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Topics: 6 / Replies: 20
Replies: 3
Views: 218
RE: Mucus Mucus Mucus!

Thanks all! According to the blood work the doctor decided that I've devoped resistance to one of the antibiotics so they put me on another (that alon...

7 months ago
RE: Mucus Mucus Mucus!

I had my first surgery 5 years ago and have not had any mucus discharge in large amounts before. The curious thing is that the color is what you would...

7 months ago
Replies: 6
Views: 341
RE: Laser hair removal around stoma

With the troublesome hairs I have a cool trick which might be helpful. If you buy some nose hair scissors (I know, it sounds weird) - they are not o...

1 year ago
RE: Laser hair removal around stoma

I just use an electric shaver. I've got quite a hairy tummy but once every week using the old buzzer it clears all the growth like a lawnmower (plus t...

1 year ago
Replies: 3
Views: 505
RE: Complications & Rest

Sorry for the late reply! I've been in the hospital, and they finally uncovered some kidney stones! They apparently had been there but had gone unnoti...

2 years ago
RE: Complications & Rest

I'm getting there. Starting to tolerate normal foods but one curious thing is happening. Since the incident with the parastomal hernia blocking my sto...

2 years ago
RE: Best Toilet/Remodel Bathroom

Probably sounds weird but have you considered a composting toilet? I know the initial idea sounds a bit out-there (then-again we're ostomy people so w...

2 years ago
RE: Complications & Rest

Thanks for all the feedback everyone, I'll certainly be giving much of it a try! One thing I've been curious about, has anyone ever taken charcoal s...

2 years ago
Replies: 18
Views: 527
RE: Wouldn’t it be great?

Can I add another wish to the list? I'd like a more accurate way of measuring stomas! The current method of poking some cardboard holes around an al...

2 years ago
RE: Loperamide

Just following up on this, I've got a lot of experience on the high output side. I suffer short bowel syndrome so dealing with liquid output is a regu...

2 years ago
RE: Wouldn’t it be great?

@dlkfiretruck Only thing I've seen along the surgical route is thisIt appears to be some sort of replacement for bags by creating almost a plug for yo...

2 years ago
RE: Wouldn’t it be great?

@chelly At the moment it's a case of watchful waiting. I have a hernia belt to hold everything in during activity and my prolapse isn't bad enough to ...

2 years ago
RE: Wouldn’t it be great?

My recommendation is to switch to a spray. If wipes aren't that effective in helping you gently lever the bag off; a tiny puff of the spray from the t...

2 years ago
RE: Wouldn’t it be great?

I don't think the stoma world is entirely devoid of choice but it's all a bunch of compromises (they give with one hand and take with the other in ter...

2 years ago
RE: Short Bowel Syndrome

@sjlovestosing Thanks for the feedback! Essentially I'm trying to bulk up (thicken) the watery output so that it won't be as leaky and dissolve my bag...

3 years ago
RE: Short Bowel Syndrome

Not especially high, though I could try cutting all sugars (non-natural) out of my diet to see if it helps).

3 years ago
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