I had the pleasure of doing a video interview/chat with a fellow ostomate, Amber Wallace, and I’m so happy to be sharing another video in this series!
In Part 2, we go beyond the shock of being a new patient and share strategies on how to adapt to the new changes. If you missed part 1, you can check it out here.
Watch Part 2 below:
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You can check out Amber’s YouTube Channel @ YouTube.com/OstomyDiaries
You can also get in touch with her by email at AmberSueWallace@gmail.com!
Stay tuned for part three!!
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Hi All, I have been looking forward to this and have to say it has not disappointed. If we start out with negative thoughts about our ostomy it will be harder to cope with. yes this strange appliance on our side is foreign and not normal. but what is even more abnormal is being sick under weight and in hospital. Their is nothing we can,t do even with some adjustment and live will be very rewarding as a result. Now to any one having a difficult time it not a case of being told " pull yerself together" far from it. these examples of folk living and enjoying a normal life are to give encouragement to cope and find a way through. I have lived with an ostomy for nearly as long as without! I have done more with out than before the surgery! I have seen life as a goal where I have to achieve the best I can. Do I get down about my oatomy “sometimes" its normal but don,t dwell on it! in fact I have always thought it has helped me do more as I want to prove it can do that. not prove to the world but for ME. Please don,t hate the stoma! see what is has done for you and the second shot at life. Plus the advocates are doing a wonderful job going public and sharing their experiences so we all can learn, so Cheers Amber and Eric looking forward to Part 3.