Healthevoices 2018: Saying Hi to Old Friends for the First Time!

April 2018 – I had the opportunity to experience my second HealtheVoices conference and I’m excited to share those moments with you.

Disclosure: My flight and accommodations for HealtheVoices were covered by Janssen Biotech. My opinions about HealtheVoices are completely my own.

HealtheVoices is a conference dedicated specifically to health advocates who use social media and other online platforms to reach their communities.

There were 122 advocates accepted in this year’s HealtheVoices, and they represent many dozens of chronic illnesses ranging from mental health to cancer, and of course, Inflammatory Bowel Disease :)


Out of over 500 photos and videos I took during the several days I was able to spend at the conference, I narrowed it down to just over 100 that I hope you will enjoy in the video below.

My HealtheVoices 2018 Experience! IBD & Ostomy Advocates Unite!
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All of the photos and videos used were shot entirely on my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and a few were taken on the Samsung Gear 360 camera.

I also edited (Using PowerDirector for Android), recorded audio, published, and uploaded the final video all on my phone :) If you have a chronic illness that prevents you from using a computer all day, I hope this video gives you an example of what you can do, even from a hospital bed or sofa!


Special Thanks

I would, of course, like to thank everyone at Janssen and Tonic for coordinating this event.

Caroline Pavis and her team

Genevieve Greene and her team

Megan Johnson

Dan Sharp

Sara Ringer

Christy Stone

Maggie Baldwin

Rasheed Clarke

Natalie Hayden

Brooke Abbott

Jamie Weinstein

Shawntel Bethea

Megan Starshak

Special thanks to all the health advocates out there!

2 thoughts on “Healthevoices 2018: Saying Hi to Old Friends for the First Time!”

  1. Pictures are fantastic and great to see all the advocates from different fields having a great time while sharing ideas and thoughts. Does Megan and Rexie travel every where? and how does she get him on the plane LOL.


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