing my appliance, I find that peeling the top edge of my wafer allows me to spray the adhesive remover so it can get under the appliance more easily.

Using Hollister Adapt adhesive remover spray
I find that peeling the top of the wafer allows the spray to get underneath it more easily.

As I continue to peel, I may continue to use more of the spray, but it is easy to apply too much if you aren’t careful.

The same technique can be used to remove medical tape as well, which I find seems to always leave a sticky mess unless I’m using an adhesive remover.

Alternatively, if I only need to remove adhesive residue, which happens a lot with certain barrier rings, I’ll apply a bit of the spray to gauze and then use that to wipe the residue off.

Does it work?

Yes, it works rather well!

Not that I’m surprised since nearly every spray adhesive remover has worked perfectly.

The spray actuator is easy to press and delivers a stream that is fairly narrow and easy to control; I’d estimate the stream to be approx. 15-20 degrees wide.

Hollister Adapt adhesive remover spray coverage
The spray spread of the Hollister Adapt Adhesive Remover

You can’t really adjust the flow rate of the spray, so it may spray too in some cases. Personally, I like to press the spray nozzle in short bursts for better control.

The spray itself has an odor to it that reminds me of weak nail polish. I do find it slightly stronger smelling than other similar sprays, so keep that in mind if you are sensitive to that kind of thing.

Once it’s on your skin, it quickly evaporates and leaves no lasting residue, however, I still clean the area around my stoma after using it.


At the time of this writing (Jan 2022), the Hollister Adapt Adhesive Remover spray can be purchased for around CDN$23, which has come down over the years as it used to be much higher than other adhesive remover sprays like the Coloplast Brava or Niltac spray.

Most insurance companies will cover the cost of adhesive removers.


  • Works well to loosen adhesives.
  • Easy to use.
  • 50ml capacity is TSA friendly for carry-on luggage.
  • The lid is secure and won’t come off accidentally.
  • Non-stick formula.
  • Does not leave any residue.
  • Multi-use spray can last over a month depending on the frequency of use.
  • No animal ingredients.
  • Should be easily available anywhere that carries Hollister supplies.


  • You can’t tell when the can is nearing empty.
  • Far more expensive than similar products (at least here in Canada).
  • Some people may find it sprays too much, and you can’t easily regulate the flow.
  • Has a stronger smell compared to similar sprays.

Recommended, but…

Nearly all adhesive remover sprays work well, including this one.

There are no outstanding or unique features that set this product apart from all the other brands, so it ultimately comes down to cost and availability.

If you can find another adhesive remover spray that’s cheaper, go for that one. If all prices are equal, or if your insurance company covers the cost of your supplies, then any (including this one) will work fine.

Not everyone will need an adhesive remover, but many people will find it an invaluable part of their routine that makes appliance changes easier and with less pain!

For more information, or to request samples, please visit: www.hollister.com.

Question: Have you used this adhesive remover spray? How did it work for you?

31 thoughts on “Hollister Adhesive Remover Spray : REVIEW”

    • Have you ever tried Skinister Medical Adhesive and remover?

      Hi Alyse, I have not heard of the brand, but that’s not surprising as they might not sell their products here in Canada.

      Is this something you’re looking at trying, or have you already tried those two products? I suspect the adhesive remover would work very similar to the Hollister adhesive remover, but I can’t speak for the adhesive as it’s not a product I’d normally use anyway. 


      • i work for a company, that carries a medical adhesive that works like the hollister adhesive, if youre interested in sampling it i’d be happy to send something out to you.

        • That’s generous of you, @Alyse. I’m not having issues with my current appliance, so an adhesive wouldn’t be something I’d use/need.

          If your company offers samples to the public, I’d be happy to add them to this page.

  1. I use this spray on my Hollister wafer with a tape edge. I find that short blasts followed by running my finger as a sort of wedge between the tape edge and skin works well. By the time I get to the wafer enough of the spray has already begun to release the adhesive that it comes off fairly easily. I am going to start using the Brava brand due to cost.


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