GUTSY Goal achieved – But the fight isn’t over!

Durham Region Top 10, April 8, 2014

I want to thank everyone who has donated to help sponsor team VeganOstomy for this year’s GUTSY Walk so far.  We’ve surpassed our original goal of $500 in less than two weeks, but every extra dollar is a chance to help find a cure, so please continue to get the word out.

In just this past week, over 10 million dollars was given to help fund a new study, which hopes to uncover the genetic, environmental and microbial causes for Crohn’s Disease.   $4 million of that came from the Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, and it’s through events like the GUTSY Walk that they are able to support major research projects like that one.

The walk comes in just over two months, and I’ve already been preparing to get my legs in shape for the big day.  My joints may still hurt, but that isn’t going to slow me down.

For more information on the GUSTY Walk, or to make a donation, please visit

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