Hi Eric: I listened to your Webinar back in December and one of your co-hosts mentioned the Inspire site. Out of curiosity I visited the site and was impressed (not nearly as much as with yours though). Someone on the site had posted about ostomates going to the hospital with a bowel blockage and the staff on duty not knowing how serious this is for an ostomate. This person then indicated that there was some form of a card that you could present to the emergency staff in order for them to understand and prioritize the situation. I think this a marvellous idea and wonder if you have any knowledge of this "card" and how one would go about obtaining it. I got the impression it was a download of some sort that you could then print out. Now that I have had my first ostomy bowel blockage, which I was able to deal with at home because of the numerous bowel blockages I have had over the years and, also know how i have been treated at the emergency room when I had to end up there. You end up waiting hours for a doctor to see you and then they ask how do you know you have a bowel blockage. Only someone who has never had one would ask that question. I would have dearly liked to have had some document to show him or her that I knew what I was talking about and to get me xrayed stat. I appreciate all that you do for all our members and other ostomates. Thank you for all your hard work. I have one.. I bring it with me in my hospital bag w/all my ostomy supplies etc. Ture, they don't know how do deal with these. Even when I showed them how to proceed with this paper. But they sure were happy to have it and copied it for their future use.. But not me. FIRAT thing u have to say "get me to the ostomy floor NOW" --"bowel blockage!!!".. The E.R. is happy to get you off their floor... Worked for me with this remark.. But keep your half smile.. I will try to type it out to Eric and maybe he can post it for your and others use.. If that is o.k. Eric?????? 2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. This person then indicated that there was some form of a card that you could present to the emergency staff in order for them to understand and prioritize the situation. I think this a marvellous idea and wonder if you have any knowledge of this "card" and how one would go about obtaining it. I got the impression it was a download of some sort that you could then print out. Good question - I'll see if I can find out where that is. I've seen it before, but it was a while ago! I'll post a link or file once I can find it :) Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Good day everyone one, nice to have you all out there as they say from Oklahoma. I tried to get in on conversation about going to Emergency room with blockage? A card? / Paper? It's been brought up with my Family Please someone. Eric? Give us a heads up on how to go about this. It is serious, saves time. I was put on a floor for a return visit after Colostomy for Infection. Most of them had hardly any training for Ostimates. One Nurse emptied my pouch and didnt seal velcro good. Lesson learned by me!! Double check. I mentioned to my Dr. about unqualified staff with my stay. His answer: You were put on an overflow floor. There you have it. Thanks again for everyone's help.. Thanks Marcie for the info, couldn't reply to you until Eric did the bug fix. Also Eric found and forwarded the site to me for emergency room staff and procedures. I shall print it out and keep it on file for future use if I have another bowel blockage and end up in emergency. I tried to get in on conversation about going to Emergency room with blockage? A card? / Paper? It's been brought up with my Family Please someone. Eric? Give us a heads up on how to go about this. Hi Kerby, The "blockage card" I linked to above can help if you're in an emergency room with a blockage because it explains to non-trained staff how to go about helping. But it sounds like it might be useful to have another such document for how to empty the pouch, etc. in case you find yourself in a situation where you can't. Hmm. Maybe I should come up with one :) Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I was the one who was interested in a Quicker way to get Fast attention upon entering Hospital with Blockage . I had to go back into Hospital with Infection after my November 2017 Surgery. They put me on an OVERFLOW floor. Didn't take me long to figure out these People had NO clue how to handle an Ostomy Patient, sad. My first inclination was when they drained my pouch and didn't close it. :( I basically showed them. I had told my Doctor that Ostomy Care should be mandatory in rotation during Nursing School. I also realized through my Home Care Nurse that there is a lack of good Ostomy Nurses. At my last ER visit the doctor admittedly didn't have much ostomy training. She asked me several times if I needed a WOCN to come down to change my bag before she had me remove it. It didn't bother me, but if I hadn't been able to handle it I would have been irritated. UC since 2002, subtotal colectomy Dec. 2016, proctolectomy Nov. 2018. Didn't take me long to figure out these People had NO clue how to handle an Ostomy Patient, sad. My first inclination was when they drained my pouch and didn't close it. :( I basically showed them. I had told my Doctor that Ostomy Care should be mandatory in rotation during Nursing School. At least BASIC ostomy care would be helpful! That's such a shame that you had to go through that. I think some hospitals are better than others in this regard, but some simply don't have any stoma experience at all. I think in those cases, it's should be the responsibility of the local ostomy association to look after the education piece. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. If only the hospitals respected us ostomate laymen . I have , in the last 4 months, helped three newbies get situated. And I know that I need training. (Which is not available in my area.) I once (after my liver transplant )was a member of a support group. At first it was highly successful . Then JHH decided that they needed to 'guide' us and told us to do what to do.Eventually , they disbanded the group. Now that I am an ostomate, I find that I can use the skill sets that I garnered to help people who are going through what I have been through. Of course, I am interested in helping others . It is beneficial to me on many levels. So i do what I can , as I can , when I am needed . Hopefully, the benefits are more than the damages. Got to keep it up. I was very fortunate to have a Home Care Nurse who was very qualified to help me! She took the time, and I mean time to teach, show. An awesome young Lady. I was going through every emotion when I came home. There's nothing like hands on training . I cried when our time was up. She told me to call or text for any reason. I decided if I really needed her to come see me I'd pay her. A Mother trying to support her Son. I was very fortunate. It's People like Eric & Megan and others that really help us. I thank them. I've asked alot of stupid questions. I was scared. We do need more qualified Health care to handle Ostimates. I wish I had a class to go to before my Surgery. All the paper work is not like sending you Home and turning you lose. Before my Nurse started I was totally lost. I learn something everyday here. I can always go back and review. God Bless all of you... We are in this together... God smiled on you when he sent your nurse to you. Learn as much as you can and then turn about and help others . Pass it on. Yes he has. I'm learning. Trial and error.. I thank the Lord everyday that I'm here. I couldn't find the topic again? There was mention of a Globular Stomach? Not sure I'm spelling it right? I will try Googling. I might have a couple, interested in treatment. I need help!!!! I've asked on here about fissures on my Stoma? They look like bubbles, a couple of them. I believe there's night have been a Topic on this, I couldn't find it. Not sure how to spell what it is. Got no where Googling. Causes? Solutions. I need answers. Thanks Hi Kerby, Their is a term fistula which by the description you give of bubbles you give of bubbles does not fit but I may be wrong. have you had this looked at? This is the sort of question that needs the be answered by Eric. ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Hi Again Kerby, If it turns out to be granulomas I have been troubled with the same recently, As Eric has said see your stoma nurse. With the right advise they can be self treated. the one I have is just on the edge of the stoma. A little raised red in colour. (color) ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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