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Ostomy support garments and washing

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@llholiday yes there is a small weeny teeny bit of a chance that one of her Co workers were playing some joke on  her.

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Im.figuring out how these garments are getting so smelly and if I can brainstorm a way, prevention is key. I rinse and I use gloves double and sometimes triple so I can shed a dirty one and have another clean underneath but even with all of this and wiping the end with a wipe and rinsing the clip. You all know how things can go south quickly. Things fall, things not close enough etc. I'm imagining it's getting stinky when I swish the water I put in  in the bag with my hand after touching the end of the bag. It's. Real struggle 

LK reacted
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@chelly  ... due to the eczema I get on my hands, I use gloves to empty my pouch & then wash them like I would my own hands so not to toss too many in the landfill.  

I just recently changed pouches due to questionable wafers, but the topic of smelly pouches came up on the phone call to Hollister & how even my clothing was affected by odor that permeated the pouch, then Hollister 8531, anything that touched my pouch by the end of day became smelly as well... Ugh!  I am presently at the end of day 4 with no smelly issues going on with the new  CeraPlus Hollister 8931. Both one pieces drainable velcro closure.  After all this time & frustration & LAUNDRY I'm at the end of day 4 with no smelly issues at all! !! This is an amazing wear time & so far I'm so glad I agreed to try the new pouch. 

I can't remember if you changed bags or which brand you use but... you know Chelly, it just could be the manufacturer of your pouches got in on the same faulty products some pouches are made of, which I think is the plastics & whatever the bag & wafer is made of has made for really smelly materials that caused smelly pouches, smelly clothing, bedding & hands on the now old ones I was wearing. I didn't realize that I'd even been changing gloves by day two using the old pouches & now I'm on day 4 of gloves & pouch. 

When I called Hollister about the very questionable looking wafers on the now old pouches, the young lady on the phone was very adament that I needed to be using this other Hiollister pouch.  I've been happy with the health my skin beneath the wafer which is vital to me so I was very hesitant in changing pouches over.  My phone call was about the wafer & when I spoke of the smelly bag issue as well & how its affected my life & where & when I go somewhere,   I was so close to tears & I told her I was SO close to changing to another pouch company, well,  that was when she told me she was sending samples of the CeraPlus 8931 & "please try them" she said. 

But seriously,  if I were you  & I know cost is often a factor, I'd consider trying different pouches as I think this has to be a huge product failure of some kind your that your dealing with. Maybe they switched to recycled plastics or something & have billions of smelly diffetent numbered pouches to get rid of  & will never admit to it, but I'd try every pouch to get through this if I were you. 


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I use. Convatec active life. I don't smell until this first empty on a new pouch. So therefore i know its coming from the emptying and the way it has to be done.  But then again, sometimes I'm fine until.poop starts going into it and I can smelll that smell. A tiny bit. 

You may be right. I've tried Coloplast before and that was another horrible smell.  I may have even posted about the smells from the 2 different pouches before.. this one smells of wild animal when I poop and the Coloplast had a sour poop smell. Lol! They all make things smell different but a gross smell regardless. So yes it could be thr materials they make them from. 

I. Like ypu hsve been struggling with clothing smells. I've evem been bullied in the past ah, and of course you can see the note I left In this thread.  I work and need a paycheck so its a struggle to feel confident. 

With your case i want to say...dont re wash the gloves and reuse them. As they've are not really like our hands and material's break down. Those smells no matter if you wash the goves it wont fully come out. 

Ive seen this cera plus and i think i tried a sample years ago bit cant remember why i could not use it. I have adhesive allergies so thats another struggle. I may call them and adk them to check my record to see if i tried them before. I do use cera rings though. But I get this sticky issues as well. Hollister adhesive they are using now days is very sticky. As in it breaks down after so many rinses and everything gets sticky like glue at the end of the pouch. Even the one I'm in does that. They are all trying to compete with those extended wear adhesives but those of us with exzema suffer horribly over it. I can wear aregular adhesive from convatec with no sticky issues..but that pouch does not come in convex in which I now need do to surgery. 

I sometimes wonder if the poop is mixing with the gooey adhesive that's melting and coming out of the end of the pouch.  and if that is not what's making us  stink. A poop scented glue lol! Nightmare to say the least. Do you ever feel sticky? 




