I have an elongated bowl, extra tall toilet, with an added aftermarket stainless swing away bidet attached. Sitting at a 45 degree angle on the seat, the bidet swings out to rinse out my drainable Hollister bags. The extra height makes getting off and on easier for my old bones, and the elongated bowl gives room for the bidet. Retired engineer, now goatherd What a great question and thought. As Goatherder has said about his system there are many heights of bowls and shapes. Do you kneel when emptying or sit or stand, that would determine the height. Some new bowls are rimless gives a little more room and easier to clean. When choosing think of your needs and maybe look into a bowl with a shallow slope. Plus in the rest of the room think of your changing routine and design to suit.💦🚽🛀🏻🧻🚿☔️ ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns I just replaced two toilets this last month and here's what was important to me and my wife. We chose chair height and then chose the quietest flushing and filling toilets mostly because my middle of the night, empty my pouch trips would be less likely to wake my household. ~BOB ulcerative colitis since 2011 Hi Bob, it sounds like you have your priorities straight! It's important to keep the peace in the household, especially during those late-night bathroom trips. I can imagine how awkward it would be to wake everyone up with a loud flush. Plus, choosing chair height is a great idea for added comfort. You and your wife are definitely on top of your toilet game! Probably sounds weird but have you considered a composting toilet? I know the initial idea sounds a bit out-there (then-again we're ostomy people so we're used to random solutions to deal with output!) however it'll remove the need for splashy water (so guarantee no mess), reduce your family water bill considerably (yay), and it's overall better for the environment (bonus). Granted it's a different way of "doing things" but if it works for you it could be a real problem solved. It's a solution I've been considering so I figured I'd throw the idea into the hat. Hi All, I am going to be renovating my bathroom in the next few months. Does anyone have any suggetions on toilets that would be a good purchase to prevent splashing when empting bags? funny I was just thinking about all of this and I come on to check the forum and I see your post. Having to stop to use public restrooms several times a week and my own toilet, I’ve thought a lot about this topic.  Saw this toilet paper dispenser in a car dealer restroom. Perfect for an Ostomy situation! I'll admit I'm thoroughly enjoying this topic!! Lol!  I'd for sure go with chair height, I think my arthritic knees would thank me! Also a padded seat that never cracks would be ideal and heated to boot, why not, so, fire safe! Lol! I never flush a public throne with my hand, I always use my foot unless I can move fast... and I can't! Lol I'd give anything for single ply tissue to be outlawed!! Bidets... not for me! But a water hose nearby is a good plan for those times Rose is super sassy after emptying & I'm out of water in those plastic cups I use for rinsing my pouch. ... hmmm.. I may have just solved my issue with buying plastic cups I refuse to wash in my dishwasher or buy more of. A hose nearby may eliminate my use of disposable plastic cups entirely!! ... for the environment. Apparently they're fairly easy to hook up to the water system below the holding tank... I'll look further into this, but I need warm water flow from a hose not cold! I've seen Rose, my stoma, retreat deeply into submission from, regular cold water & not resurface for 2 hours, shes a real drama queen, so warm makes sense to me! I have a shelf above the tank top & I hate the thing! Its going as soon as I can figure out how without replacing the whole cabinet!! I'm loving YouTube!! Lol! That shelf makes it hard to clean the wall behind it & dust from TP gathers there along with its relatives! Also based on the times I've had to replace the flap thing that slowly leaks water in the holding tank every few years, hard water, ... bcuz of that shelf, theres just not enough room for me to comfortably see what I'm doing... the shelf goes ASAP!  A low flushing throne for water saving use would be ideal!! Never heard of a composting throne other than old style outhouses... but thats interesting I'll read on it out of curiosity! I got so tired if reaching over the cupboard door to access new rolls of TP that I've flipped the door to open in both washrooms so it opens where I can easily reach, lol, most tissue now. Maybe in the furture there will be a slide out shelf for reaching those back rolls so I can loose the wooden spoon with a nail in it that I use for reaching deep and nabbing those back rolls without climbing in the cupboard! Lol! Oh and I'm presently experinenting with simply leaving the Rolls in the bags they came in & pulling that out to access rolls verses my spoon! I'm a lefty so a roll on each side would suit me just fine but the cupboard barely leaves room for elbows never mind a roll holder so TP sits on the counter top! Lol! Maybe in the future there will be a self scrubbing self sanitizing toilet.... a girl can dream....  