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Coloplast SenSura Mio Ileostomy Bag: OVERVIEW (w/ video)

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Let's discuss these new pouch options from Coloplast. NOTE: Not all products are available in each country. My written overview of these products can be found by clicking on the link below.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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How soon are the updated bags coming out? I need to place an order in a few weeks, definitely gonna order the 1pc set.

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You can already get the 2pc in Canada, but it's not available in the US. Not sure about the 1pc in this style, but depending on where you live, it may be coming "soon" or in the new year. I'd call your local Coloplast office for details :)

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Good deal, thanks for the update! Gonna get with my rep and check into it.

(@Whim Grrl)
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Thanks for the review! I'm in Canada too and was contacted by Coloplast when these became available, but hadn't ordered a sample yet. (I had to switch to a convex flange recently so couldn't use the MIO anymore. Boo. I'm told we'll see some convex options in Jan 2016 though..) Nice to have a sneak peek of the new bag. I actually liked the wider outlet and the velcro tabs on the first MIO. Wish we could just build our own with our fave features from diff brands/models! lol I did love the look and feel of these bags when I used them, and they keep their shape without getting all floppy like some dangly appendage on my belly. Do you find a big difference w/ the filter on this one?

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Thanks for your comment! It's also nice to see a fellow Canadian here!

I've finished sampling the 2pc Mio's and will have a review up for it soon... I also prefer the wide outlet with the velcro tabs, but this new filter is better - sort of - ballooned like crazy for me the first night, then I get several pouch changes without much trouble after that.

It'd be so nice to be able to customize our appliance! Maybe this is something to look forward to in the future? =)

Take care!

(@Whim Grrl)
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Thanks, I'll watch for the review. : )

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Ever since you posted your original review I've noticed how much I rely on the Velcro tabs! I since had a bag where the tabs fell off and it made emptying very difficult during the following days. Does the new bag stay open reasonably well without tabs?
My output is on the thicker side, but I certainly struggle with filter clogging. If you told me it made a huge difference for you I might give it a try, but sounds like I may be sticking with the current model for now. Btw I use the Mio 1 piece.

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Hey Ryan,

"Reasonably well"? Not in my experience - it's actually frustrating to clean the outlet without tabs.

I will have a full review on the 2pc - including how the filter works. Stay tuned =)


(@Mindy Wong)
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Hello Eric, on your review, you mentioned that you would not recommend MIO for ileostomy, I wondered what product are you using and what do you think is the best for an ileostomate? I really like the material and design of the MIO and so wanted it to work but it leaks on me in two days and irritates my skin. So now I go back to Convatec Durahesive 2 piece bag, which can last me up to 5 days. I would like to see what bag advice you can share. Thank you. I watched your product reviews quite a bit. Thank you for sharing your experience and reviews.

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Hey Mindy, thanks for your comment.

I'm currently in between appliances, as I'm still testing several out for reviews. My go-to right now is the Hollister New Image system, and I find that the filters works well for me, and leaks are rare.

I will be trying ConvaTec products in the future, including their moldable wafer; it may be something you might want to look into if you're experiencing leaks.

I'll also have a review on the 2pc Mio Click hopefully next week - it did work better for me compared to the 1pc Mio, so if you haven't tried it, it may work better for you, too!

Have a great weekend!


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Oh no!! This is awful news! I love Mio's extra wide tail outlet and the tabs. it's going to be harder and messier to empty without the tabs. :-( Why do they have to take choice away from us? Heeding complaints should not be at the expense of those of us who were happy and satisfied with the existing design.

I've found Mio to be the BEST (softest, securest, most comfortable, belly shape conforming) wafer and bag on the market for me as an ileostomate, and I've tried them all. I get 5 - 7 days of wear time from the Mio, with zero leaks. Once we find something that works optimally for us, changes are really upsetting.

Why can't they just keep the old design for those of us that love it the way it is and make the new ones available too? That way we have the choice and aren't distressed by changes we don't want in the appliances we depend on? We need more options from our ostomy appliance manufacturers, not less!! Make new changes and keep the old. Let *us* (the ones that have to wear it and depend on it) decide for once.

As a permanent ileostomate, I have to wear it 24/7 for life. At least give us the option to decide if we want the changes or not. It's a terrible feeling to be powerless over the changes. How about empowering us with choice? Add to, don't take away.

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I hear you, Ellen!

If the filter was NOT an issue for you on the wide outlet bag, then stick with it - if it clogged quickly, then the narrow outlet should help, but you would have to get use to the missing velcro tabs :(

Full review on this 2pc is coming out this week! Stay tuned!

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The Sensura mio slightly convex one piece wide outlet works well for me. Because my output is thick and the stoma retracks when it has to work hard using a third of a stick of strip paste around my stoma does the trick. I apply it right to the opening. I am getting much less ballooning than I did with the Sensura light convex one piece, which makes for a better night sleep. I have always used a one piece (many years, no options) and personally do not see the advantage of a two piece. I also like the new fabric much better as it is smooth and stays fresh.

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So I'm a bit confused. The(US) product page for the Sensura Mio 1 Piece Drainable seems to show the original wide outlet with veclro tabs/buttons, The Convex one does not have the tabs/buttons but I don't wear convex so I don't know if this is different? I am also looking at the 2018 product guide and it's difficult to tell if some of the pouches shown have tabs or not?

Was this a failed change? I switched from Sensura Mio 1 Piece Drainable flat midi last year to the filterless maxi version (10489) due to leakage. I would try the one with improved filter though if they still have it.

However, I LOVE the easy to clean and empty wide outlet with the tabs. For me it's not a big issue the rare times the tabs/buttons get soiled (they are rolled up with the pouch after all). I have tried Convatec, Cymed, and Hollister pouches and none match the outlet of Coloplast, plus Coloplast and Cymed are the only ones that I didn't have a skin reaction to.

Female, 30's. Emergency Ileo in 2010 due to Ulcerative Colitis.

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Hey Erin, doesn't look like all of the same options are available in the US (and maybe won't be considering we've had them here in Canada for several years now!).

The website may offer more insight compared to the product guide - check that out and see if they list any differences there. On the Canadian site, these specific products explicitly say "Narrow Outlet with Ileo Filter" in the itemized description.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Thanks for the input Eric. I looked around the website (product description, product codes, Q&A) and did not see anything even suggesting a product change. Seems Coloplast US is keeping it on the down low. Looks like I'm going to have to call them and find out which product numbers are which, but in the mean time I will check more of the website and Product Guide in case I missed something. Thanks for letting us know of the change even I'm late to the party!

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