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@dlkfiretruck I wanted to come back to say that I am so thankful that I found someone who has the same problem and is able to offer some feedback in thier own experience of this issue. I looked up the ceraplus and I wear a convex bag and they do make one but it has a filter. I rinse my bag so I think that was the issue maybe I had with that? Odor was escaping thru the filter becausei was getting it wet I think. I can't remember what other issues I might have had with it. 

Belive me when you speak of being to the point of tears I feel that so strongly. I have cried over it and it all gives me anxiety. I have to work and it's very stressful thinking people may smell this. Right now when I walk past the dresser that my garments are in I can actually smell it and yes the rest of my cloths too probably from being washed and dried in the same washer I wash my clothing in. 

I'm also thinking that they are putting cloth on these pouches and if poop gets on the cloth that is going to set in and smell.. I'm really nervous about going back into work tomorrow. I have even started eating less and have lost weight because i don't want to poop. It's sad really. I think they should give us all disability payments because this can really work on someone's mental health when you know you have to go to work stinky. Thank God my husband has a dead nose and never smells anything. We split up for a while because my old neighbor was saying i was smelling and him and i were fighting about it. It was a big fiasco. He embarrassed me even more by making it a huger issue andi had to leave. It was all too much. 

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@veganostomy do you buy a plastic container to soak or do you soak in your washing machine?

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Posted by: @chelly

@veganostomy do you buy a plastic container to soak or do you soak in your washing machine?

You can leave it to soak in the machine, but I tend to wash my ostomy garments and active wear in this portable hand wash/pressure wash machine that I got yeeeeaars ago!

Great for small loads, easy to use, uses less water and detergent, and requires no electricity! I don't remember how much I paid for it back then, but it was totally worth it.

EDIT: Looks like you can get a similar unit under the "Wonder Wash" brand on Amazon! LOL


Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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@veganostomy thanks for that. I'm.really struggling with this. I absolutely dread the days I  have to wash them. I wish I lived in a single home. Then again I'm sure people wash cloth diapers in apartments and I would think that would be worse.i can't understand how they get this way. I wear gloves double gloved so I can remove the top glove after wiping  and use wipes.


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@chelly  ... hello , sorry for the delay in getting back to you!  Its been a busy time here & my eyes have been really bad again.  I go for further eye testing next week again for Glaucoma & Cataracts.

Anyways Chelly, I want to be clear that the only "smelly" issues I have had wearing a pouch have been at the time of leaks, and wearing the charcoal vented pouches which I will never do again and with whatever evil changes Hollister made in pouches just after covid started.  Those pouches were terrible for odor starting the second day of wearing a new pouch & more then I could handle!   I just figured if one "name or number" of "Hollister"  pouches had this odor issue, certainly they all were made by the same company, therefore they all had to use the same materials so what would be the use in changing pouches & risking wear & tear on my sensitive skin?!!   But apparently NOT!   I seem to have been so wrong & since  wearing this new CeraPlus line of pouch that the horrible odor issue has vanished & when it does reappear then it is high time to change to a new pouch. I did at one time use the charcoal vent pouches but believe you me, they made a huge  odor problem for me  & after the first day they clogged & I had to tape them shut using pieces of the C stretchy tapes from collaplast.  I got out of those pouches as soon as I could order a different Hollister pouch without that useless Horrid charcoal vent. 

  Any clothing odors are handled completely in the washing machine. I use Tide Laundry Soap, Unscented for sensitive skin & then an extra rinse before going in the dryer. There is NO  odor left on my clothing after a thorough laundering.  I use unscented laundry soap & unscented dryer sheets. 

Since changing to the CeraPlus Hollister line of bags THERE IS NO ODOR that my sensitive nose & my dogs snout is aware of & I get 6 plus days wear time until I need to change pouches over. My clothing does not smell after the washing & drying either.  I don't wear any support garments so I have no experience there to help. 

My Eczema is mainly on my hands and I find as of late the cause seems to be having the moisture whipped out of my skin by using paper towels.  As soon as I switch back to cloth towels my skin heals up again. 

