It’s pretty much tradition that I highlight some of the standout moments of the year, so without further adieu, here’s what 2017 looked like!
Table of Contents
March 2017
My first public talk of the year was for Ostomy Toronto!
I was also featured on the Crohn’s and Colitis Canada website!
April 2017
April was a special month for me!
It was my first time at HealtheVoices in Chicago, and it brought along some good times! Chicago was also the place where I co-hosted the IBD Social Circle Twitter chat, “Holistic IBD Care”.
April also saw the launch of the VeganOstomy Community Forums, which now hosts over 4000 posts in nearly 300 topics for over 400 members!!
The forums are an extension of the information and support that the rest of the Veganostomy site brings to tens of thousands of people every month, and I couldn’t be more proud.
May 2017
World IBD Day fell on this month, and I shared some encouraging words in a blog post.
July 2017
While June didn’t have much excitement, July marked the beginning of a new ostomy education series: Ostomy Accessories Guide.
The guide was a huge undertaking as I covered all the most common ostomy accessories in both article and video format!
August 2017
August marked the celebration of my 4th year with an ostomy. I say celebration because it really has been something I’ve celebrated for all of these years.
As part of my efforts to expand the education piece of my advocacy, I launched the Glossary of Ostomy Terms to make it easier for newcomers (and veterans) to understand some common and not-so-common terms used when talking about ostomies.
September 2017
I was featured on the IBD & Ostomy Support Show where we talked (mostly) about diet and ostomies!
October 2017
This month marked the ninth year since my diagnosis. It certainly brings up a lot of mixed feelings, which I put into words in a blog post.
The WEGO Health Awards winners were announced this month, and VeganOstomy took the coveted”Best in Show: Blog” award!
Several of my other friends also won in their own respective categories.
November 2017
I was on my first podcast! I got to meet up with the great ladies from Guts and Glory and we discussed the ups and downs of being an ostomate.
I was also really fortunate to have had an opportunity to visit Orlando, Florida for AIBD 2017 and the IBD Social Circle Summit!
While I was there, I managed to record a 360-degree tour of the Universal Garden and CityWalk!
December 2017
I was a speaker for both the Crohn’s and Colitis Summit and for an Ostomy 101 Webinar hosted by Corstrata this month!
Both were fun opportunities and it was a nice way to end the year!
Notable Mention
I haven’t shared this yet, but I was mentioned in the book, “Even Vegans Die” (page 32). The book is phenomenal read and touches upon topics that I’ve never seen openly discussed: caring for the sick or dying as a vegan (or for a vegan), disease shaming in the vegan community, vegan advocacy while living with a chronic illness, planning our death, and how to create a will to make sure our advocacy continues well after we’re gone.
If you’d like to pick up a copy, they are being sold through Amazon HERE.
What’s to Come in 2018?
Thanks to the generous support I’ve been receiving, new content is being worked on for 2018 – including more product reviews, tips, and helpful videos!
I have several more plans moving forward, but I’m also looking for community feedback and suggestions for content.
If you have any topics or ideas you’d like me to cover, let me know in the comment section!
Thank you for being a guest on this website and I hope that it continues to be a source of education and inspiration.
Hi Eric,
I love your site. It’s optimistic,but not the surgery, sappy stuff that the company websites offer and your information is spot on. My husband had a colostomy is March and your information has made it easy for him to resume his normal life.
I would like to see more discussion of fatigue after ostomy surgery and how to overcome it. Also, I would like to hear from partners of ostomates; their concerns and how they dealt with them.
Thanks for all you do!!
Great suggestions! Thank you.
I hope you and your husband have been doing well!
How about, “What I want my Ostomy nurse to know”?
All the best!!
I like that! 😀
My Best wishes to you for 2018 and hope all goes well.
On 18th December it was 4 years since my operation to remove my bladder took place.
Looking forward not backwards.
Enjoy your blogs although not really for me, wish you could do some on bladder.
My Best Wishes to you and your family when you will celebrate much later than me here in Spain.
God Bless Jess xx
Hi Jess!
Yes, adding more content that focuses on urostomy care is something I’d really love to do in 2018.
I know a lot of the content applies mostly to ileostomy/colostomy care, but most other articles/videos can apply to any type of stoma.
Are there specific topics that would only apply only to urostomates that you’d like to see added?
Thanks, John.
More content is planned, and a video of encouragement definitely fits in there!
Hi Eric, do you know whats the first thing that hits ye with an Eric Blog. The Smile, (not hitting on ye) lol. You have been a busy lad this year and the forum has been a huge success. its clear you get a lot of positive energy from doing what you do and its reflecting in others, I would like to see more of the members taking part. more problems shared more problems helped. May be a video to encourage. I wish every success for 2018 for your work and good wishes for you and your family