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Ostomy Pouch Ballooning - OSTOMY TIPS (w/ video)

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Share your tips on how to manage pouch ballooning.

My full, written article on this topic can be found by clicking on the link below.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Mark Chauvin)
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My wife's ostomy issues are oder and ballooning. We've been using OstoEz for at least 3 years now and it has made a HUGE difference in allowing her to be able to go out in public with less fear. Also the two piece Assura Click. Because now she can sneak off to a restroom and change the pouch if the filter dies or just having larges amounts of output (she is partially handicapped with limited function of her left hand).

LK reacted
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Sounds like a great system she's got going there! Thanks for the comment, Mark!

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I have a hiatal hernia and sleep apnea. The cpap machine introduces air while I sleep and so the ballooning takes place at night. Thought you might add this cause into your list!

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Hey Delia,

Thanks for bringing that to my attention! I'll definitely be adding this to the list!



(@Margaret Brabrook)
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Lots of interesting info there Eric! Thank you.
I have been searching for a solution to my ballooning problem for many months. Leaks in the middle of the night have been so distressing. I’ve tried every brand of pouch available here in Australia and none of the filters have worked for me , even though they claim to ‘minimize’ ballooning!

The Osto EZ vent that you mention is unavailable in Australia and very expensive if ordered from overseas. I did receive two of these as samples and watched a Youtube for instructions for using it but it just seemed like too much trouble and I could never remember to prepare it a day in advance! I only had two anyway and was not going to buy any more.

Relief! I’ve finally found an answer! I’ve been using a Dansac Floating Flange convex two piece. After I’ve lifted the little tab to release the gas, the floating flange allows me press my thumbs under the base and with a finger on top I have enough pressure to close it securely. There is even an audible ‘snap’ which is comforting. I’ve tried a two piece pouch without the FF but cannot exert enough pressure to close it properly. There are not many brands on our market with a FF. Today I’m trying out a Convatec FF convex two piece with a mouldable base--- tonight will tell! I have also used Salts two piece convex Harmony Duo. They are not FF they are adhesive but the ad claims “pouches can be lifted and reattached up to 30 times.” They work for me too, though I haven’t counted.

My main ballooning problem is at night in bed - in the early hours I’d to go to the toilet to empty the gas but on returning to bed I was so wide awake that I could not go back to sleep. With my FF pouch I reach my hand down to the little tab, lift it, release the gas and reattach it ---- all that even with my eyes shut! Finally I’ve been able to have 7/8 hours sleep – first time since my op!

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Hey, I'm glad that "burping" your appliance has helped! It's a shame that the Ez-vents aren't available cheaply in your country - once you get the hang of them, they really are pretty amazing. But I often "burp" my appliance through the two-piece coupling as it's most convenient for me.

Take care!

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I use the SanSura Mio Ostomy pouch, and with it comes some little green stickers, I realize that they are for the filter, but what is their purpose, and when or why would I use them?

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That's a great question, Annabelle!

I'll put together an article/video explaining why, when, and how to use those filter stickers.

Keep an eye out for it (I'm aiming for next week).



Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I faced issues with Wind, Sound that it makes and after that it ballons up.

For sound, I wore one thin cloth like elastic support that was given to me by stoma nurse for hernia support. I just covered the top portion of the bag with support elastic cloth. this redued the noise quite a bit. But since I have to be in meeting where sometimes it is pin-drop silence, I put cotton piece right on my stoma which was held by the elastic support. this ensure that stoma does not make noise. I dont keep this on for entire day, I just make sure I use it when I require it the most.

For Balloning, though people may not agree with me on this. but I will share it if someone like to try it.

I use a pin to puncture the pouch when it balloons up. you will notich smell coming out while it releases gas, but after a minute or so, once it is released, it becomes normal and comfortale. make sure you don't puncture it where stoma is as it may harm you. do it below the stoma. keep a pin with you.

both the above approaches have worked for me.

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Muffling a noisy stoma can certainly be a challenge, but if your cotton trick works, go with it!

I couldn't put a hole in my pouch no matter how small - I would get leaks through it and find that using either the Osto Ez-Vent or just relying on "burping" my appliance through the flange or bottom are most convenient for me.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I use the vitamin e illeostomy pouch it keeps ballooning all the time although it’s very comfy I am a new patent 3 weeks in after surgery what’s the answer it’s getting me down

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Hi Dee,

I'm guessing that's the Pelican pouch, right? I haven't used that brand before, but one or more of the tips in this article should help you.

It may be worth investigating on why you have excess gas. Some gas is normal for everyone, but if your pouch is always ballooning, then it could be more diet related, or even medication you might be taking.

Even with bags that have filters, their ability to get rid of gas is very limited after the first 24h, so other measures must be taken.

Give us an update on what you've tried.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I have an ileostomy. I don't know how to wear the vertical stealth belt I purchased. Also, how can I tell if it's leaking?

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Hi Jojo,

I wear the vertical stealthbelt all the time. What are you having trouble with, specifically? When you put the belt on, there will be a hold on the back side (facing your stomach) that your ostomy bag goes through. The hold should fit around the base of your wafer, so it's nice and secure.

As far as how to tell if it's leaking, there are several ways. One, if the base of the wafer seems to be bulging, it's likely that output found a way underneath. You may also notice smell, or even wetness coming through the wafer.

If the skin under my wafer becomes itchy, it's likely that I have a small leak and need to replace the wafer.

When you remove your wafer, have a look at the back side and see if any stool spread from where the hole is. Over time, you'll get an idea of what to expect.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK and john68 reacted
Cat momma
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I have a problem with ballooning too. Can't burp my bag, because I use a one-piece system. I am now using drainable bags at night, so I can release the gas through the bottom of the bag, if necessary. This works well for me so far. 

I don't know if I'll be allowed to order drainable bags every once in a while though. The ones I'm currently using were ordered by the hospital nurse, so I should be able to order them again. I'll find out in a few weeks I guess.

Incontinent in a better way, since 12 July 2023

LK reacted
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@cat-momma  ...Ballooning was my huge issue with my ileostomy as well.  It became frustrating & embarassing in the day & robbed me of sleep something terrible at night.  

I am on a very limited widows budget & decided to try the osto-e-z- vents. I grit my teeth paying out of pocket for them the first time, but now, they are a must for me to have!! Maybe order one pack if the delivery fee is worth it for you & give it a try. We install ourselves but those that use them here, have tips we can share to make it an easier process. The vents are much like the vents on beach balls. 


Cat momma reacted
Cat momma
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I think my insurance will cover them and my supplier has little to object to if they are cheaper than drainable bags. During the day, I don't get (much) ballooning if I go easy on the garlic. I would use them for the night time only. To not need to get up at 3 am to change my appliance. 

I did mistake ballooning for a really full bag this morning. I had undone the velcro to release gas, and it was a good thing I was standing over the toilet while I was doing it. There was no gas, only ouput. With the consistency of output I have, emptying is quite messy, I don't know how you guys keep yourselves clean!

Incontinent in a better way, since 12 July 2023

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Hi There, have you tried sitting as usual but father back. This works for me. Some ostomates favour kneeing. Or put some loo roll in the pan so as not to get splashed 😀

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

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Don’t know why ballooning always happens at night. I have learned to stay away from pop and gassy foods to avoid. Simethicone tablets help me also 

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