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If you've found a garment that is perfect for you and your ostomy please share!


I've got an Ilieostomy high up near my belly button, am female and a bit funky in my style. Day to day I wear exercise pants bought at Meijers/ Walmart/ Target type stores, they are soft knit cotton and pretty comfy. I let the pouch hang out because I worry about draining properly. I have some with a foldover top that places the band below Oscar.

I wear wide smocked waisted salwar, a type of pants in India. Very full, the waistband goes over or under Oscar. Over Oscar give me a light weight support for the pouch, no drainage issues. You can find these on Amazon, usually under 10.00$ for cotton ones. Search keywords: India Yoga Pants Jumpsuit

For skirts as I am in the process of gaining weight I like Wrap skirts, again, off Amazon from a company called Weevez. Only downside is you don't get to choose what skirts you get, however out of the 6 I have I loved them all and get lots of compliments when I wear them.

Shirt wise, I am a tshirt fiend, I have somewhere in the mid hundreds. Longer looser shirts hide Oscar well. Mid length ones sometimes leave Oscars butt hanging out. The ladies cut over the hip type ones leave Oscar hanging out for sure, that is where layering or a pouch cover come in handy. I had a girl compliment my cute little purse, that was Oscars cover.

For night/ evening lounge gear I wear a onesie, yes, oh so sexy... Comfortable and cozy is more my speed. And if it looks like a unicorn, mouse, dragon, cat or even the Poo emoji I am a happy little wierdo for sure. I have some with zippers and some that have buttons. I like the button down ones because I can just unbutton as much as I need to get my pouch out and empty it. This style is called "Kigurumi", they can get a bit expensive compared to the zip up ones that you find at Walmarts or Target.

Crohn's Colitis, Ilieostomy, Proctocolectomy November 2017

DeeDee and john68 reacted
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Salwar Pants like I wear


Crohn's Colitis, Ilieostomy, Proctocolectomy November 2017

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Thanks for sharing this!

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Maternity pants are a great option too. They make cute maternity clothes now days .

VeganOstomy reacted
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Hi Felicity, great topic to start, for the fellas (UK Ireland) M&S do chinos which have a little piece of elastic at each side. cant be seen and gives a lot of comfort. am sure similar may be available U.S & Canada

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

Robert reacted
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Felicity if you ever start making the bag covers for sale let me know please . I was given my first one couple weeks ago . Know I wear it all day long I don't leave home without it !

Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis

VeganOstomy reacted
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Good topic!

I wear black stretchy leggings and tunic top every day, even to work. I wear a coordinated cancer cap (Amazon). My most important garment is Ostomy secrets undies, cotton. I like the support of the undies with the leggings. 

DeeDee and john68 reacted
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Marcie has suggested a virtual Fashion Show as we are all different sizes, ages and styles to add options to our wardrobes we might not have considered.

Please add pictures of you in your favorite get ups! Add in brand if you feel like sharing, where you got it, why you like the garment or even accessory item.

Crohn's Colitis, Ilieostomy, Proctocolectomy November 2017

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Posts: 452

Sounds like fun. I will wait till I am home cause I ain't goin out in public in this gown, even if they say it is the latest thing from Paris! 

Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!!

Robert reacted
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Oh those stylish Johnny Gowns! Especially when you get a jaunty number that is missing shoulder snaps!

Crohn's Colitis, Ilieostomy, Proctocolectomy November 2017

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Aye and how come the strap for tying it is never in the right spot even when nothing is missing lol

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

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Posts: 452

I I think that those gowns are made that way. I don't think that they get that way when they're in the hospital they come pre-screwed up.  I think it's a test if you're well enough to notice that the Gown is a piece of crap you're well enough to go home. I know that my doc says he knows when women are ready to go home until they ask for lipstick.

Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!!

Robert and john68 reacted
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Must remember my make up bag next hospital stay, if wearing lipstick is what it takes

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

DeeDee and Robert reacted
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Barbara I remember on one of my stays I went strolling around the halls only to find out later it wasn't tied and everybody got a show ! Probably why they we're all pointing n laughing ! Guess I wasn't ready to go home ... Lol

Easy with the lipstick John !!! Ha

Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis

john68 reacted
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Hi Robert I hope that gown was the right way round

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

Robert reacted
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Posts: 710

Hey John you mean I may have had it backwards ? No wonder they we're all laughing !!!

Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis

john68 reacted
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Posts: 452

Robert, that is what the good drugs will do to you let's put on a show for people. Darn I wish I'd put a bug on the wall.

Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!!

john68 and Robert reacted
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Barbara they are giving you pain killers so be careful . You could be the next one walking the halls like I did ! Lol

Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis

john68 reacted
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 2058

Barbara put the lipstick back in the handbag and put Robert down lol

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

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Posts: 452
  • Yup, been there too. Add prednisone in the mix and it's major insomnia 

Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!!

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