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Coloplast Sensura Mio Advice Needed

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Hi All,

I have been wearing Hollister New Image appliances for a while now but have recently been experiencing some problems SO I decided to try Coloplast again (I switched years ago for various reasons). I have been testing the Sensura Mio 2 piece Click system and find the wafers to be MUCH more comfortable than the Hollister flanges BUT even the smaller bags are pretty big on me. Plus the appliance as a whole is a lot bulkier than the Hollister and I think I’m smelling more “odour” with the Coloplast system. - Does anyone have an opinion on the Coloplast Sensura Mio Flex System vs. Click (I couldn’t find a review by Eric)?, and
- Does anyone have any suggestions regarding reducing the smell (apart from the Coloplast deodorant solution)?


LK reacted
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Posted by: @prairiegirl

Does anyone have an opinion on the Coloplast Sensura Mio Flex System vs. Click

I'm not a fan of adhesive couplings, but love two-piece systems with mechanical (click) couplings. Here's my review on the click system: Coloplast SenSura Mio 2pc Drainable Ostomy System

There should be no smell from either if it's been attached properly. Do you know where the smell is coming from? If it's from the filter, that may be "normal" once it's been saturated on the inside, but there should be no smell from the wafer or bag. 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Hi! I saw the click system review and will be asking my rep about the ileo bags (I’m not sure why he  didn’t send me samples of those in the first place), BUT the other day I noticed that they make the flex system for kids and I was wondering if it was worth checking those out for the smaller bags and slightly lower profile. But I’m interested to know why you don’t like the adhesive systems? Are they unreliable? J

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Posted by: @prairiegirl

I’m not sure why he  didn’t send me samples of those in the first place

The ileo styles may not be available in your country :(

Posted by: @prairiegirl

But I’m interested to know why you don’t like the adhesive systems? Are they unreliable?

I find that it leaves too much room for error and the click systems have been very reliable for me - through anything. I did review one adhesive coupling system from Cymed that's probably similar to how other adhesive coupling systems work:

I should note that Cymed made changes to their products (for the worse) and other have said it used to be a very good product for them before, but now it's not reliable at all. I can't honestly say whether I was using their "good version" or not. :-o 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

PrairieGirl, LK and john68 reacted
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Hi Prairiegirl,

I was using the coloplast sensura Mio one piece exclusively, but having problems with leaks. I got a sample of the 2 piece click and the 2 piece adhesive. The click one seemed really bulky to me too. And I noticed a problem with output backing up, getting trapped by the click ring. The adhesive has been a nice compromise for me. The profile is definitely flatter, and it doesn’t back up as much, and tends to leak less than the 1 piece does for me. 

I did give the click another try when I was prepping for my scan a while back, so the dr could easily take it off to scan the stoma and put it back on after. That experience was better than the first one, but I had been drinking the prep liquid so the output was very liquid and definitely not at risk of backing up. 😂

I haven’t noticed a problem with odor with any of the coloplast products. 


Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”

PrairieGirl and LK reacted
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Interesting Video Eric. You always do a great job covering all things concerned on the products you are reviewing. I tried the two piece once and I did not like the wafer, can't rem. Why. But, I have learned something I did not know watching today.  For 10 years, I've had this sheet with all those cute little stickers on it. I have taken it out here & there, examined it, question it & put it back. Today, it made sense. I learned they cover the filter!!! Thanks for the education!!


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I am starting to think the odour is from the filter. With my Hollister appliance I was changing my pouch daily and the filter is really small. However, with the Mio I am working with samples so I haven’t been changing the bag as frequently (plus they seem so substantial that I feel weird throwing them out after 24hrs - for some odd reason).  Hopefully when I have my full supply order it will fix the “problem”. ..... also maybe I should figure out how to use those interesting sticker things lol


LK reacted
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Hi PrairieGirl, sorry you're having trouble!

Seems we're a bit similar; I used Coloplast for years before developing irritation and switching to Hollister products a year or so ago. I'm petite and also prefer a smaller pouch.  I've tried all sorts of pouches/system from all the US manufacturers including the Sensura Mio Click and adhesive coupling version.

I only sampled the Sensura Mio with adhesive coupling  a couple years ago, so I can't give a very detailed comparison. But while it was flatter than a mechanical coupling one, I didn't care for the plastic part where the bag actually attached. I found it stiff , so I actually removed it and attached the pouch without it. Seemed to hold fine but I didn't want to have to do that with every wafer.

This plastic 'plate' seems to be how all the adhesive systems work though, as I tried Cymed's before also. With that one I had a pretty bad experience; I though it was lined up properly (felt fine) but after about an hour I was uncomfortable and noticed I had a welt on my skin where the plastic plate was rubbing. Turns out it wasn't lined up at all >_<.  These 2 experiences (Cymed's especially) have put me off of adhesive products; not comfortable and not worth the injury risk.

