Blockages: Fool me twice, shame on me

Mistakes were made.  

I admit it, but if I don’t learn from those mistakes then I’ll continue to suffer needlessly with blockages.  

It was just over a week after I wrote about having partial blockage with my ostomy that I experienced what a full-blown, “get your ass to the ER” type blockage feels like, and I’ll be sharing that experience with you today.

Original post published April 14th, 2014.

First off, let me say that blockages can happen for a wide number of reasons: active IBD, adhesions (scar tissue), poorly chewed food, an ostomy appliance that’s too tight, hernia’s, etc.  In my case, it seems that my foolishness was the cause.

Last Wednesday, we planned on taking the kids out to go indoor rock-climbing.  Not wanting to come home late to eat dinner, I decided to have a quick meal before we left, so I opened up a few cans of beans, chopped up some tomatoes, seasoned it all and ate.

Now, when I say a “few cans of beans”, I mean two cans of BLACK BEANS and a can of red kidney beans, all split between me and my two kids (mostly me).  I’m a huge legume fan, and I’ll easily eat an entire can of kidney beans, chickpeas or lentils, but I’ve never eaten black beans like this and certainly not in such a rush.

We left the house and proceeded to the community center and about an hour in I felt some discomfort in my belly.  This did not get any better as the night went on and by the time 11 pm rolled around, I was in the bathroom massaging around my stoma to see if I could get something to come out.

Three hours later (yup), I did get some output from my stoma and was too tired to continue, so I put a new pouch on and went to bed. Sleep didn’t last long and at about 5 am I woke up to vomit.  It’s never good to see the food you ate 12 hours ago coming back up, but this did relieve some discomfort and resulting in some more output from my stoma.

Thursday started off normally, but I chose not to eat as I wasn’t seeing any output in my pouch and I still had a lot of cramping. My wife went out for the day, but when she returned late afternoon, we headed back to Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto to get this checked out.  By this time, I had vomited several more times and my abdomen was distended.

We got there just after 7 pm, and it wasn’t too busy.  I had some blood work done and waited a few hours before being moved to a small room down the hall.  After some x-rays were done, I spoke with an MD who admitted me.

At around 2:30 am I had some CT scans done to see where the blockage was and if it was caused by adhesions or not.  I’m glad I have such an appreciation for science and technology and asked the Radiologist plenty of questions while he was setting up.  I really hate the fact that CT Scans expose people to a LOT of radiation, but this scan was necessary.

NG Tube
Are we having fun yet?

As we were waiting for the scan results (which wouldn’t come for many hours), I had an NG tube inserted to relive some pressure and to remove excess “stuff” from my stomach.  

The process involves putting a tube into your stomach, through your nose – while you’re completely awake and without anything to prevent your gag reflex from going into overdrive.

I had another x-ray to confirm that the placement of the NG Tube was correct.  

The hope is that once the tube is inserted correctly, the gag reflex will stop, but for me (lucky me), it didn’t, and I gagged and vomited into sheer exhaustion – many times over, for the rest of the day.

Moving, talking, bending, breathing ALL caused a gag reaction and by the end of the day, this all resulted in a very sore throat.

Just before noon on Friday, I was met by a doctor who said the CT scan shows that my blockage is close to the stoma, so he inserted a foley catheter into my stoma, and we waited to see if anything would pass.

It wasn’t until about 6 pm that I was seen by another doctor, and we tried a different foley catheter.

I’m not sure if it was longer or wider, but it worked – oh boy did it work!

There was an immediate relief as the pressure was taken off my abdomen and lots of backed up stool left my body.  Finally!  

We still needed to monitor the output, so the NG tube stayed in until the next morning. Removing it wasn’t as traumatic, but it certainly wasn’t pleasant.

Call me weird, but I’ll look for stuff to observe no matter what situation I’m in, and every time I emptied my pouch, I’d check to see what was coming out.  

It’s unsettling to see black bean skins from Wednesday still showing up Saturday, but it illustrates how easily things can stay “lost” inside us, and it likely accumulates if we aren’t careful.

Saturday was quite a different day, and without the NG tube, I felt quite a bit more comfortable.  

I started on liquids, then by dinner was having a gourmet meal of pasta and applesauce (sarcasm aside, I’m not going to complain, it was a very welcomed meal!).  I walked around the hospital floor (estimated over 2 km throughout the day) and anticipated my discharge the following day.

