Let's discuss everyday women's clothing for ostomates! You can read the full article with photos and more tips by clicking on the link below. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. You ladies have easier than the guys when it comes clothing with ileostomies, I envy you. This is the first site I came to after finding out that I will have an ostomy bag for the rest of my life due to cancer. It is so nice seeing women live their lives the way you should. I know that it will be a process of finding out what works for me. It has all just been a massive change for me. Thank you for finding the site! It will be a process, but in the end, things will be great. Best of luck to you! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I have trouble finding jeans and pants that fit and I am 64 and of course no one my age IS ANYWHERE ON ANY SITE!!! Hi Susan, 40% of the visitors on this site are over the age of 55 and 20% are over the age of 65,so they are out there and I get emails from quite a few of them. Is there a specific problem with the jeans you've tried that makes them difficult to wear? Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I'm new to this site. Had my Colostomy in November. I'm a 71 year young Female. It's a huge change in your life but doable. I'm glad I'm alive! I read alot and use the videos and tips. In time, trial and error you will feel more and more secure. Yes, with exoerice you'll be more comfortable with everything! Best of luck to you! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I too am a new lifetime ostomate. I had a temporary ileostomy when my cancer was first diagnosed 5 years ago. "Bob" was quite the nuisance. Recently that stupid cancer came back and now I have a permanent colostomy (Son of Bob aka SOB!). This site was the first one I came to that actually makes sense and has FANTASTIC suggestions for living with an ostomy. Thank you! I am quite encouraged by the clothing site. I just purchased a formal dress for a Colon Cancer gala and because of this site, I was confident enough to order a dress that I really like that ISN'T too far off from what I would normally look at: I am a 55 year old gal who is thankful to be alive and know that I'm not alone. Again---THANK YOU! Hi Kathy. I'm new also. Eric, ( Vegan Ostomy) has pulled me out of my funk. I've learned alot and am still learning. Tips, hints, ideas. I feel more confident. I to, will be ordering for the rest of my life. Clothing, and etc. I think this is great we can all converse as to what works and ideas. Hi I feel the same way you do! I didn't want the surgery + they did it anyway without my consent! The surgeon cut rite thru my navel,my OSTOMY is up high 2-3 inches to the left of my navel & I can't find I dam thing to wear cause of where he put the dam thing! The surgeon is an ***hole.I Haven't been back to see him or anyother surgeon since the surgery( 1yr ago) I don't go anywhere cause I can't find comfortable clothing to wear! I think he put it up to high!! I'm cut 3" above my navel all the way down to my pubic hairline! This guy screwed up big time and totally trashed my life!! Take care & if you want to reply, I'd be happy to hear from you. Thanks You, Deb Hi I feel the same way you do! I didn't want the surgery + they did it anyway without my consent! The surgeon cut rite thru my navel,my OSTOMY is up high 2-3 inches to the left of my navel & I can't find I dam thing to wear cause of where he put the dam thing! The surgeon is an ***hole.I Haven't been back to see him or anyother surgeon since the surgery( 1yr ago) I don't go any -where cause I don't think can't find comfortable clothing to wear! I think he put it up to high!! I'm cut 3" above my navel all the way down to my pubic hairline! This guy screwed up big time and totally trashed my life!! Take care & if you want to reply, I'd be happy to hear from you. Thanks You, Deb Deb—I hate to see you so upset about it all. I agree- the placement of yours does NOT sound ideal, but it is what it is. I recently purchased one of those swim wraps that the Vegan site reviewed. I think it’s going to be my new best friend as it seems to help smooth and minimize things a bit, without creating any bulk at all. I’ve also purchased a “pregnancy band” to do the same thing, but it’s a bit more bulky. The swim wrap is just tight enough to make me feel like I’m not hanging out so far. I’m sure none of these hang out as far as WE see them, but it’s important nonetheless to help make us feel as comfortable as possible. Nothing is going to make this go away, but the more I can minimize it, the better. We are going on vacation in a few weeks and my girlfriend will be rocking her bikini. I USED to be able to do that: now I’ll just look like an old lady, but at least I’m alive. I had a huge scare this week with my ostomy: it prolapsed and I had to have surgery. Talk about a wake up call to remind me that life is so precious! I hope that in time you can accept your ostomy. Susan? I hope you eventually ur ally feel better about yourself Ostomy. I'm 71 and had my surgery 3 months ago. I've got more confidence in the Videos that are out there, and tips. Vegan Ostomys Website has helped me alot. There's alot to learn and in time sort out what works for you. I'm lucky I still have clothes but with Summer coming up I'm sure we all are scrambling. I order a little each Month. I came home from Hospital with small Hernia. My next purchase is the Nu-Hope Hernia belt... I love this Forum. Nice to know I have support. I wish us all the best!!! ??? I'm happy to be alive. Hi Deb, I can completely understand your frustration. I'm actually in the process of finishing an article about stoma placement and it's so important that the nurse or surgeon who marks your stoma to get it right. I would seriously consider a revision, and you can have your stoma site properly marked by a stoma nurse. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Susan I am 68 and have had my ileostomy for 35 years. A year ago the surge st needed to redo my stomach due to a large hernia. My new stoma is very high I no longer have a belly button so I look freaky. None of my clothes that have waiste bands work. After reading these post i am going to try some materterty jeans. Also looking for sites that sell long flowing tops. Hi ISusan had my surgery only 6 weeks ago. I am also 64 yrs. I am happy to be alive. My kids n grand kids r way beyond in happiness knowing I am still with them. This is a major change in my life n I thank God everyday I am still here. Some days I am sad but I am learning to cope n stay focus on my stoma n how to take care of myself. i found a great brand called popana . Their tops are so cute, great fabric and wash nicely . I ordered eight of them and love them. You can even find them on amazon...free shipping if you have Prime. Jane, I wear maternerty jeans. But look for a shorter waist length-- Some are for hug belly's at end of pregnancy. OR can have that area cut down-beware of the material tho-- Can be expensive these jeans/pants.. Shop well- and try on.. Also, plaza pants with elastic waists. DONT FOR GET A NICE PRINT FOR LEAKS--:-( ... :-) Shirt dress's, are nice also-- IT is whole new wardrobe I must admit, Take it slow.. Marcie.. 2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. It’s been 8 months since my last surgery... my ostomy is also about 2-3 inches up high to the left of my navel n I cannot find clothes that fits me well...people who don’t know I have a stoma ask me if I am pregnant... I am 65!!! Where can I find clothes that doesn’t make me look pregnant? It’s very frustrating n I am still adjusting to this new me!
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
This is just crap! I HATE my Ileostomy and I will be rr look anything other than a blimp!!
I wish I never survived my surgery and I lost friends and at the Support groups it is all Cliques like HS!!! What a joke!!!
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
If u wish for us to become friends. God Bless .
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