So, I'm partial to mechanical couplings in general, and currently use Hollister New Image as well (the CeraPlus one). Like Liza though, I find output can build up in the 'basin' of the wafer where the 2 pieces lock together and cause leaks. My output tends to be thicker though so this may not be a problem if you have thinner or even solid output that can get over the lip easier (I wasn't clear on what type of ostomy you have) .

I also found this to be more of an issue with Sensura Mio  than Hollister since the coupling on Hollister's is shallower, which as you mentioned makes the whole system flatter than the Click. I haven't had too many issues with Hollister; though I make a point to shift my output down through the outside of the bag, and I sometimes rinse with water after emptying, as well as use lubricating deodorant.

I don't want to make this too long, but I did try the new Sensura Mio kid's 1 piece  #18710 ( I still use 1 pieces sometimes -another story) and found it too small , more like something you'd use for intimacy. Since the pouch size should be the same in the Flex version here are the apx dimensions for a locked, unrolled pouch: 6 1/4 inches long x 4 1/2 inches wide. It may work for you but I would definitely sample first.


Sorry for the lengthy post but I hope you find the information useful. Pouch issues are super frustrating! >_<

Female, 30's. Emergency Ileo in 2010 due to Ulcerative Colitis.

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Erin, I found it really helpful to read your post. My stoma is 17 months old today and so still pretty new. I have been using the Hollister 2-piece and my experience is like yours (reading the details you described made me feel more confident about what I am doing here); I have thought about trying other products but really this seems to be working well so far. PrairieGirl, I wish you the best of luck - personally, I was surprised to find that I could actually do this!

Colostomy 4/30/18.
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.

LK reacted
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Welcome Erin, after 2 yrs. registered, why so  quiet? I sure appreciate yours & input everyone else too,  sharing your exp. Good information! TQ so much, and WELCOME to the site.  All of this has been very informative, to me. Now  that I know what the stickers are you all tell me the purpose or reason/s for using a 2 pce? I just don't get it.  I also want to ask if Hollister has cute stickers for their filters also or is that white piece supposed to do... the same job? When their filter gets all moisture in and around it, I tend to take a sq. of t/p, fold it over the top of pouch, hold pouch &  squeeze down on it & sliding  my fingers from R to L,  a few times to try and squeeze out extra moisture making the filter work a "bit" one or ? days further then repeat as needed? Anyone else tried this and finds it works? TQ for your input.


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I've been using the Sensura Mio for 3 years.  A few months into having an ostomy, a co-worker asked me if I farted.  I said no and realized that my filter may be past its lifetime.  Since then, I have been cutting out my pre-filter and putting a piece of tape/blue sticker or barrier strip over the filter.  Thank you Eric for this tip. Also found tips on Youtube, especially on adding a small bit of oil between the flange and pouch to allow for easy rotation from vertical to horizontal.  Fortunately I don't get alot of ballooning and find M9 drops can help keep this under control somewhat.  Welcome to October everyone!

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i feel the same way about the plastic disk on the coloplast adhesive 2 piece. I never even thought of cutting it off. 

Guys, I need to eat my words about not having leaks with the 2 piece adhesive. I had a leak Friday between the wafer and the bag. Then I had a leak last night, under the wafer. And for some reason I have been really sore around my stoma since going to the 2 piece about a week ago. And my skin is much more irritated. Since I use convex wafers, maybe the two piece are more convex, or maybe because the wafer is considerably bigger on the 2 piece than the one piece, if it irritating me more. 

Overall, I like so much about coloplast sensura Mio, but I am thinking it might be time to try Hollister based on how many people here seem happy with them. I guess it couldn’t hurt to get a sample, right??

Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”

LK reacted
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Hi guys,

So, yesterday when my skin was so beaten up, I decided to go back to a one piece, and lo and behold, I had another leak this morning. Ugh!! My skin is just awful right now. I used my last application of marathon skin protectant and put on another two piece, figuring going longer without a leak is better than a smaller wafer. 

@veganostomy Eric, have you ever used marathon skin protectant?  It is pretty amazing and would be a good thing to maybe review??  It isn’t very cheap, but for me it is worth every penny. 😀

Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”

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Posted by: @squeakyandliza

Eric, have you ever used marathon skin protectant?  It is pretty amazing and would be a good thing to maybe review??  It isn’t very cheap, but for me it is worth every penny. 😀

I have, and yes, not cheap at all! It's a little too specialty for most people, so I hesitate to review it. Not that I remember much about the experience at this point. LOL

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Hi LL, thanks I'm glad my post was helpful :) Congrats on getting over the 1 year mark. It's not fun for sure; I had to be on an iv for a month or so after surgery, plus I had to lug around a device called a WountVac (if you aren't familiar) that was supposed to help the incision heal faster. My WOCN from the hospital did send me home with Coloplast products as well as a travel kit so that was helpful. But it was still a huge change and very emotional. I basically went through the 4 stages of depression in the hospital and thought I'd never leave my house again.

