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SensuraMio One Piece Soft Convex ?

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I am wondering if you’ve used this and I am looking for feedback. Coloplast #16706. 

Right now, I am having good luck with a Convatec two piece and barrier ring, but thinking there might be something less bulky and more comfortable out there for me. I have a fairly small stoma (5/8) and it often resides at skin level.

Or have I missed one of the vegan ostomy reviews?


Thank you!


LK reacted
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After trying several due to my loop odd shaped stoma, I have used the one-piece Mio 16732 convex light for three years. I too wanted a less bulky system. I like the fabric and the convex is perfect for my lower opening that is at skin level.  The only down side is the huge useless filter and there is no filterless option. My fix is I cut the filter out. It doesn't effect the pouch function at all. I think they may offer filterless in the transparent color but I prefer the opaque fabric cover. 

good luck!

54 years Type 1 Diabetes, insulin pump, CGM, neurological complications, retinopathy, and autoimmune CIDP. Nerve damage led to ileostomy in 1/2015.

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The regular sensura - non mio, is far less bulky than the mio.  The mio also has far less wear time for me.

Trying it yourself is a far better measure than asking someone else.  Samples  are free 

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Posted by: @dogtalkerer

The regular sensura - non mio, is far less bulky than the mio.  The mio also has far less wear time for me.

Trying it yourself is a far better measure than asking someone else.  Samples  are free 

Do you have specific thoughts on why the Sensura wears longer? Better adhesive or something?

I have finally got to a good wear time with the Sensura Mio 2 piece system. But would like to know if the alternative would be even more secure.



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Yes, the original Mio was a closed end bag. So it was designed to be removed daily. 

Other athletes i spoke with agreed the 2nd generation drainable bag had poor wear time.

I tried the Mio again when they came out with the big circular filter and i saw no improvement in wear time.   For non athletic , less active people,  its probably fine 

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When removing the Sensura, compared to the Mio, did it seem the adhesive made it harder to remove after the same length of wear time?

I notice there is a large area under the Mio where the different color and thickness of material never really adheres much to my skin. The outer area almost to the edge is more firmly stuck, even at 7 days. Does the non Mio stick firm right up to the stoma?

I am a smoking, drinking, non athletic old geezer. ( now ) But work and work at home does bring on a sweat often. I do worry about sudden failure at work.


LK reacted
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I find the Mio ring filter dose not work well with liquid output, it quickly clogs the carbon filter since IMO the liquid gets in the lower holes in the filter then capillary action draws the liquid up to the filter. It for me fails the same day and causes a lot of night time ballooning mainly because of being horizontal in bed speeds the clogging. I cut the bottom half of the filter away, reseal the ends and make air release holes near the filter, it works a little better.

The night time ballooning is a large issue since it causes a lot more getting up to burp the bag which when your half asleep is  some what a precarious operation for accidents, but I suppose you use more bags?

The Holister bag filter is much better being more liquid resistant but overall the bag design is not so good IMO.

So Coloplast can you upgrade or redesign  your filter??

Colostomy Jan 2020

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@chrisandbagpus what Hollister has done just give them time, they'll catch up! Lololol!!  

Have you tried the Osto EZ Vents at all?  Ofcourse, a daily bag change can make it expensive if it's not covered. 

They have saved me tons of stress & even sleep! Lololol...just don't fall asleep with it open if your fluidity is plenty! . UGH!  Before Eric & Vents & before much loved & missed hubby was RIP,  lol  I Used a small flashlight at night to accomplish bag anything as it saves a lot of distrubing sleeping spousal issues. 

I still use it when I need to empty at night because I find my brain stays sleepy & no stressing about undone chores I can't see!  My dog seems to respect the night time, so when I'm up, using the flashlight, she too realizes its not time to play or go outside! Bonus!!!


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Kedikat, my understanding is that non-drainable bags are designed to be replaced daily and do not have adhesives for extended wear . it would be too hard on the skin .

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@jattzl Do you use a barrier ring? How do you cut the filter out?

Thank you for your advice.

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@gardengypsy Yes.  I use Eakin Slims barrier ring.  I cut the whole huge filter out.  I cut around the glue at the bottom and around the black charcoal filter circle thing.  Then under the flap I put one of the blue stickers over the small outside circle filter.  I also use an osto ez-vent for the ballooning. Let me know if that wasn't clear.  It's hard to describe.

I've never had any luck with the filters but that huge bulky thing is unacceptable. I have heard many people voice this complaint. It disappoints me that Coloplast doesn't make a filter less option.  As a company it reflects a certain lack of consideration for us as users. 

54 years Type 1 Diabetes, insulin pump, CGM, neurological complications, retinopathy, and autoimmune CIDP. Nerve damage led to ileostomy in 1/2015.

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Thanks for explaining. I got some Coloplast samples, and started with the 1-piece Mio. It began leaking by bedtime.

So, back to my Convatec two-piece with a barrier ring for now. I get 5-7 days consistently and will deal with the icky fabric. 

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Posted by: @gardengypsy

the 1-piece Mio

Darn!!  That’s what happens to me if I don’t use a convex. Well. It’s all trial and error. Icky fabric or gigantic useless filters lol. The bottom line is finding one that doesn’t leak or cause skin irritation. I guess we need to be satisfied if we can find that. 

all the best to you❤️

54 years Type 1 Diabetes, insulin pump, CGM, neurological complications, retinopathy, and autoimmune CIDP. Nerve damage led to ileostomy in 1/2015.

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@jattzl Back at you. 

Jattzl reacted