Share your experience with pouch deodorants! My full article about this topic can be found be clicking on the link below. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Thank you for the mini guide to ostomy pouch deodorant. I like your tip to be careful of blue deodorants as they can stain your clothes. I wouldn't have even thought of that so thank you for noting it. I'll pass this on to a friend who is having to buy ostomy pouch deodorant now. Is there a danger of irritation of the stoma if it comes in contact with some of the deodorants? Hi Andree, That's a good question. Products designed for stomas, like in-pouch deodorants, are created to be safe near and around open wounds (like your stoma!). However, if you have broken skin, then I would reduce the number of products used until that clears up. But product to stoma contact should be perfectly safe. I've been a fan of the Hollister M9 product for years, and I find it effectively eliminates pouch odours. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I use both Adapt lubricant and M9 deodorizing drops and have had no irritation to my stoma. The M9 drops are blue, which I think helps in seeing/controlling how much you are using (12-20 drops), and although it has gotten onto my clothing a few times it washed out and didn’t permanently stain. M9 is a wonderful product for me. Colostomy 4/30/18. I would like to know if there is a need for concern of suggested deodorants for being sticky and causing the bags over the stoma to cling to the stoma preventing the stoma from excreting? Hi Charles, I don't see any concern with that happening. When used as directed, these deodorants and lubricating products won't interfere with output; the latter may actually help to prevent "pancaking", which causes stool to stick around the stoma and top half of the bag. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
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