Not to sound negative but just if you've felt any of that know it DOES get better...that was almost 9 years ago now and I've gone on dates, had relationships, engaged in activities with friends, babysat children who would jump and crawl on me, etc. It can still be challenging to find the 'perfect' system or have to start over if you start having bad reactions to one, but I'm used to the ostomy pretty much and like others it literally saved my life and I'm not rushing to the restroom all the time or getting sick.

I'm glad Hollister is working for you, but all the other companies will send samples if you are interested. You can do it from most of their websites even. Just know they may call you before you get them or try them to see how they work out, and they will call back if you tell them you haven't yet. But they have all been pleasant to work with and they will even send you other things to try if the initial samples don't work out.

Female, 30's. Emergency Ileo in 2010 due to Ulcerative Colitis.

LK reacted
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Ha thanks for the warm welcome :) I've been around, I love Eric's review videos (super helpful!). I guess I'm not super active on the forums A: because there are so many active people on here already to answer people's questions, and B. I have both anemia and chronic insomnia so I don't have a lot of energy. It probably took me 45-60 minutes to write that first post, just because of all the editing I did to try and be clear but not over talk (a habit of mine).


I personally like 2 pieces because it allows me to wear my pouch sideways, towards my back so it almost feels like it's not there. I just bought my first belt this year from an Etsy Store called "Ostomy Accessories". It's made of a cotton/spandex material and is very comfortable, though I find sometimes it gets a little warm (I suppose it holds head it a bit). Ergo, I mostly wear it when I'm out.

I do sometimes use 1 pieces and I do like my output doesn't get stuck at the top so much since there isn't that 'basin' for it to collect in. But I have sensitive skin and so far the 2 piece Hollister CeraPlus barrier is working the best on my skin, so that's another reason I personally use a 2 piece as my main system.


(@squeakyandliza) Well I took a risk doing it; no leaks but I don't recall how long I had the bag on for. I've never really been able to go more than 3 days, and  since last year it's usually a 2 day wear time, even after switching products.

Yikes, I'm sorry you've been having trouble! :( I was going to suggest maybe a bad batch of the 2 piece adhesive, but then I saw it happened with the one piece also. Does your stoma ever randomly retract? I have what I've learned is a 'telescoping' stoma where it will just do that; don't always feel it (or the skin around it rather), doesn't seem to be any certain time or after certain foods...just goes almost flush to my skin causing leaks >_< I use barrier rings all the time because I can't cut a proper hole to save my life, but I still get the retracting.

Female, 30's. Emergency Ileo in 2010 due to Ulcerative Colitis.

LK and SqueakyandLiza reacted
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Yeah, I’ve been having a rough go with this whole thing. My stoma is recessed, and it opens to the side, instead of straight out. And to add insult to injury, there is a mucus fistula on the other side, which also has output on occasion.  So it is hard to not get leaks with all that stacked against me. Rings didn’t help with the leaks at all, but paste does help some. And using convex wafers is a must for me as well. 

I am trying to stay positive, however, and believe that it will eventually work itself out at some point. 😀


Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”

LK and VeganOstomy reacted
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Hi Liza, 

I am so sorry to hear your difficulty with your stoma. I have been praying for you that you will get through this and heal quickly. 

God bless,




LK and SqueakyandLiza reacted
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Posted by: @squeakyandliza

I am trying to stay positive, however, and believe that it will eventually work itself out at some point.

It sure will. You have a more complicated situation, but there are so many combinations and techniques for how to manage a stoma that I'm sure it's just a matter of time before you find what works reliably. 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK, Tony and SqueakyandLiza reacted
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Wow, this is so educational all around.  Liza, I never understood what a Mucous Fistula was, so I read up on it today too.  How close is this thing to your stoma?  When you say out the side, do you literally mean from the side of you? Sort of like what Danbh deals with?  Wow, that is some stoma he has! Sorry Dan, my eyes are having fun with me tonight and I could not find your post again at this time. What catches the mucous Liza? 

I truly want to encourage you all that these issues do settle in time. So, ofcourse now, I will have a leak, but they truly do settle down.  Skin adjusts, you learn a trick or something.  I started using a bit more of the Barrier Spray and fanning it dry to protect my super sensitive to output skin. Plus I paid a ton more time applying pressure immediately around the opening I cut of the wafer when I put it on.  That was the first time I noticed a change in wear time and lack of leaks.  Then the adhering it with a warm hot water bottle for 5-10 min. before doing anything else.  Time consuming, but it has been worth it for me.  I can get 5-7 days most of the time. I wish you the best in finding out the fixes!


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