Hello all - last year I decided to switch to a Hollister one-piece solution that has been working quite well for me until I was advised that the product I had come to love was being discontinued! So I have been forced to use the #8281 together with the Cera wafer. I have now had several failures which I believe are 100% product/quality issues. The `lock and roll' closure for me has always been a problem as the velcro wears out and I lost count of the number of times the thing just opens up at the *most* inconvenient times - so I am in the habit now of using one of those IKEA bag sealing clips to contain my output before it hits the closure area. I even tried those ostomy bag clips but I found them to be extremely tight against the plastic and not wide enough to have any clearance on each side. Anyway, now I have had a series of failures where the left side of the pouch (often right in the lock and roll area) develops a small hole/slit that allows output to escape. Last month I did an extra 4 changes because of these failures. One of them had the entire left side of the pouch open up, and it wasn't even half full! Unfortunately I unbox my products and dispose of the boxes and literature when I receive my quarterly supply order, so I cannot provide a lot number. I just want to reach out here and see if anyone else has had similar problems in the last year. I know for sure that the gauge of plastic used in the discontinued product was much thicker than the #8281, but that should not be an excuse for crappy quality! I do have a pouch cover but you know I really think that the company that manufactures these products should ensure that their products last more than a couple of days before things start to break down. I appreciate that different people have different diets and output types and levels, but I still believe at the prices we pay the product quality should be better! And of course I would love to have the ability to document the failures but let's just say that the mess created by the failures precludes my being able to pull out my iPhone and start taking pictures lol  Cheers and thanks! Dan Hi Dan, That’s an unwanted problem. I would look around at the different companies and order samples. I really wouldn’t fight or put up with a product not suitable for you. Bless of luck always a solution 👍 ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Thanks - yeah I should probably get back on that horse. I guess I am just lazy. now I have had a series of failures where the left side of the pouch (often right in the lock and roll area) develops a small hole/slit that allows output to escape. I had one box of 1pc bags (different SKU from what you're using) do that to me. The plastic sides on the last section of the lock and roll would be split after a few days, which was not fun. I haven't had that happen after a few more boxes, but I do agree that the thinner plastic that Hollister has decided to use is a step back from the plastic they used to use. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @veganostomy Hi Eric - sort of glad to hear this happened to someone else lol   The irony I see in this is if I tell Hollister that I have used these clips to mitigate the risk of leaking of their own product, they would probably blame it on user-inflicted damage and not the product quality. Even funnier is I don't even think Coloplast has my size (I hate cutting my own) with transparent front so I can see that I am placing things correctly. Sometimes I wish that the ileo pouches had the spigot like the urology pouches lol That still wouldn't solve the bag splitting issue though... Cheers and thanks again for chiming in :)  Dan @jdanh ... Hey there! Sorry to hear of your issues. I think as leaks happened before hand & you were forced you to come up with a plan to prevent the issues, I wouldn't tell them you are forced to use the clamp due to product failure, just tell thrm the problem. The numbers are only so they can trace back to when the issues began & to check their machines for issues.  If Your paying out of pocket for pouches they should at least replace that full box. I noticed back at about the time of smelly & noisier pouch changes atvthe start of covid that the velcro has changes as well. Its a much shorter meeting up area then before they made changes. I could no longer feel or hear the little clicking as velcro was pressed together, no suprise they denied that too! Lol!! I don't know about yours, but my Pharmacy records the box & lot numbers as I get the new pouches maybe check with them. I do the same as you. As I put osto-e-z-vents on my pouches the boxes they came in go into recycling & pouches into a larger plastic zip bag then in my storage. I Simply do not need the extra trash laying around & taking up space.  Maybe check with your Pharmacy or the order form you get with your pouches or where you order them from they may have that info for you as well. I would like to encourage anyone one with leaks or noisey rsttling pouch issues & or odor & even M9 leaks atvthe corners of the closures to please call the company & let them know we know there are failures in their product & would like to know why. We are their life time customers & deserve better respect then denial & excuses from them. Even if changes were forced by M9 or enviromental laws we still deserve to at least be informed. Good luck to you!! Linda I saw a post on another forum and someone has same issues. Posted a pic of holes in the area at the bottom that you roll up. This is why I love my clip with my convatec. I had leaking at the velcro bottom of Coloplast sensura mio. @veganostomy Here's a funny update. I got several messages and calls from a customer service agent (who I think is either assigned to west coast or is one of only a few of them at Hollister Canada) apologizing profusely for my issues and then goes on to advise me that she is sending my 2 boxes of the 8991; which I was sent previously and I told them that in my case the one-piece pouches that have the "fabric" front will not work because I cannot accurately line up the pouch to my stoma. I actually considered doing a Sharpie outline to guide me but decided against it lol. Second problem was I cannot use any of their products with the "filter vent". It is an oxymoron name in my opinion because over half of the products I used with this "feature" leaked out this area. My stoma nurse confirmed to me that lots of others experienced the same problem. No doubt it is going to impact those, like me, who unfortunately have less formed output - but whatever the reason the design obviously does not deal with this type of output and they should have a warning or something advising customers of it.  