I’m happy to be unveiling my latest website addition: The Videos Page!
Ok, I know what you’re saying.
“But Eric, you’ve always had videos!”
That’s true, but it wasn’t always easy to use them without going into specific articles that contained them.
“But Eric, I can just visit your YouTube channel!”
Also true, but many people don’t want to use YouTube and would prefer to stay on this website to get their information.
“So what are you going to do?”
Create a dedicated page for videos, that’s what!
About the Video Page
I asked people who receive my weekly newsletter whether they’d make use of a dedicated video page on this site.
The response was overwhelmingly in favor of it, and I started to put the pieces in place to get one up and running.
You can now access the videos page directly at https://www.veganostomy.ca/videos or by clicking the videos button on the menu at the top of the screen.
Using the Video Page
I’ve tried to make the video page as easy as possible to use, but I’m always open to suggestions on how to improve it.
The general layout is pretty simple: Category list on the top, video grid below, easy methods to view more videos, search bar.
It’s as easy to use on mobile (you can swipe to the left/right to view more videos).
When you open a video, you’ll be able to share it and view more information about it.
Note: If you want to comment on a certain video, you’ll have to click the “Watch on YouTube” button on the bottom right of the video and comment directly on YouTube.
I hope that this introduction has been helpful.
I’m always looking for feedback and I would love to know what you think about the video page.
Remember, you can still play videos within each article that contains them, so this new page isn’t going to replace what I’ve always done, but I hope it makes it easier for people who only want the videos without all the reading.
Go ahead and check out the video’s page NOW.