On July 9th, 2014, I was scoped as a follow-up to my ostomy surgery and to also make sure that my Crohn’s hasn’t spread to my small intestine.
Kiss Me Organics Matcha – REVIEW
I’m happy to present the first review not related to ostomy products on the VeganOstomy site! I hope that this review will appeal to everyone, including ostomates and people with IBD. So without further ado, let’s get started!
I was contacted by Kiss Me Organics to see if I’d be interested in reviewing their Organic Matcha.
Being a tea drinker, I was curious to see what their product was like, so I agreed.
Matcha, for those who aren’t familiar, is green tea powder.
We already know that green tea is good for us, and it provides an abundance of antioxidants, so it’s no wonder that matcha has become popular with those looking to improve their health.
The package claims that this product will provide “all day energy”, “increased focus”, “improve skin health” and other benefits.
Being a skeptic, I asked Kiss My Organics to give evidence which substantiated these claims, and they were kind enough to send me some information about it, which you can read in the links at the end of this review.
For this review, however, I’ll be only focusing on the quality of the product and not the claims made about it. You can do your own research about green tea and matcha if you like, and I think you’ll find quite a bit of evidence which supports green tea consumption.
Blood test results Feb 2014 – making progress with an ostomy
I love blood tests, I really do. Maybe it’s because I love to keep track and benchmark “stuff”, like my health, computers and mobile devices.
Enhancing Nutrient Absorption – TIPS
When it comes to nutrition, that’s the golden rule. You hear a lot about how eating a healthy diet will improve your health, but that’s only IF you absorb the nutrients from your food. For most healthy people, this isn’t a big problem, but if you have a digestive disorder or if you’re eating a plant-based diet, there are things you can do to enhance the absorption of nutrients.
IBD/Ostomy nutrition – tips
Food substitutions may be required if your digestive problems extend to more than just having a stoma.
What I ate… Oct 28, 2013
I logged today’s food intake to see where I’m at nutritionally and without any supplementation.
Salads – Impossible you say?
Before getting my ileostomy, I combed support forums to see what foods people were eating with their ileostomy.
Protein : The What, Why and How
Protein, especially post-op, is an important element to healing. Not getting enough HIGH-QUALITY protein could delay your wound healing and/or create complications for you after your surgery.