As far as splashing while emptying my pouch, I've resigned that due to toilet design flaws I'm led to my only & best solution to date, putting in the bowl on water & on the slanted part, 3 squares connected then emptying to be the best splash gaurd to date! I do this in all public washrooms & sometimes I even drape 4 squares over the edge to keep the front clean & avoid splashing back. I'm Still testing which is best! I always line a public seat with TP before assuming the position of using a public throne.  Linda @dlkfiretruck I agree! I’m loving this topic too! I’m telling you , that toilet paper holder at the car dealer is the best invention I’ve seen! . Im googling to see how much that thing costs. @chelly How does that dispenser work?? Does it automaticaally eject a certain amount of squares or what? My eyes are pretty crazy tonight but I wanted wto google it too.. so maybe you can give a full on report right down to cost for me? Lolol! Linda While we've been discussing toilets, my bride announced yesterday that she thought ours was leaking between the tank and the bowl. Sure enough, it sure was! Leaking around one of the tank bolts. A quick turn with a deep socket ratchet snugged the tank back up and stopped the leak. The chrome plating has worn off my bidet over the last 18 years so I've ordered a new one. Functions fine but it unsightly a bit. Retired engineer, now goatherd @dlkfiretruck you pull the first piece out kind of like you do those disinfectant wipe containers. You can actually pull as many pieces at one time as you want. It’s like pulling a tissue and the you rip it i off and the next piece is ready. They are genius! I googled and not expensive at all. $25-$35 and they have single ones too so you don’t have to buy the double one. They even have on Amazon but I would buy the Georgia pacific brand as that is the one I used. Tried and true. @chelly ... Awesone to know! Thankyou for reporting back Chelly! Much appreciated!! Linda @goatherder ... Uhoh!! Lol! I hate it when anything leaks!  Does anyone reading along have any ideas how to stop a toilet seat from coming loose all the time? I've attached a smaller then the bolt rounded edge washer I rolled on up to the bolt to the base of the nut previously... hmmm maybe its time to replace them... but I'm really tiring of doing that! My next desperate move will be the hot glue gun to stop the darn nut from needing tightening! So if anyone has ideas I'd sure appreciate the suggestions whole bunch! Linda @dlkfiretruck I found a bunch of videos on this subject on YouTube. Go to YouTube and search it. I tried attaching a video but it would not paste the link. So if anyone has ideas I'd sure appreciate the suggestions whole bunch! A quality seat usually comes with inserts that slide down into the holes in the bowl to take up the "wiggle room" and have large, usually plastic nuts to secure them. You could use some loctite on the threads of the bolts to prevent the nut from turning, or just reach down and tighten them every now and then. Wife announced just yesterday she'd like a new seat, as the old one is looking bad from wear. Retired engineer, now goatherd @goatherder  thank you! I've never heard of loctite!! Interesting. My arthritic fingers get pretty sore after tightening those nasty nuts under the toilet edge every few days. It might be easier if I could see them but they're just not designed that way! I appreciate the loctite info for sure!!! Thank you! Linda We had to replace our toilet, and the plumber suggested one that meets ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) regulations - a little taller, and with an elongated bowl. It is much easier to empty my pouch, and the toilet is easier to clean, too. And my husband says it is a pleasure to flush - nice to see him happy! Colostomy 4/30/18.
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
Our goats always live at GoatsLive.com
ileostomy 3-3-2021
taller  toilet a must . I’ve also thought about a shelf behind the toilet In case on top of the tank area to set things you may need for emptying that would be in reach for you. Also a toilet paper roll holder on the wall at a higher area on the wall as so it’s also in reach. I’ve thought about installing a second roll holder just for that reason. Maybe a small sink on the wall in care needed. But as goat herder said he has a bidget instead.Â
there is nothing worse than having to stop at a gas station or a fast food restaurant to empty and they have those metal toilet paper roll holders that sit so low and the silver metal hides the view of the paper so you can’t see. You’re holding the end of your bag with one hand and bending way down to reach the paper. Disaster! It’s manageable but you’d think this day and age they would alot one toilet stall designed for Ostomy.I mean they have designed handicap for them and have put in pull down baby changer tables on walls for babies. What about us ostomates.  Oh and can’t forget those automatic toilets that flush so strongly and splash up into your face.Â
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
Our goats always live at GoatsLive.com
some are saying but a new flange . Buy a new ring. Put toilet shims on etc… a lot of ideas there.Â
Ostomate since 2015: Mid transverse after cancer
Our goats always live at GoatsLive.com
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
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