Perfect Choice Lubricating Ostomy Deodorant Drops – REVIEW

Perfect Choice Medical Technologies logo

I came across the Perfect Choice Medical Technologies line of ostomy products while reading the Pheonix Magazine, which is put out by the UOAA.  

Disclosure: This review is based on products I requested as samples.

They have a nice range of products, which I was happy to find out were vegan (free of animal-ingredients), so I requested some samples.  Among the samples I received came the Super Strength Lubricating Deodorant.  That is the product I will be reviewing today.

About the Product

There are two versions of the Perfect Choice deodorant drops: lubricated and non-lubricated.  This review will focus on the lubricated drops, which can be purchased in 8oz bottles (approx. 240ml). These drops, like most other deodorant products, are meant to be used every time you empty your ostomy pouch.  The product is a clear gel, which is odorless, and the bottle allows for easy dispensing into your pouch.

Perfect Choice ostomy deodorant sample bottle
Sample bottle

Odor Control

This product acts as an odor eliminator, not an air freshener or scented deodorant. That means it will kill odor-causing bacteria without trying to mask offensive odor.  

The instructions on the bottle say to use 4-12 drops, but because it’s a slimy gel, it doesn’t actually drip; I end up using about a marble-sized dollop in my pouch at a time. Using this product in that quantity, which I believe is probably around 2ml or 40 drops, the results were pretty impressive, and I noticed a marked decrease in pouch odor both during the day and at night.

Pouch lubrication

While I have an ileostomy, my output is generally quite thick (like oatmeal or toothpaste), so anything that helps stool to slide out of my pouch easier is always welcome.  

This product claims to be a lubricant, and it did work relatively well most of the time.

The most difficult times were often in the morning after my pouch filled overnight, and usually if it’s more of a toothpaste consistency. The gel still helped to empty my pouch, but I found that rinsing my pouch with water after emptying really took care of any leftover residue that was still left in there.

Keep in mind that those results were using a bit more product than the bottle recommends.


At the time of this writing (Jan 2022), you can purchase an 8oz (approx. 240ml) bottle for around US$10.  Distribution appears to be limited within the USA, with limited suppliers in Canada, so you’d have to check with individual suppliers to see if they’ll ship outside of North America.  

You can request samples of this product through the Perfect Choice Medical Technologies website.


  • Effective odor control
  • Bottle allows for easy application into the pouch
  • Clear, odorless gel
  • Works well as a lubricant.


  • Less effective lubrication for overnight use (when pouch fills to near maximum capacity)
  • Limited availability (distributed in the USA and limited in Canada)
  • No travel size available

Recommended for both odor control and pouch lubrication

This product works better than most odorless deodorants I’ve tried, however I was using more than instructions recommended.  

If you’re an American, I’d suggest trying a sample and see how it works for you.  

If you are outside of Canada or the USA, I don’t think it’ll be worth purchasing this product with additional shipping and the lack of insurance coverage (most insurance will only cover products purchased within the limits of your insurers country or province/state).

For more info, please visit

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