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Ready to try OstoEZ vent but have questions

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I have posted recently about dealing with frequent- almost constant ballooning. So far, discontinuing to use (darn non-biodegradable) pouch liners and also discontinuing my probiotic supplement has helped enormously. Yes, I changed 2 things at once so I'm not sure which was the culprit, but I was desperate.

After reading here and watching Eric's video about the EZ vent, I want to give it a try. I even got the squeeze bottle so I can try irrigating my pouch through the EZ vent, since pancaking is also an ongoing challenge for me.

But then I started wondering how I will change my pouch when I'm not home, because I am so used to wearing closed end pouches and either flushing a pouch liner and putting in a new one, or, lately, throwing away the used pouches, i'm very nervous about dealing with an open end pouch.

Early on, i decided I was not going to use open end pouches because when emptying into the toilet I always got splash back , and I never felt like I could get the opening clean enough before closing it back up. I also have IBS and my pouch can occasionally go from empty to almost bursting in under a minute and I worry about the end of the pouch giving way. 

I'm just worried about the logistics. I wish I had the type of output that was formed and would just fall out, but I don't. I have to keep my stool on the loose side because I'm prone to blockages.

Anyway, I appreciate all tips and feedback. Thanks!


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I'm puzzled why you use a closed end bag?

the coloplast velcro drainable bags are very easy to keep clean compared to all others I have tried.   I've never had a bag open on its own myself.

drainables give you the option of emptying frequently and not having to carry it around all day.

drainables also give you the chance to de-ballon bag outside of your clothing.   I myself would never use the ez vent, ballon gas will permeate your clothing.

you can also wash out the bag through the drain, i do this on occasion.    the first chance you notice pancaking, add some warm water to the bag and swish it all around, helps to reduce pancaking.

when the bathroom is a clean one, I kneel on the floor to drain bag, less splashing. but remember ,  you also splash when sitting.

Erin reacted
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To cut down splashing put a few pieces I'd toilet paper on top of the water. It also cuts down on noise 

Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!!

VeganOstomy reacted
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Hi Marci,

I can understand your reticence concerning changing your system, but I have found, like dogtalkerer, that the Coloplast widemouth bags are fantastic. Also, like Barbara, that I find that kneeling in front of the "throne" and laying out toilet paper in the bowl help reduce splashing. Pancaking is an issue with me at times - I can't use a filtered bag as they can be pretty powerful -  but Eric has a wonderful video which deals with this problem. Concerning your ballooning issues, have you tried using natural probiotics - yogurt, kimchee and other fermented foods? I find they help cut down on the gas that can build up in the pouch. I hope these tips help you.


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Posted by: madrikh52

After reading here and watching Eric's video about the EZ vent, I want to give it a try. I even got the squeeze bottle so I can try irrigating my pouch through the EZ vent, since pancaking is also an ongoing challenge for me.

I applaud you for trying! 

But then I started wondering how I will change my pouch when I'm not home, because I am so used to wearing closed end pouches and either flushing a pouch liner and putting in a new one, or, lately, throwing away the used pouches, i'm very nervous about dealing with an open end pouch.

Early on, i decided I was not going to use open end pouches because when emptying into the toilet I always got splash back , and I never felt like I could get the opening clean enough before closing it back up. I also have IBS and my pouch can occasionally go from empty to almost bursting in under a minute and I worry about the end of the pouch giving way. 

I find that loose stool to be more difficult to empty without splashing (see my next comment below), but one trick I use is to aim towards the front of the bowl and not directly into the water. Place toilet paper wherever you do aim to prevent splashing and "skidmarks". I illustrate how I do it in this article: How to Empty and Clean an Ostomy Bag

I'm just worried about the logistics. I wish I had the type of output that was formed and would just fall out, but I don't. I have to keep my stool on the loose side because I'm prone to blockages.

There's a product for you!! Seriously, consider using gelling products! They will thicken up loose stool and make it much easier to both empty and manage your appliance (less chance of leaks). 

Gelling Products


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

Erin reacted
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First, thanks for the replies. I won't answer every question that was asked in the replies, because most are covered in my original post.

I will see if I can get the wide end pouches to try.

I think I will just have to figure it out as I go.

I really don't see myself kneeling on any public restroom floor. Sorry.

Unfortunately I have the type of IBS that swings between constipation and diarrhea, and I never know which it will be. This has been the case since my teens, when I was diagnosed and is still the case after my surgery. I take lots of magnesium and vitamin C to keep my output moving. So sometimes my output is loose and watery and other times it's thick and pancaking is a problem. 

I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I'm in a rough place today emotionally because my ostomy journey has been pretty rocky. 

I will take a look at the article on emptying pouches. Thanks!


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Posted by: madrikh52

I really don't see myself kneeling on any public restroom floor. Sorry.