I feel very frustrated for you dealing with this issue as an ongoing basis & can only suggest trying as many different pouches until find until you find one that works better for you.  I do believe the charcoal vents are a BIG JOKE & if I were you I'd toss those as soon as you can & get into a better pouch.  I use as few scented products as I can get my hands on when it comes to things I put on my body.  I do hope You can resolve this issue for your own sake as it seems your fairly tormented by these issues. My heart goes out to you!! 


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@dlkfiretruck hello, no worries we all have things going on in our lives. I do appreciate you getting back. I'm sorry to hear about the glaucoma and cataracts. I have cataracts but I was told mine were in baby stages.

I'm so glad you called hollister and they pointed you towards that pouch that's working out for you  it's devastating to smell and feel self conscious. Boy do i know ! I'm the cleanrst most careful human on earth so Makes no sense. I purchased some affresh tablets clean the washing machine. I use tide but just the original scent. I used to use unscented but had switched due to the smells.  I was using tide 3 in one pods with odor control for a while but at this new place the pods are not melting correctly so got the tide original. I think I will throw some bleach in them . At least until I can get this rockin green Eric mentioned. 

I was talking to some folks on another forum and something in the conversation triggered my Brain that a few months ago one of my stoma nurses mentioned she thought I could maybe move down to a precut 7/8 instead of the 1 inch I'm in. So I have lost a lot of weight. I called my supplier and traded them in for a 7/8 last week. . This could have been the issue gas and stool smells escaping from all the extra  area around my stoma. I mean I did have a ring on but alot was showing around the stoma and breaking down rinsing ect. 

It's been a week in the new size. One  thing i did noticec s lots of ballooning straight away which tells me gas was most likely escaping the other can't tell if it's making a difference the garments because they already smell so I need to get that out first. I'm hoping this is what's wrong 

I've tried all pouches almost , all hollisters, Coloplast, convatec and a few others but the convatec active life for me is the least smelly. I don't like filters as why would i want a hole with  filter to let out more poop smells and if you rinse it's all over anyhow. Mine is a one peice as I've had 2 peices pop off when I was driving so it's been a one peice ever since. I'm telling you this active life is built pretty well and has a tape collar that's very, very secure. It goes all around the flange unlike hollisters that only covers the sides and is flimsy. Every other pouch I've tried had worse issues either with adhesive and even worse smells. I also have another idea for the sticky issue. I'm in a convex right now but at one time I was in a flat pouch. They had me cut my own rings from a 4x4 barrier. I'm thinking trying that with a convatec stomahesive skin barrier and to see if the sticky might just be from the ring I'm using.

My exzema is mainly on my hands too but can pop up on my legs, feet ankles. Mine is bad right now I have open cuts on hands at the moment. Well, it's winter and  salt in the air and in the car too. Thanks for all your input as I am really listening to everyone's suggestions and ideas or experiences and hope to  get this resolved soon 

One other thing the smell could be or contributing is. My husband an I broke up for a few months. Noticed my bands smelled nice and fresh. I'm back with him now. He is  62 and starting to get that old people noneal smell as I smell it on his pillowcases. If I wash after him this could contribute because it does kind of have an undertone of that. Lol I wash seperate from him by the way. 

I gotta figure all this out cuz I'm a clean person. He is too but I guess getting old does this to folks.

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All I know is im a clean human being.  I'm really depressed due to the bullying and embarrassment I received at my last apartment last spring. Then the co workers at my last job getting jnto my bathroom bag and even took my gloves. Then shortly after this you smell ike shit note. Im really anxious about all of  this. Having  a hard time with it all. 

In the past 3 years I have also noticed people spray perfume all around after I start working at places. Maybe I'm paranoid but like I said that old apartment ordeal started my anxiety with this and has me thinking. 

I've tried asking people close to me but they say no and i feel like maybe they are just being nice. To me though being nice would be to tell me the truth if I do. I guess it's a hard thing to tell someone as others do not know how you'd take it or don't want to hurt your feelings but knowing for sure would either ease my mind or try to figure out what's going wrong. 

I recently quit the job but I can't stay not working forever. I did not quit because of the note and I was moved away from that location but the chemicals were really getting to me and to my ostomy. I'm struggling and getting anxious as to what kind of work I can do without being around people. 

