ConvaTec Diamonds all-in-one ostomy pouch sachet – REVIEW

Liquid output, “ballooning” and odor – three problems that many ostomates are faced with on a daily basis.  

While some of these challenges can be remedied by changing what you eat or how often, for some, these issues simply never go away.  

Using multiple products to combat these problems separately may not be desirable, so when a product claims to be able to tackle them all, it certainly warrants some review.

Today I’ll be looking at the ConvaTec Diamonds sachets, which I purchased from a local ostomy supplier.

The ConvaTec Diamonds (previously known as Trio Diamonds) claim to be able to thicken output, reduce odors and eliminate ballooning in ostomy pouches.  In their own study, they claimed that:

  • Almost 9 out of 10 said they would continue to use ConvaTec Diamonds™
  • 80% benefited from the elimination/reduction in odor
  • 6/10 reported elimination/reduced ‘ballooning’ (excess flatus)

(above data taken from ConvaTec)

That’s pretty impressive, and I was interested in this product mainly for the anti-ballooning claim.  These are marketed to ileostomates.

The Diamonds come packaged in a plastic jar and includes a small zip-lock bag to keep a few sachets on you for when you’re out of the house.

These sachets dissolve in liquid

The product is easy to use: After emptying your pouch, you simply drop a sachet into your ostomy pouch.  

The sachet will dissolve and do its magic.  

You then empty your pouch contents normally and repeat the process.  

I should note that when you empty your pouch, don’t be alarmed if your output is black when using this product – that’s the sachet contents, and it’s completely normal.

Because I don’t usually have liquid/loose stools, I had to be selective when I used the Diamonds or they simply won’t dissolve or work as intended.  

One such occasion was during my last hospital stay, where I spent six days in the hospital following my rectum removal surgery and my output was very liquid for several days post-op.

The Diamonds helped to considerably thicken my output during that time and made things a lot easier for me in the hospital (especially while being sore and drugged up).

Ostomy product: ConvaTec Diamonds - gelling time-lapse
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While at home, I’ll occasionally get liquid or loose stools from time to time, and when it happens, I use the Diamonds to thicken things up.  

Unfortunately, they’ve never helped to reduce/eliminate odor, and I often find myself using a liquid pouch deodorant at the same time.

How do they work for ballooning?  Well, they didn’t – at least not for me.  

My biggest challenges with ballooning happen at night, so if nothing else, reducing or eliminating my nighttime gas would have made this product worth the price.  

I consistently noted the same “fullness” in my pouch due to gas following the use of the Diamonds sachets, and have since opted for the Osto EZ-Vents to manually expel pouch gas.

At the time of this writing (Jan 2022), a package of 100 Diamonds sachets costs close to. CDN$100, but can be purchased in the US for under $30! 

As a gelling product, this is very expensive (in Canada), especially if you experience daily liquid output.  

However, if this product also helps you with odor control and/or ballooning, it could save you from the cost of other products.  

This product should be sold internationally, but I find that most suppliers don’t carry it.  

You may need to shop around if your current supplier doesn’t stock these. ConvaTec might offer samples to try, so I highly recommend trying the samples before ordering a container.

Recommended… but…

Even though the Diamonds product didn’t help with my gas or pouch odor, it works quite well for gelling.  

Since there are other gelling products that sell for much less, I can only recommend this product IF it helps with at least two of the product claims.  Sample first.

For more info, visit:

Question: Have you tried this product?  Did it work better for you?

9 thoughts on “ConvaTec Diamonds all-in-one ostomy pouch sachet – REVIEW”

    • Hi Shirley, that’s a great question, actually! The small granules that absorb water should have no problem going through the sewer system as it doesn’t clump up into a solid mass.

  1. I know this is an old post but I tried to get samples from the link you posted and I couldn’t seem to switch the country from the United States (I’m a fellow Canadian!). Any suggestions?

  2. Hello Ostomy brothers & sisters

    I seen your video Eric a while ago about the gel, and decided it would be good to have when things go wrong. A container of 100 packs was not too expensive, and I put it aside for trouble day, which came about a month ago, when the dreaded flu came to visit me.
    Two miserable weeks in bed, with liquid output leaking all over. After the first night leak, I dropped a pack in the bag, and went to sleep. It saved me from a lot of laundry, and changing everything in the middle of the night. I woke up two hours later to find the bag full of solid output, no mess, no need for shower, changed the bag only, and back to bed.
    Loved it, and thank you Eric for the great info. you give on your site.


  3. Hi there my fellow rosebuds stomas ……. I live in Canada , Windsor Ontario , I seen this product on sale at the local medical shop .the price was only $15 . So (a) I thought what the heck right …that’s a deal I thought ! (B) Comes down to it it didn’t help me at all with the gas . (C) it doesn’t work that well if you already have thick stool . The gel made it harder to empty the waste. (D) didn’t help with the Odor that much to make it worth my while to spend $60 Canadian ….I I tried wetting the gel pouch first it helped a little bit ,.(e) I do like there discreet and easy to carry in pockets and purse ! Tracilynnribble

    • Hey fellow Canadian! =)

      Yeah, just like with my experience it doesn’t really help with gas or odors. You really should only use these if you have liquid output or else they won’t do much for you. Save them for any time you have unexpected liquid output (i.e if you have the flu) and they will be very useful!

      And for $15(!!!) you can’t go wrong!


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