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A reminder to stay vigilant re: COVID-19

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I know that as time goes by and the weather gets better, it may FEEL like COVID-19 is easying up and you may be tempted to get lazy with social distancing, hand-washing, etc. I urge you to remain vigilant until we are all in the clear.

The number of cases and deaths in most of Europe and North America are still on the rise, so while it may feel like things are "better", they are more precarious now than before most of us were told to stay indoors and practice social distancing. 

This has been a good opportunity to clean the home, practice new positive habits, learn something new, and spend more time connecting with your at-home family. 

I know this has been hard on all of us - some more than others - but we all need to do this together, so we can all end up safe in the end. 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

LK, dieffenk, Dona and 2 people reacted
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Posts: 2058

Eric all very relevant points, I know that with the Easter weekend approaches our politicians have been warning people not to visit local parks, seaside resorts or visit friends and family. Plus over here the weather has been really good.All the good things will still be waiting so let’s be healthy and well to enjoy. Thanks for the reminder Eric 👍😷🙏



ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns

LK, dieffenk, Dona and 2 people reacted
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And the only absolute defense against this thing is not getting it in the first place. And social distancing or better yet staying home is the only way to do that.

You can mitigate exposure with hand washing, masks and disinfectant, but there is no treatment yet and no available antibody test . SO until a vaccination is available and more tests .. clean out the garage as Eric suggests ( not that we have done it).

Our beaches are closed too... large fines for breaking the rules .  People are staying home and walking once a day . Hardly any traffic so we can walk in the street now...more room.

( California)


Onset of severe Ulcerative Colitus Oct.2012. Subtotal colectomy with illiostomy July 2015; Peristomal hernia repair ( Sugarbaker, mesh, laparoscopic) May 2017.

VeganOstomy, LK, john68 and 1 people reacted
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Thank you Eric! You are always so reliable! 


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there's other sides to this story as well.  my county has 2 cases of covid, and the adjacent counties have zero.  so about 2 cases in an 80mile radius.   staying home is more less worthless until there is a real nearby threat.   as a self employed person , I am loosing $500/week minimum, $1500 so far.    still I have shifted from daily store trips to once a week after 7pm.  last 2 times the big store had around 10-15 people inside.  I stopped going to walmart weeks ago. 

one crazy restriction here, you can go fishing but not in a boat. a family can not take their boat out to fish for food, that is wrong.

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A funny story I read about on the news (you might have too), it's sad that people try to make money on others, at times like this.

In Australia a guy bought $1000.00 dollars worth of toilet paper and hand sanitizers, not for himself, not for his family, but to sell on E bay and make money. It did not work being he tried to get too much money for it, and he was stuck with it all. So he took it back to where he bought it from, but was told there was no refunds on these items, and would not refund his money.

This guy would probably leave a Will to his kids with toilet paper for life time.


LLNorth reacted
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Hi everyone,

As the covid virus continues in our country, I have been at home for  over four weeks. However, for me this isn't too much of a hardship as I am quite the homebody. The hardest thing for me is not being able to get near my children and grandchild. Thankfully, there is Hangouts, so we are able to visit that way. My granddaughter ❤️ and I have been reading books to one another and I have been able to "visit" my sister and my brother as well. Our lap top has been a Godsend for us in that respect. Meanwhile, I have been busy doing yard work, sewing stuffies, and keeping in touch with friends and neighbors.

I hope you are all doing well. God bless.


john68 reacted
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I'm glad you aren't completely isolated from your family. I think if we had to do this without the internet, it would be a lot darker for us all. 

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