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@chelly ... I know your really struggling with this odor thing & I'm so sorry your having such difficulty with it.  I want you to know that when I first had my Ostomy I went thru a similar thing but I did get past it.  It was hard for me bcuz I had been just over a year in 2 different  hospitals critically ill with 7 or 8 bowel  surgeries with long incisions and five hours away from my family in the last 6 months.  Hmmm... I'm surprised at my emotions just now as its been over 16 years. Anyway, deep breath & slowly  out...  after I got out, 5 months later  my hubby was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  I had still not fully recovered.  We had always been the best we could be together. Five months before he died I needed emergency surgery for my Ostomy.  He was too sick to come to the Hospital to visit & honestly I did'nt want him to come bcuz I wanted him safe from extra germs & worried his body may not be able to handle them. I wanted him around as long as possible.  My parents had come to help look after my hubby & I about 3  days before I got out.  Being new to the world of Ostomies, I never thought to google anything bcuz computers were not my thing at all.  I still hate computers but seem to manage well on my phone! Lol! Anyways, I'm sure I asked my hubby & kids 6 times a day if I "stank"?  They consistently said No. Even in bed with output in my pouch I'd ask, do I stink? Always being told no. Friends said the same thing.  Finally  about a year after my hubby passed, I decided to ask my GP if I stank.  I knew of all people he for sure HAD to be honest with me.  I purposely went with output in my pouch I asked my embarassing question & He came & sat closer to me, fanned the air & we sat & talked.  The room was warm. After 20 min. He said a definite "no, you do not stink".  He explained to me many new ostimates felt they stank when they do not.  I was using a home made liquid deoderant in my pouch at the time. My GP suggested if I really still felt that way to change the deoderant to M9 & see if that helped & then he assured me I really did not stink.    

You are going to get thru this!! You will find a solution.  I remember at the time I was using rings with my 1 piece pouch & after my GP appt. that day I decided not to use them anymore. Now, I have had at least 9 surgeries for my bowel & 5 other open abdominal surgeries so my tumny is far from perfect!!  I worried that the little dips I have would cause leaks but so far so good & its been at least 13 yrs without the rings. 

You may be onto something with the rings & hole size, its worth making changes to find out. Also, do you absolutly have to have your stoma hole pre-cut??   If you can possibly cut your stoma hole yourself, then do it. You've switched to non charcoal vented bags but have gas build up issues... I use the Osto-E -Z-Vents to help with releasing gas, its extra cost & we have to install them ourselves & to me fully worth the value!!  If you go that route let me know, I/we have tips to make the install much easier & quicker then as the instructions say.  The acid in output can deteriorate the ring & wafer quicker for sure.  Your risking your skin by not having the hole cut as closly to the exact right size as possible. There are methods I use to measure my stoma that work well for me with my crazy stoma size! Lol!  I know others here will have suggestions as well if you need any but start a new forum for it.   I'd like to encourage you to make as many changes as you can in your pouch routine & products that you use.  Maybe minimize the variety but still use adhesive removers & barrier wipes & M9.  Your well on your way to resolving this. Stay strong!   

You mention an " old peoples smell".   I nursed in Geriatrics years ago & I know some older people can have an almost heavy musty odor about them, the same as some heavily breasted women can have a sour smell from swet beneath their breasts. These odors can come from not showering enough or drying thoroughly & using a clean towel after a few showers.  Some had a fungus that caused the odor & once treated the odors disapeared.  Bleach in laundry can leave a kind of gross smell if consistently used & not rinsed enough, leaving a... I don't even know how to describe  the odor.   I know a lady who used to soak her kitchen wash cloths & towels in a bucket of bleach until  laundering & honestly, it left a horrid stench on the fabric & in the house.  After many complaints she replaced them all & stopped using bleach & that smell went away.  After that, She only used bleach if absolutly needed & followed bottle instructions. I wash all kitchen & body towels in seperate loads  & in hot water & as said previously an extra last rinse.  Are you working around smokers? That scent can cling to clothing too. Inscence & candles as well... 

My point is, keep looking, keep trying. Trust your family & friends & if you still have difficulty maybe go talk to your GP about this problem & remind him he has a DUTY to be honest with you about everything you talk to him about & don't go in fresh showered  & with an empty pouch. 

Chelly, I know its really none of my business but maybe being widowed just before our 30th anniversary I know well how short life can be & I want to say that if this has affected your marriage then you need to continue to find a resolve.  Try not to argue about this with your hubby, dead nose or not.  That said, I would never encourage anyone to stay in an abusive marriage either.  Physical or verbal.  Stay strong in spirit & don't give up! 

