My stoma nurse came to visit today and introduced me to an ostomy bag liner that she suggested I try: The Colo-Majic ostomy pouch liner.
I had seen this product before, but never looked into reviews or anything, so I was pretty much new to the entire thing when she showed me how they work.
Basically, with a standard, drainable pouch, you empty your stoma’s output through the bottom of the pouch and then change that appliance between 3-7 days or so. With liners, they collect the stool and you simply remove them from your pouch and replace it with a new liner. Sounds pretty easy and convenient – in writing at least.
The product samples I have are from Colo-Majic. I believe they are the first company to come out with liners. I’ve seen a few others, which I’ll be (hopefully) testing once I get their samples in.
The Colo-Majic products are the most expensive and the most well-known, so I’d like to shop around before committing to a box.
Here’s what they look like:

With this particular liner, you’re supposed to poke pinholes in a designated spot to allow gas to escape, and if your pouch has a filter, the gas will leave the pouch from there and the idea is that the filter stays dry.
Sounds great, but my experience so far with the first two liners is that I should probably not poke those holes and let the gas collect and then “burp” the pouch, as I’ve noticed leaking from the liner into the bag, despite the fact that my output isn’t very liquid.
Another problem I’ve encountered, and this could be because I don’t have a good workflow figured out yet, is that while I’m removing one liner and inserting another, my stoma is exposed and will happily spew forth whatever it desires – whether I want it to or not.
Fortunately, my toilet caught the output on my last attempt and my pants didn’t, but it’s a great lesson to learn before taking these liners out into public, where an accident could be a bit of a nightmare to deal with.
So for now, I’ll be using the bags without the pinholes, and I’ll try to find a better way to change the liner without allowing for too much play time for my stoma… perhaps preloading another clean pouch with a liner and quickly swapping it when it’s time to empty the pouch attached to me might work… but it means carrying more supplies.
I’ll be back with an update after I experiment a bit further. If you’ve had any experience with ostomy pouch liners, please feel free to share your thoughts or techniques on how to effectively use them.
I recently tried the liners. They work well. The last 2 days I have tried dog poo bags. Woring well so far. I woul like a larger volume night time bag. Not available for a colostomate, but I have just requested samples of a high output illeostomy bag. It has the spout drain but I theorized I could use liners and gain the extra volume. I will get larger volume poop bags if necessary. I will use lubricant deodorant to help the poo to go to the bottom. I don’t hear a clicking sound when I attach my bag (hollister) but I wear an ostomy support belt 24/7 that will aid keeping it on (nu-hope comfort support belt supplies 360 degrees of pressure on my ostomy ring and the seal. I just read that pinholes are needed. That will be an experiment in progress.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Steve.
I think the high-output bag + a liner would work, but the liner would need to be sized-up if you want to make use of that extra capacity.
I would be worried about flushing a large liner down the toilet. Use caution.
Hi, how do I get free liner bag samples? Thanks.
You should be able to get samples from the company directly at