On March 15th, 2017 I spoke to the members of Ostomy Toronto as a guest speaker.
Hospital Food: Making the Best of It
Hospitals aren’t known for serving 5-star meals, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through them.
Vitamin B12: Are You Really Getting It?
Having been vegan for so many years, I’m aware of the significance in getting enough Vitamin B12. But if you have Inflammatory Bowel Disease or an ostomy, did you know that B12 deficiency is also a concern for you too?
Here’s the lowdown on this vitamin!
How to Track Your Nutrient Intake
One of the things I do from time to time is to audit my diet to see if I’m getting in enough nutrients from the food I eat. It was especially important for me to do this while I was in a Crohn’s flare, but it also came in handy after my ostomy surgery.
In this post, I’ll explain how to do this.
Ostomy Diet: Beyond Your Recovery
Once you’ve passed your post-op healing phase (usually six weeks), and you’ve gotten tired of the restricted post-op diet, it’s time to start getting back into a more standard diet that will support you long-term.
Fortunately, most ostomates can return back their old diet, but there are some exceptions that ileostomates should know about.
Blood Test Results: April 2015
It’s been 14 months since my last blood test update on the site, and I thought I’d share my latest test with you guys.
Finding a Registered Dietitian: IBD/Ostomy Tips
While you can find some great information about diet and nutrition online, the most qualified information comes from Registered Dietitians. In fact, your GI or surgeon may refer you to one if you’ve got any questions about nutrition (and they should!).
Ostomy Diet: What to Eat in the First Six Weeks (w/ video)
I was fortunate to have received quite a bit of information about what foods to eat (and avoid) following my ileostomy surgery. The information was quite important because it was aimed to not only prevent dehydration but also to avoid potential blockages.
Because our stoma swells up after surgery, we can’t eat meals that would be hard to pass through that swollen stoma.
Knowing how to reduce the risk of blockages is important (saving you a trip from the ER!).
Has my diet changed after getting my ostomy?
During my last giveaway, I had asked readers to send in their questions about anything related to IBD, ostomy or my vegan lifestyle. I received some great questions, but several people asked how my diet has changed since getting my ostomy. It’s a great question for anyone who might be headed for surgery, so here’s what my experience has been like.
Please remember that my experience may not reflect what your experience has been or will be.
Are plant-based diets healthy?
When I went vegan in 2000, health wasn’t one of the reasons why I made the decision to stop eating animals, but it’s become more of a motivating factor over the years.