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Stealth Belt or Stealth Ostomy Wear? Strange happenings...

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I received an email from a visitor of the VO site, who brought to my attention that the Stealth Belt ( company seems to have split into another "Stealth" company: Stealth Ostomy Wear (

We know recently that other forum members have had issues with their Stealth Belt orders from, but it looks like the original owner of that company is now running Stealth Ostomy Wear.

Not exactly sure what's going on, or which company is the "right" one to order from. Both product lines look the same to me.

And to make things even more bizarre, the company Comfortbelt, which was partnering with Stealth Belt, seems to be gone.

I would have never imagined this amount of drama from an ostomy accessory! 😀

If anyone knows more, please share it here. If I learn of anything, I'll update this thread!



Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

 T J
Joined: 10 months ago
Posts: 10

I did get my belt from a few days later than the email stated.

It looks good, I think a little different fabrics but not positive. It was stitching around the center vs glued if that's the correct word.

It's very comfortable, so I'm happy.

Also I did get an email from the spin off company.

I looked them up and it appears to be a start up company with maybe the original owner?

I'm not sure. They  got my email somehow, the same?? Belt from them is listed at $25 more than Stealth Belt.

Happy holidays to all!

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Posted by: @t-j

I looked them up and it appears to be a start up company with maybe the original owner?

Yes, it does. But oddly, when you read the "about" page, they make no mention of being related to the other company, or that the owner was also the founder of the other company. It's like a new business with a new owner, and no history.

And using the Stealth name in the company just adds more confusion. And it would be interested to know if they are making different belts (i.e. from different factories) or if they are all the same and just being sold by two different companies.




Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