My eyes,  please excuse any missed spelling errors. 


john68 reacted
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Hi Chelly, You have received some very wise words from Linda. We can too easily let a situation get on top of us. I know by replies to posts on the forum how well you cope and how good at this ostomy business you are. Have faith and trust in your self 👍

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

VeganOstomy and LK reacted
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Hi Linda and John,

Thank you for the support. Come to think of it Linda, I never had smell issues when I was able to cut my own because I could adjust it as needed. I don't think these come cut to fit. They are hard convex and that is what's needed in my case. My stoma went totally flat after hernia surgery and soft convex does not work out.. I've thought about fungal skin issues as my husband has toenail fungus and well, sharing the shower , the bed sheets etc. My skin issues started 2 years ago and I e been on him about using the cream for his feet and it's always a big argument when I mention it. Im.seeing a new family medicine doctor tomorrow so I'm going to mention this about fungus. I've always questioned that. 

I thank you for all your words of encouragement. And you too John and the others who replied.

Im.really taking in all that you all are saying. 


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Chelly... Oh my goodness!! Wouldn't it be amazing if not cutting the stoma hole were the only thing in the way of all this for you? Ugh!!  I can't even imagine living with a flush stoma!! If I had one,  I think I'd barge into surgeons offices all over the country until I found a Surgeon who would make things right & give me a decent length of a protruding stoma!! Mine on average is 1 to 1 & 1/2 "'s long & sometimes 2"'s long & to me its just perfect. 

This is your "Quality of Life" we are talking about here & it annoys the living daylights out of me that Surgeons think a flush or short stoma is okay.  Don't get me wrong, I have a great respect for Surgeons & Doctors, but I tend to think some need to spend a week in the life of their patients shoes & fully loaded  pouches! Lol!  I am pretty sure there would be no flush stomas & "tolerant patients" which is what you are Chelly!!! 

Correct  me if I'm wrong here but wasn't it you saying something about needing a surgery for something soon ? I'm so badly Anemic still & not sleeping well & my brain needs to wake up while its still morning. But if it is you & they are going in anyways, even if its not you...  I think I'd have a very blunt & meaningful conversation about stoma length to improve your "quality of life" & pouch choices. Your work & home & family life have been adversely affected by this  issue & thats just wrong in so many ways.  Doctors respond very well when you talk about your "quality of life"!! 

Chelly I just want the best life for you & anyone struggling along with Ostomies. I know of a few others here who have flush stomas & I know they struggle as well with issues.   I was sent one of those pouches with a concave wafer to try bcuz someone at Hollister was not listening well to what I was saying & I was so inexperienced!!  So, I tried a pouch for flush stomas, lol, & by the time I took that horribly uncomfortable thing off I had bruises under the wafer all around my stoma. It was the sorriest move I have ever made regaurding my precious (Rose), my Stoma! Stumbling onto VO when I did was the best thing that happened for my stoma life.  Thank you again Eric!! 

Your doing so well coping with all your going through but if you can make changes for the better,  make them. This is your life & we all need to be in control of our lives with or without a stoma! Keep moving forward & keep us in the loop!! You've got this in the bag! He he he.... we are here for you. 


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@dlkfiretruck you are so right. I had a temp ileostomy at first. Then went for the total proctocolectomy with end ileostomy 2vyrs later but I had parastomal hernias in the new site and the old site plus an umbilical hernia that was there before I ever had ostomies. I developed a serious blockage from the hernias so I had to get open hernia surgery with mesh. There was talk of me possibly waking up with a new stoma site but he left the stoma where it was and did the repairs. This is where the stoma went flat. I was highly upset and crying about it.  He said don't worry the nurses will get you into a bag that will push it out and I told me he had no idea that I have adhesive allergies and I'm not up to all of this finding a new bag. 

Well I tried staying in my old bag but started to get too many leaks so of course I had to get into convexity. This is where all my problems started. There is really no way unless an emergency surgery had to happen that this can be done. The hernia surgery was so huge and intense. I was in a study and told to never leave cleveland because no other hospital will understand how I was repaired. 