Anyway much of this is beating a dead horse, but I thought this was pretty funny to be sent product I already have told them doesn't work to replace another one that I am having problems with. I suppose I could switch back to the 2-piece model, but I really really enjoy the simplicity of my current method; if I could only get a product to perform more consistently for me! Just as an FYI, I developed a little hack to mitigate future issues :) @jdanh Well, that's unfortunate! I really think that all products options should have a no-filter version. And all fabric options should have a no-fabric version, too 😀 I think that part of the challenge with finding the right appliance in your case, is that you need convexity. That already limits the varieties available, unfortunately. What are your next steps? Are you sampling products from other brands, or will you try to make it work with what you have available? Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hi, Sorry to hear of your leaks. I wear a Coloplast SenSura Mio Convex Light set up and it works well for me, I found that I get leaks when I use a flat barrier.  I always use the Coloplast Brava Protective ring under the barrier. I use a two piece system because I wear clear bags at home and cloth covered ones while out where the bag will possible be seen.  I am pretty active and I do not empty my bag often enough at night and this set up works well for me. Do not know if they will have an exact precut size for you or not, I just figured out that they do have one that fits me after 1.5 years of cutting the barrier to fit. My medical supplier offers the service to custom cut the barrier but I have never tried that.  Good luck! cygo cygo @veganostomy AGREED! Or at least allow the end user to easily remove the covering? Duh I dunno but that option wouldn't seem to take a rocket scientist to figure out. I know convex reduces my options and I am still awaiting an answer from Coloplast, which is not encouraging to me since I reached out to them the same day I started this topic! Sadly it may end up being a case of either reverting to 2 piece (which has it's own set of potential issues with additional failure points) or just living with with this setup gritting my teeth when there are problems. The latter, on a personal level really peeves me because of the costs involved and I suppose that I expect better QC when we are paying this much for our supplies! The fact that the competition has not seemed to take an interest in my situation is also troublesome. Jeez, this almost sounds like a political conversation lol @cygo Thanks for your reply. I am 99% sure that based on their catalog they do not have the 22mm pre-cut which for me leaves me to look elsewhere or grin and bear it with Hollister. And in general I have to say that if you add up all the number of pouches that I have consumed since late 2014 the number of failures is relatively small. But as I have said, I expect more from a company of this magnitude. I actually sampled that exact combination of Coloplast items about 5 years ago, and I am pretty sure that I liked the quality but did not want to have to cut every flange :) Or at least allow the end user to easily remove the covering? Hollister does have a few bags with an inspection window built-in, which gives you a fabric front, but it can be split to see inside. Unfortunately, very few of their SKUs have this feature, but it is a good compromise between a fully opaque bag and a completely clear one.  Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. @veganostomy Yes I have sampled and ordered that item. Again, cheaper thinner plastic construction and the concept was a good one but fiddling with that part of the fabric seemed to me to be a lot of effort so I just went with no fabric at all. Thankfully with my new `hack' (and maybe the end of defective batch of product), I am at 6 days now without a change. Still, I would far rather be spending time on other things than having to deal with this sort of problem. Such is life :) @jdanh Coloplast also has a pouch with a window, if that’s helpful. It’s covered with fabric, but you can pull it up to see through the window.  Laurie Just a semicolon Coloplast also has a one peice mio clear pouch and without a filter but they don't advertise it that much. You can call to speak with them about the product number Convatec has the active life clear pouch too but has a clip and a smaller emptying tail. I think they may have other clear as well. I think ive tred most and the active life's have just been more secure for me but it's all about personal preference. @chelly Thanks for your reply. Sadly but not surprisingly, Coloplast has NOT responded to my query though I seem to be getting more than the usual amount of marketing messages from them since I posted my request. Also since I posted this, and also perhaps not surprisingly, the Hollister product I have had problems with seems to be "working" as it should. With my little hack, I got 8 days of use before I needed to change. Maybe this is karma evening things out lol. My contact at Hollister is really wanting to set things right, so I will probably just take the "samples" as compensation and chalk it up to `s**t happens'... @jdanh that's really sad that they are not responding to your inquiry but yet sending marketing. I'm glad you have figured out a hack to get you by. Maybe try calling them you may have better luck that way. So sorry your going through this. No ostomy patient should be treated with such disrespect. It's hard enough what we go through. Once I had a bad batch of Coloplast mio that was leaking at the velcro ends. Coloplast says send them to them and then they would replace. Luckily my supplier replaced or I would have had nothing to use. I had them replace with my old reliable pouch I used to use and am still in to this day.  Coloplast also has a one peice mio clear pouch and without a filter but they don't advertise it that much. That's my favorite, which serves me well for years. Its Coloplast # is : 10489 Regards, polgyver  Colostomy April 2016 the coloplast 13860 has a clear front and is a good solidly made 1 pc bag that is reasonably priced.   you do have to cut your own wafers but thats fairly easy. just use the diagram that comes in the box and a sharpie.    my stoma is shaped like an egg so pre-cut doesnt work for me. - and yes, coloplast customer service really sucks........  good luck    Â
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