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Mucus Mucus Mucus!
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Mucus Mucus Mucus!

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Hi Everyone!

I seem to be cursed. I've had to have a third surgery on my stoma (my hernia slammed over my stoma opening and would not release it) and as my intestines got so dialiated they had to do an emergency job to shave down the hernia to get it out of the way. Luckily the stoma wasn't affected but unluckily they could not fit a mesh because of the awkward position and because of my other medical issues (making a high risk of failure / rejection). So They've used surgical thread to graft my guts out of the way of my stoma and bolt them to my skin. Thankfully that seems to have solved things for the moment but now I have another issue.

Things were going well for a full month. I've been able to eat normal food without side-effects. Stoma is working as expected. But now out of no-where I've been purging a tonne of rectal mucas. It's not like I'd mind if it was an occasional thing that happened... but this is every time I eat (RIGHT after), and all through the day and night. I'm getting maybe 3-5+ cups of the stuff in 24 hours along with cramps so extreme it leaves me winded.

Saw my GP and she put me on antibiotics (thinking that it might be an infection as the guts might be inflamed catching something nasty) but no dice. Any thoughts? I've not been diagnosed with IBS, Crohns, UC, or any condition like it - and I've previously been tested for the full spectrum of those (and more).

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Hi Alex, Am sorry to hear yer going through all that. I would advise asking to have a scope done. Even if it’s only been months since maybe one was done. Don’t ignore and get it looked at. Plus if having a stoma is a permanent then look in having the rectum removed. Yep more surgery but more life health and less bothers

best wishes 👍

ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

LK, Tigerlily and VeganOstomy reacted
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I'm sorry you're experiencing that! I have no explanation, but second the idea of having a scope done, just to be sure there isn't any medical reason for what's going on.

For clarification, is this latest stoma a loop or end ileostomy? If it's a loop, is it possible that you're seeing output travelling back through what remains of your plumbing?

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I had my first surgery 5 years ago and have not had any mucus discharge in large amounts before. The curious thing is that the color is what you would expect it would be (now that the antibiotics have done their job), it's a putty colored substance - just in VERY large quantaties.

My stoma is an end-loop so maybe there is something like what has been mentioned, it's just odd and the fact my muscles and nerves are going nuts with cramps isn't helping.

LK and Tigerlily reacted
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@alexanderuk something you said made me do a double take - the cramping. For years I had strong cramping in my stoma. It was as if my body was doing its best to expel something I had eaten, and I didn’t understand what I could be eating regularly that would cause such a strong reaction. Last fall, I found out that I had gallbladder problems, and yes, my body wasn’t able to process fatty foods. My stoma has relaxed since I had my gallbladder removed, however if I eat too much rich food over a short period of time, I will have the same reaction. I may be way off base, but it might be worth asking your GP for an ultrasound to see if there are gallbladder issues. Good luck.



Just a semicolon

VeganOstomy, LLNorth and LK reacted
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@alexanderuk  ... Hi Alex, I'm so sorry to hear you are having these reactions & required yet another surgery!!

Though I'm sure blood tests have been run, sometimes Doctors only look at the obvious stuff.  Do a bit of research about information in your blood work & check out a few things... are you getting enough Salts in your diet? Are you drinking too many fluids? What are your CRP marks at. This is for inflamation. Sometimes even though a person is within "normal" range of blood work, being on the low end of the scale can have adverse affects on the body.  Not enough salts can lead to dehydration,  same with drinking too much fluids,  it can also wash out important vitamins & minerals & also leave you dehydrated.  Check on your B12 & Potasium levels too.  Fluids can leave the human body in a few ways, not just urine.  I suggest the inflamation checkbbcuz you have had a lot of surgery going on & tests &;prep & so on.  Inflation as I've learned can be anywhere in your body. 

One way I've learned what blood work marks are about or what a test can mean is to ask... what does it mean to have low  ? In my blood work and what does this CPR in blood work mean.  Also check out the Mayo Clinic for Health info.  Type in what does over access of intestinal fluids mean after ???? Surgery. OR... even check blood work there. I've even looked into the possibility of my going there bcuz of strange medical events in my life & how it would be paid, as I'm Canadian.  They have an incredible program and an even more amazing schedule that can be put together so you see as wide a range of specialists you may need while there,  including tests to be done, all in a short amount of time.  This is what makes them such a top notch medical facility. 

Good luck figuring this out & in the mean time if you have not already, try eating  yogurt after meals, its great for the intestinal tract esp. after surgeries. 


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Thanks all! According to the blood work the doctor decided that I've devoped resistance to one of the antibiotics so they put me on another (that along with being very dehydrated). So I've been throwing fluids through me like crazy and taken the new lot of pills and it seems to have cleared up the grot!

VeganOstomy and LK reacted