I tend to either squat or place toilet paper on the ground when emptying at a public toilet, but only if the floor is dry and looks relatively clean. You can empty whichever way you like, but aim for the toilet bowl walls to avoid splashing. 

Unfortunately I have the type of IBS that swings between constipation and diarrhea, and I never know which it will be. This has been the case since my teens, when I was diagnosed and is still the case after my surgery. I take lots of magnesium and vitamin C to keep my output moving. So sometimes my output is loose and watery and other times it's thick and pancaking is a problem. 

That sounds frustrating. 

If you stop taking the magnesium and vitamin C, are you always constipated? Does a change in diet help at all? 


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Thanks Eric. 

Yes, IBS is frustrating but not anything like IBD. 

When I don't take magnesium and vitamin C my output gets very thick and leads to pancaking and leaking. This was my main challenge for the first few years after surgery until I started the magnesium and C. Also, if I don't take them, my output slows way down, and that worries me since being hospitalized with an obstruction. I certainly don't want to repeat that nightmare. I know many on this forum have shared this experience.

Here's my plan for now: I will get open ended pouches with next month's order to use when I'm at home. That way I can practice emptying and cleaning in the privacy (and cleanliness) of my own home. I will continue using the pouch liners for when I'm away from home, until I run out of them. And after that I hope to feel confident with the open ended pouches.

I truly appreciate this forum. Thanks for all the help!



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Posted by: madrikh52

Here's my plan for now: I will get open ended pouches with next month's order to use when I'm at home. That way I can practice emptying and cleaning in the privacy (and cleanliness) of my own home. I will continue using the pouch liners for when I'm away from home, until I run out of them. And after that I hope to feel confident with the open ended pouches.

I love this plan! Good luck, and let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as you move forward. 


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I put some TP in the bowl First and empty on top of the TP . No splashing .

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I’m in a bad place too, so I agree with you today, the whole thing sux and I wish I could go back to whatever normal was or is.  I have no helpful hints how to get you out of being in a funk except to eat chocolate, which does not help but makes it less bad. For pancake issues which I have sometimes, I put a little baby oil in through the bottom where I empty the poop, and make sure to get the oil up towards the stoma and rub it around a little. The poop tends to slide down. This has worked well to stop the pancaking effect. Good luck.

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Posted by:

I’m in a bad place too, so I agree with you today, the whole thing sux and I wish I could go back to whatever normal was or is.  

I don't like this :(  Perhaps you can start a new topic and we can go over some of the challenges you're having. 


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Posts: 9

Marci, I have problems with ballooning as well. I use the Osto EZ vents and love them! My favorite bag material is Colopast SenSura Mio. Was using the 2pc click and worked well for about 1 month. Then started having severe, frequent prolapse and retraction, then the system started having frequent leaks. I'm in the process of evaluating other bags. I didn't think I would like the one piece but I love the Hollister 1 pc system Premier with CeraPlus for the WAFER ONLY! I absolutely hate the pouch material. The closure material is cheap and was the reason I had to remove the first appliance I sampled. I'm on the 2nd bag now and the same things are happening. The velcro "bar" nearest the opening loosened up and I'm afraid will not hold, have to separate the 2 pieces of velcro very easily with my fingernail. Also the vents starting leaking and I had to put shower tabs over them. Velcro closure on Coloplast is so much better. I use a thin washcloth over my bag and have not had a problem with odor lingering on my clothes. I also use wintergreen oil on a tiny piece of tissue and place up underneath the area where the vents on the bag are. I have not used any of the bag deodorants yet as I have lots of different essential oils that I use and wanted to try those first. I also add a drop of the essential oil to the toilet bowl after I finish flushing to freshen the bathroom afterwards. The OstoEZ vents stick well to these bags. I use a toothpick to keep the hole cleaned out, otherwise the vent gets clogged. 

Emptying my bag if I am urinating at the same time, I will empty into the toilet after adding tissue to the toilet. If my bag is pretty full or if I don't need to urinate and I'm at home, I empty into a disposable cup placed on the counter. 

I could not get the OstoEZ vents to stick to Convatec bag samples. I used rubbing alcohol, not alcohol pads.

I used them on my Coloplast bag and they worked best on them. Since I was having to change bags frequently, I started reusing my bags. I would use a little liquid dish detergent with a little bleach and hot water into a old hospital bath basin, use latex gloves to swish around and let the bag soak overnight; then rinsed out, stuffed with a couple of paper towels to keep the end open to air dry, put a small piece of paper towel with some essential oil on it and placed in the bag. This was working well for me until I started with the stoma issues. I hope to be able to speak with my Coloplast rep to see what in the Coloplast line is similar to the wafer on the Hollister Premier CeraPlus due to the poor quality of the bag pat of the Hollister product.


VeganOstomy reacted