I think they did the sugarbaker method on me. It was an open surgery. I'm very pleased with the repair itself  because those hernias were pulling me forward and they themselves cause leaks. The parastomal  hernias pull on you in the front and feel very heavy. I had to wear a hernia belt from new hope. I was so pleased that my stomach was flat again as I looked pregnant. This is the drawback though...the flat stoma. The bag I wear is a hard convex so it does push it out very well it's just now I need to figure out why the stench. Im.hoping this smaller hole size is going to do the trick. It's going to take time to tell but i already feel.better with this small one. I'm not feeling so leaky around the stoma area as before. I'm also going to try cutting my own rings from a 4x4 barrier sheet and see if that helps woth the sticky issues. They are sending me a sample so I can try it. I've done ot in the past with my old bag.

I'll keep you updated here in this thread to any positive or negative changes. I'd love to rid of these problems though. 

PS. No im.not having any surgeries at the moment . That may have been someone else. 


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@chelly  ...oh Chelly, you poor lady!  All those worries of finances on top of everything else!!! 

I live on a very small budget a month due to being unble to work almost my whole adult life & my husband passing young did not help money issues & cost of living, but I get by on very little. It can be done but sadly & I miss it,  there is no going to movies & theatres & no eating out or holidays either unless a small  inheritance happens & I treat myself.  My hubby was the bread winner in the family & I looked after everything else including the finances. But he did all the outdoor work except my sparce flower bed.  He worked hard & six days a week to make ends barely meet. But it can be done. Where there is a will there is a way. 

Now, I'll suggest that you not waste a moments time and start looking into dissability where you live.  If your in Canada thanks to Erics information here, I was able to start collecting disability & though I applied several times, I never lost hope & I kept jumping thru all the Gov't loop holes they shoved in my face.  Once I became determined & read SO MUCH stuff on line about incometax I started finding loop holes & just kept asking what I felt were stupid questions but realized that the silence I recieved when asking some questions was actually an answer to my questions. Keep at it. Keep notes & names & if they have them even numbers of everyone you talk too.  I was on Social Services who topped up what I got on disability based on my hubbies earnings & I'm not even sure how Or what loop hole helped with that!! Lol!  Just know Chelly that there is always a way. 

I'd think the first thing you need to do is STOP working with all those chemicals. Obviously they are doing more harm then good. Your body is screaming this at you. You need time to heal physically. Get a doctors recomendation on paper about you needing to stop work in the field you are in due to chemical exposure. I think I'd ask to have my liver tested if they have not already tested it. QUESTION this Rhuematologist too. She maybe able to put you in touch with people to help in claiming disability. 

If your still able to work then I'd say obviously you need a career change away from all the harmful chemicals your body is sensitive too. Keep copies of everything you get so you don't have to repeatably go to the same doctors & then wait to get appts. & copies of what they recomended previously. 

Start researching disability where you live now. Talk to people in stores who look diasabled & politely ask questions about it. Especially talk to your doctor.  There is short term disability as well.  Its going to take work & maybe a lot of waiting & note taking but hang in there.   Sorry, but I need to get off this screen (eyes) but I'll be watching for replies. Your health is nothing to ignore or take for granted. 


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Thanks, yes I need to think about disability. I just seem to be getting worse health wise. I keep making stupid career decisions unknowingly until I get there and find it wrecks havoc either on my vehicles, home or health or all. 

I think here in the states they say you can't be working for 1 whole year before you can even apply. I'll have to call a disability lawyer to find out for sure.  Last I heard they were only giving to cancer patients right away.  

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May have gotten to the bottom of  the garment issue . I notice my washer was putting out brown rinse water..also it seemed it would not remove soap on rinses. I think it may have been back siphoning or maybe the pump was bad. The washer was here when they first built these buildings.  So how many people it has gone through . Talked maintenence into a new one , well he agreed put it that way. 

New machine is here now.  They smelled better but it may take a few washes

 I'm using unscented soap and lysol laundry sanitizer to see if this solves the issue along with the new machine. Actually all our clothing was smelling but I thought it was from my garments. I would post a pic of what the washer water looked like but says my image is too large. 

Wish me luck

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I've been washing mine in the hower with  hand soap.  In the past I've used three washing machine on delicate and followed by hang drying.  I just try to reduce the wear and tear to prolong the life of the garment.  

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