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Ostomy supply costs...
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Ostomy supply costs keep going up and up and up (Canada)

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It's time for me to reorder more supplies, so I usually go into my order history, click on the item, then add it to the cart.

Of course, since supplies are out of pocket, I always check the price first.

Here's the cost of the Hollister 8931 (1pc drainable, 10 pack):

  • May 2022 $73.85
  • July 2022 $78.08 (+ $4.23)
  • Dec 2022 $80.42 (+ $2.34)
  • July 2023 $82.83 (+ $2.41)
  • Oct 2023 $85.31 (+ $2.48)

So, in about a year and a half, a single package of 1pc ostomy bags went up $11.46, or a 15.5% increase. This is well beyond “inflation” numbers, and that's only for this one specific item.

The Hollister 14603 wafer went up 24%.

I'm incredibly thankful that in Ontario, we get a government grant to help cover some cost of supplies. But I can't imagine how difficult it must be for someone who uses more supplies than I do, or who doesn't get the grant.

I know we had a recent discussion come up about appliance wear time, and I can certainly see how many ostomates might try to push their wear time beyond their skin's health, just to try to reduce their expenses. I know I do 😱 


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK, john68, Tigerlily and 1 people reacted
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Cost of living is hard enough with out adding medical care. For each of us in different countries our social services will be different, but I would say too anyone feeling the pressure don’t do backward about contacting local services. You never know what extra help is available. Pride can get in the way but it’s your health and wellness that suffers. 

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

LK, Tigerlily, Kirsten and 1 people reacted
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@john68 Yes, and so many services are "hidden", so you wouldn't know about them unless you asked.

Our grants went up several years ago to reflect higher costs, but this recent jump is all in the last 1-2 years, so maybe another adjustment is in order.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK, john68, Tigerlily and 1 people reacted
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I'm confused about supplies... I have a home care nurse and she orders supplies for me - I don't pay out of pocket. I'm also in Ontario. So what's the difference? I don't really need the nurse since I got my PICC line out, but if I lose the nursing support, will I lose the free supplies? Why do some people have to pay and others not? It's so inequitable... 

VeganOstomy, LK and john68 reacted
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@kirsten I remember getting ostomy supplies from my homecare nurse for awhile too, but not after the homecare stopped. You might want to ask next time you see her how long that will continue. Make sure you are signed up for the Ontario Assistive Devices program; someone might have done this with you before you left the hospital after your surgery. It gives you just under $1000 per year towards the cost of ostomy supplies. If you also have private insurance you can probably get all or most of the rest of the cost covered by them, but they likely won’t pay anything until you have surpassed the amount that the Assistive Devices program pays. You will have to renew the Assistive Devices contract every two years; they just want to make sure that your ostomy is permanent. They will send you the renewal form once you’re in the program. 

And, yes, it is not equitable. Each province decides how much to pay, so there is a different amount, depending on where you live. Eric probably has more up to date info on that, but I’m not sure all provinces have this program.



Just a semicolon

VeganOstomy, LK and john68 reacted
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@tigerlily Hit the nail on the head. Make sure you get the ADP grant and don't forget to apply for the disability tax credit if you have a permanent ostomy.

I recall that home care included supplies, but then i had to pay. I did get on private insurance for many years, then canceled it as my need was less than the cost of the premium (after you factor in the grant!).

It would really take away a lot of stress if all supplies were covered, but I know that Ostomy Canada is constantly advocating for more in the meantime.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

Tony H
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 336

makes me realise how lucky we are here in Europe in general , my ostomy supplies are monthly 

120 pouches 

8 base plates

300 trio pearls 

removal spray and protector spray 

eakin washer 30 

plus 5 other meds  and I pay the grand total of €15 a month , for familys that do not qualify for free medical care they pay a max of €80 per month ,

this should be the case in every caring society in my opinion 

Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 26

well I'm in the US and on Medicare (Social Security) which pays 80%, we pay 20% - after you've met your annual deductible of course - otherwise you pay the full amount until the deductible is met. Also Medicare has a set limit on how much you can order per month. I have a colostomy and use Coloplast products and can order each time 2 boxes of pouches [10 pouches to a box], 2 boxes of Brava Protective Seal [10 seals to a box], and 2 boxes of Brava Barrier Strips [20 in a box]. The one kind of complicating thing is that when you go to order online you are asked how many you have left and if it is over 10, they say you have to wait until it's 10 or less. I'm getting ready to "celebrate" my 6th month post surgery [Nov 9] so I've only gone through the whole billing cycle a few times. We use by-mail paper statements [my husband doesn't like online billing] so we have to wait to receive the statement - usually takes Coloplast about 3 weeks or so, then we pay immediately and they get it and post it within a week of receipt. So it's working out that I'm ordering supplies about every other month. I use about 8 or 9 changes a month. Because I'm kind of paranoid about ever running out of supplies when I put in an order I just plug in that I have 10 or less and therefore need more. I do have a three week supply set aside for future emergencies/contingencies. Anyway, sorry to be so long-winded. 

Flying free.

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I'm able to get a three month supply at a time through my insurance. 
