Recently bought the Stealth Band Support Belt and its amazing! I have a hybrid, 2 pros and now the comfort belt. Waiting for Eric to do a review on it :) How do you like the support belt compared to the others? It would be a while before I could review one because I'd have to get my hands on one first 😂 Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I have only had it for a week and its great so far.  The fit can change depending on how much food i’ve eaten but its super comfortable.  Easy to put on, lightweight and i feel its a little more discreet than the pro. I’ve only wore the hybrid a couple times when skiing so I can’t conpare it to the support belt.  I’m actually wearing the pro right now and i feel its more secure than the support belt, but sometimes it feels a little too tight and needs to be loosened.  The pro is great in that its adjustable whereas the support belt isn’t.  For someone who’s tummy changes size over a period of time from eating, exercise and diet then it may be hard to have a good fit.  But so far I really like it.  Even when it feels a little loose its fairly comfortable and hardly know its there. Great mini-review! :-) Sounds like the Support Belt is a nice blend of a traditional Stealth Belt and an ostomy wrap: minimalist and still quite functional. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @dauniis I would measure only the ring portion as the belt opening should be able to go under the click lock. I'm surprised they never replied as they tend to have really good customer service. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Do you know of others who have a urostomy but are still successful using the Stealth Belt Pro, i.e., with the bag horizontal? My husband would definitely prefer the Pro version over the Vertical one. (He uses a Hollister 2-piece and we have seen your tip video about oiling the flange to make it rotate more easily.) Hi Cheryl, Urostomates are harder to come by (simply because there are fewer of them compared to other ostomates) but there are some who do wear their appliance horizontally. Stealthbelt does have a product called the "Stingray" which would place the bag on a diagonal position, although that may not help if he plans to wear pants with a shirt tucked in. I will say that the consistency of his output might make things challenging as you do not want urine to be in contact with the opening around the stoma or it will erode the barrier more quickly than normal. I have asked on social media for others to share their experiences, so I will update you once I hear from others. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Have you tried wearing the Stealthbelt with the Ostomy Resolutions stoma guard? Since the Stealthbelt requires the bag to be horizontal, does the stoma guard still work properly? Or would the vertical stealthbelt be required? Thanks! Hi Tim, I have been able to try both the regular and low-profile Ostomy Resolutions guards with the StealthBelt Pro and for the most part I would say it can work if your stoma is not very active, however, it does cause a protruding profile. If you are looking for a Stealthbelt with protection, consider the StealthBelt Hybrid. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I've worn Stealth Belts for years for my Urostomy and to me they are the only way to go. I currently use the non-velcro slip on model which is very shear and comfortable. I've always pointed my drain TOWARD my belly button, as it mimics the same way I urinated (I'm a male) when standing at a toilet or public urinal. Having the drain pointing toward my hip/side would be very awkward to drain the bag. I'd be glad to share my experience with anyone who has a question. Thanks for sharing your experience, JB! Yes, you can wear it facing inward - it's completely a personal preference. When I've done that, I find that it causes my belly to stick out more than I'd like, so I prefer it to the side. This also depends on how quickly your bag tends to fill and whether you can rotate your bag (vertically, so you can drain it easily). If you have any tips about wearing your bag inwards with the StealthBelt, please share! =) Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I have had my ileostomy for 2 years now and your tutorials and reviews helped me a lot. I bought a stealth belt(vertical and after my 2nd surgery) after watching your videos. At the time I could not imagine sleeping with a horizontal belt on and rolling on the bag. Anyways, I wore a 1 piece at the time and everything was great. I finally decided to try the horizontal version because I hated it popping out of my pants while working and flopping during intimacy. Emptying it was a pain IMO, compared to the vertical setup. The biggest issue, however was when I layed down to go to sleep the day I switched. I kept waking up, worrying about rolling on it. I could imagine the mess. I had a few nights of this and just could not do it anymore. I don't see how you guys do it haha. That is where the 2 piece setup, like you recommended, has been a game changer. I can be extremely comfortable during the day and sleep at night knowing I will not blow out. I now use the hollister 2 piece. I found a tube of chapstick works amazing to lubricate for rotating(I have a specific tube just for this, not used on my lips again haha). Just go around the base ring once and you are good. After each shower, do the same thing. Just my preference over the oil or vaseline. I noticed that Also, I love the stealth belt (would not know what to do without it)but have had 2 zippers completely come apart(both verticals). My horizontal version seems to be getting to that point as well. Seems like I have read about quite a few issues with them. I was just curious if you had any issues yourself? Thanks for all your info and the time you have taken to help others with adjusting to an ostomy! Hi Justin, Thanks for sharing your experiences with the StealthBelt! Regarding the zippers, I haven't had issues on any of my belts, including the one I bought in 2013!! I'd let StealthBelt know about it, as they do value user feedback. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Great thread! I currently have both vertical and horizontal. Definitely prefer the horizontal but a I wear a vertical if my output is thinner. I had a random drug test and at work and I couldn't pee enough. I had to drink a lot of water so Thank God I was wearing my vertical that day! I have a urostomy and a colostomy And I’m looking for a Stealth Belt that covers both vertical or horizontal. I haven’t found one yet if you know where it is, please share. Thank you. Hey Keith, SealthBelt has both a horizontal and vertical model, but not one that does both (I can't see how they could). Another alternative, which I haven't personally tried, is the PouchWear diagonal belt, which might be a good compromise: Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I'm wondering if anyone else has been having issues with Stealth Belt. We put in an order in late September, card was charged, order was confirmed. But there has been no information about shipping, nor has Stealth Belt responded with any answers when emailed (I emailed their team on October 14, it's now Oct 25). Their phone is on an auto-responder that says to email, but they never responded to my inquiry. Looking on social media, there are multiple complaints that the company is very delayed, not responding to inquiries. Is this something we should just give up on at this point and file a dispute with our credit card (which is an FSA account)? It's a huge bummer because my spouse was really looking forward to trying the product for his brand new ostomy, but I'm really not impressed that the company isn't responsive, especially with the high price of the product. Just trying to see if there are any others out there who are experiencing this. @mcl2509 I've also heard of the same issues, going back many months. I thought they had resolved this (staff shortage, I believe), but it sounds like they haven't. That's a big shame. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @veganostomy Still no word on our order placed on 9/27, but I did notice banners all over their site that state that they are under new management (and trying to dig out from previous mismanagement). I tried emailing again today as there was no response to a request for updates on October 14. Frustrating as it's an expensive product! If we get nothing by the end of November I guess we'll try and proceed with a credit card dispute.
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~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
I get way more wear time out of the 2 piece as well. The only downfall is tighter clothing shows the ring from the locking mechanism.
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~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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