Hospital food
My “gourmet meal”.

Sunday, early AM, I’m seen by a doctor on the surgical team who cleared me as good to go.  My IV was removed, and I had a bagel with peanut butter and orange juice and got my stuff ready to go. I chatted with a few other patients in my ward: one 77-year-old, retired high-school teacher, who talked about his time in Australia before moving to Canada in the 60’s, and his fight with multiple cancers.

And another gentleman who, like me, has been fighting Crohn’s disease and has an ostomy.  

Talking with these two men was bittersweet because while I enjoyed their company, I knew that our struggle to find good health wasn’t over and future “bad days” seemed guaranteed.

So now I’m home, completely exhausted by the entire ordeal, but glad that it’s over. I’ll be doing a modified post-ileostomy diet for a few days and then go back to regular foods (minus the black beans!).

A part of me feels that taking one day a week to just eat low-fiber, output-inducing foods might go a long way to preventing avoidable blockages, especially with the high-fiber diet I’m used to having.

My thoughts on the experience:

  • Slow down and chew your damn food! No more rushing to eat, no more bite and swallow.
  • Black beans.  Not even once. (Ok, maybe a few in some chili…).
  • I’m going to assume that my gut, like a drain, will accumulate stuff until it clogs.  Prevention is the key.
  • Move away from eating one or two huge meals a day to eating several smaller meals throughout the day.
  • I’ll consider a “purge day” where I’ll encourage looser output.
  • I’m realizing that the stoma pain and retractions that I’ve had off and on these past few weeks could be related to a blockage in the making.  Time to listen more to my body.

I’d like to thank the staff at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, especially all the wonderful people on the 14th floor who helped me through this.

26 thoughts on “Blockages: Fool me twice, shame on me”

  1. Seems a common culprit is eating too fast along with eating certain foods.
    I’ve not had to go to the ER and consider my self fortunate for that but I’ve had a couple of blockages and both were primarily caused by rushing while eating.
    Take care all.

  2. I’m about 9 years in on my ileostomy. Its my second time having one except this time, its for good.
    After all these years, i had never even come CLOSE to a blockage because I am really finicky about what I eat and i’ve also been an avid chewer since i was a kid. People actually used to make fun of me for all the chewing.
    Well, my new Nurse Practitioner noticed I was having a lot of bile diarrhea and put me on Colestipol right along with the immodium and diphenoxylate i was already on. She also told me to eat more of whatever I wanted. “you haven’t had that many bowel ressections out of all 10 of your surgeries so eat whatever you want"
    I went to TOWN. My output went way way down and I was eating whatever! I have always eaten mangoes but that day I had eaten a really stringy one along with some pretty stringy chicken.
    And there you have it.. suddenly super severe pain in my abdomin, nausea, cold sweats, and an ER visit that told me it was a “small" blockage or ileius. It felt like death.. i would never want to know what a full blockage is like.
    Fastforward about 8 hours, my stoma had blown up 3 times the normal size and my husband told me i should take off my appliance. I took it off and then EXPLOSION! It was just like the resolution of your partial one. It was horrifying but I saw exactly what happened! It was just super thick and nearly formed stool mixed with mango and chicken strings.
    I threw the colestipol away and placed it in the fireplace (we didn’t burn it but it was nice to see if in there lol)

    • Hi Amanda,

      Thank you for sharing. That’s such a shame that you ended up with a blockage.

      Yeah, that appliance-off experience is really something, eh?! Glad it got resolved, and I hope it never happens again in the future!

  3. Just adding here to the blockage thread – king oyster mushrooms coupled with adhesions from abdominal surgery. Can cook king oyster mushrooms like vegan scallops, but I won’t do that again any time soon. They were yummy and I think I ate too many, and didn’t chew carefully enough. Three and a half days in the hospital, with an NG tube. Scary and painful, but happy things were resolved without surgery.

    • Oh, Liz, that’s terrible :(

      Mushrooms are one of those foods that won’t get soft/break down very easily with cooking alone. Blending and chewing really, really well is the only real option, although, that is still risky for some.

      I hope you eventually do try them again in smaller amounts, since it would be a shame to avoid them completely.

      Take care!


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