Leave your comments about the Salts Confidence Natural Advance 1pc appliance below. My full review for this appliance can be found by clicking on the link below. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I'm in the UK and I use the Confidence Natural soft convex. From the pictures it looks very similar. The convex bit is less stiff that others I tried. Like you, I liked the opaque outlet and the viewing window, especially that the fabric has an overlap so it's only "open" when you want it to be. It feels like the bag has actually been designed by someone with a stoma! I also find the outlet more difficult to clean, but I like all the other features enough to put up with that. I change my bag every day or every other day. I find that the fabric starts to wear out on the second day, but not too badly. It is annoying that it takes a while to dry, but if I am not changing my bag I slip a flannel into my waistband for a bit after my shower. That absorbs the water from the cover and stops it leaving a damp patch on my clothes! The edges peel away slightly sometimes, but when I remove the bag it is well stuck on. I have been swimming with this bag without any problems. I always use a barrier ring underneath as my stoma is a slightly odd shape. But other than that I didn't use any extra adhesive. My only major negative is that the other day I had a small amount of leakage from the filter. I had extremely liquid output that day, basically just water, and some ballooning. So I think some liquid had been forced into the filter layer and then it seeped through. I haven't been able to replicate this so I don't know if that bag just had a faulty filter or whether this is a common problem with watery output. Thanks for sharing that, Chris. I'm not sure if the filter problem you've experienced would be solved in the "Advance" version of the Confidence Natural, but I would say that it's very difficult for the filter to get clogged on these bags due to the non-return valve and the way the layers inside the bag are positioned. Unfortunately, I don't believe they have a Convex version of this appliance available. i have used the salts bags before and like you experienced a lot of ballooning. the filters did not work for me and even adding an osto e z vent this didn't help because of the double inside bag manufacture of these bags. That's a good point - As an experiment, I added a third-party filter (not the EZ-Vent) to these bags and had no luck with them because of the many layers inside the bag. Salts sent me a large box of samples. They say they are bringing to America. I had no success. There are so many flaws. I felt I should reach out and tell them because they were so generous to send samples. I'm also a Brit, I owed them that much. I warned them to get focus group to test and give honest opinions over a few weeks. Mine leaked at a restaurant and in bed. In America they would be sued and would cost them alot of money. They will need to retain lawyers in every state. This seems like a mom and pop type company. I'd hate to see them go bust through lawsuits. Hi Peter, It's unfortunate that these bags leaked on you. The reality for us is that no appliance will be perfect for all users, and there may be incompatilibites with our skin and the adheisve that causes problems no matter how good a product may be (I've experienced this myself with many different supplies). I'm curious to hear about the other flaws you mentioned. What else didn't work for you? Hey Chris, Just a quick FYI, I've been told by Salts that the Natural Convex you use has the same featues as the "Advance" product I reviewed here - they haven't changed the name to reflect that. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I live in the UK and have been using these bags for a couple of months now, but I have been bothered with constant leaks, so I'm in the process of trying to find a new bag. The problem I have been having is that I have clumping of the more solid material round my stoma, then the liquid part is constantly leaing out of the cut in areas of the wafer. I haven't had problems with balooning though and the bag is very comfortable to wear. My search for the perfect bag goes on! Sounds like you may be having a problem with "pancaking". I do find that bags with multiple layers (like the Salts Confidence bags) can increase incidences of pancaking, but it varies with each person. Good luck! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hi I think I've definitely been experiencing pancaking, big time. Trying to up my fluids and that seems to be helping. I left a message on your Facebook page about the Salts Confidence Be, saying I'd tried out the black one and loved it. Well I saw my stoma nurse today to get it added to my prescription. She has approved it and as long as my doctor approves it too, I should have supplies of it in around three weeks. I see that you're unable to get samples of it at the moment, so if you would like to try it out, I could send you a few if you give me your address. We are so fortunate in Scotland to have the NHS and get all our supplies for free. I am so grateful to you for all the information you have on your website and all your youtube videos. I came out of hospital eighteen months ago with an illeostomy and a mucous fistula after emergency surgery feeling very depressed, lost and alone wondering how on earth I was going to cope with all this. However I found your videos on youtube and they have taught me so much. Your positive attitude also helped me to accept my stomas and realise that I could still have a normal life, just a different normal from before. I've also since become a vegitarian, not quite at the vegan stage yet, but thinking about it! Hope you're keeping well Thanks, Wendy. I have some contacts at Salts who may be able to provide me samples of their new products when I'm ready to try them. I'll give them a shout in the new year. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Thats great, glad you will be able to get them Well....I tried this one from Salts which you reviewed here. I got leaks from the side of the wafer after just one or two days wear. My bomb-proof bag at the moment is the SALTS XND 1352. It’s got a SUPERB, Large, sticky flange and I am soooo confident wearing this. It IS a Convex bag but it’s fine for me even though I do not need a Convex as my Stoma protrudes sufficiently. I use a Secuplast washer underneath the flange (haven’t found a bag yet that I can wear without a washer!!). I LOVE the Coloplast Sensura Mio. It’s state of the arts - BUT I get side leaks each time I wear one. My HOLY GRAIL bag would be the Sensura Mio, made with the SALTS XND 1352 fabulous flange!! SALTS have JUST RELEASED a BRAND NEW BAG - available in THREE Colours. It’s called the Confidence Be. I’m ordering samples tomorrow, so I’ll get back to you all after my trial of it. That's too bad this one didn't work for you, but it could be because it's not convex since you've had success with their other products. I saw the new bags - they look beautiful! I have to get my hands on them this year for a review ;) Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I’ve been using the salts NDA 13 bags and have had no problem with leaks or ballooning. I also have a hernia and I find they fit very well around it. I do have a problem once in a while with pancaking. So what I do is blow into it and seal the filter, which helps, then if I do get some ballooning I let the air out from the bottom. I have a lot of output so when I drain the bag I rinse it out with warm water and it’s like I have a new bag on. Also for showering I cover the bag with something like a shower cap ( I use the ones you use for covering leftovers in a bowl as they are softer) then tape it down with waterproof tape. This bag is very comfortable and you don’t even know it’s on (unless it’s full) Thank you for sharing your feedback, Del! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I know this is a really old post but I just found it when googling the same issue. My dad has been moved onto these bags and it’s constantly ballooning! Hi Joanna & welcome to VO! Your Dad is lucky to have you helping out. I have a hard time with ballooning when this whole thing started and I found out from Eric her, that there is also a little plug thing you can attach yourself to the pouch if things become challenging.  It's called an osto-e-z-vent ! I'm sure Eric has a video for it. It's like the little plug on a childs beach ball or blow up toy of sorts. It's easy to use & has worked fabulously for me over the years. If you decide to go that route, there are little tips some of us use to make the process of installing it very easy! If you need help just say so. Your Dad is lucky to have you helping him through this time! Linda Hi Joanna, Ok, you got me interested! So I dug through my archive of samples to find these bags. I sew the beige sticker, removed it, and can see the hole through the filter where gas is supposed to come out from! What a discovery! I'll update the review to reflect this. It's so strange that Salts plugs the filter from the start, since that's the big selling feature of this appliance! Nearly every other company includes filters that can be optionally used, if needed. Thank you for finally uncovering (no pun intended) the solution to this problem! I hope that it's been working well for your dad! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
Anyway I just worked it out, there is a sticker over the filter! It comes off and the filter is exactly the same as on his other bags! The little beige circle you can see over the filter, it’s a sticker literally stopping any air coming out!
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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