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B.Braun Irypump Irrigation Kit

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Hi , have put this in the search engine but can't find anything on it ? B.Braun made the above product which was available on prescription in the UK , for Colostomates to use rather than a hang up bag .It was powered by a pump ,and was a very fast efficient way of irrigating .Unfortunately , this was discontinued ,and as usual , no notice was given .For those who have been bereft as parts break down on their exiting machines , I wanted to add a guy on e bay offers to fix broken Irypumps , in fact he's just fixed mine .

Joined: 11 years ago
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B. Braun has gone through a lot of changes over the years, including pulling out of the Canadian market. I'm surprised they would discontinue that without giving people other options.

That said, I haven't seen any other irrigation setups that include a powered pump! I believe gravity or manual irrigation is usually the way it's done here.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Posts: 421

@veganostomy I have heard of their irrigation pump, several years ago from someone on another ostomy site; he was also in the UK. It sounded fantastic to me, who uses the hang-up-the-water-bag method. That is unfortunate that they’ve discontinued the pump. Maybe another company will fill that niche. I hope so - I’d love to try it sometime. 


Just a semicolon

VeganOstomy reacted