My question is ... is it better to rinse or not to rinse my pouch when I empty it. The hospital and rehab taught me to do it. But then they taught me several things wrong. When I finally was able to meet with a good ostomy nurse she fitted me properly with the appropriate appliance (for me: coloplast Sensura mio, 2 piece, adhesive connection.) She also told me that from her recent classes that manufacturers of pouches are suggesting we not rinse for 2 reasons. 1... it can degrade the seal with my skin and leave me prone to blowouts (No Mr. Bill, no!) And two we were prone to getting bad bacteria from the water into our bodies through the Stoma (seems to make sense to me). I know that i often read in the paper of outbreaks of contaminated water requiring the use of bottled water. So, yuck factor of a dirty pouch aside, should I rinse or not. Thanks for the help from all you experts out there. Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!! I always rinse with the same water that I drink, so the stoma doesn't get "bad" water. Just after I change bags I try to keep the filter dry. The filter never seems to work over about 12 hours after the change anyway. While I was in the hospital with my ileostomy surgery one of the nurses always rinsed my bag while most did not. Seemed to me not a bad idea. It has worked for me in my 16 months as an ostomate. Bill Those are valid concerns that may very well be true, but... For wafer erosion, it's an individual thing. I don't find it reduces my wear time and I'm rinsing upwards of 10x per day on some days. Bacteria can certainly enter through the stoma, but I'm assuming that most people use the same water they'd drink from the tap or shower with . So I don't think there are many risks of getting sick by doing it. However, I would avoid rinsing my pouch if I were travelling and in an area known to be at risk of contaminated water. In that case, I wouldn't even be drinking the tap water there. Most people will not have a need to rinse their bag, but if you have thick, sticky output, then rinsing can make emptying your pouch so much easier. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I had stopped rinsing mine when I was told it would shorten wear time . Eric told me he rinsed his everytime I started rinsing mine everytime again and have had no problems. Knock on wood . And I have an ileostomy . Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis funny enough after seeing this subject I notice that after I fince I sometimes get a slight stinging sensation , I use coloplast 2 piece and hollister two piece which I find more comfortable but emptying and rincing the hollister is more difficult , I might give the rincing a break for a while and see how I get on . I’m a rinser!  I have a attachable bidet sprayer attached to my toilet and rinse very time I empty the ouch.  I have rinsed for over two years now and never  had any difference in leaking or erosion. It’s from the same water pipes that I shower and cook with so I don’t worry about bacteria. 54 years Type 1 Diabetes, insulin pump, CGM, neurological complications, retinopathy, and autoimmune CIDP. Nerve damage led to ileostomy in 1/2015. funny enough after seeing this subject I notice that after I fince I sometimes get a slight stinging sensation How does your skin look when you remove your appliance? And is there a lot of wafer erosion when you do? Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I haven't had a problem with rinsing like I sad earlier . But I use Hollister products just saying 2 piece barrier and bag only no seals or pastes . I change on Thursdays and Sundays and change bags every 2 days . No problem yet knock on wood ! Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis I don't rinse......... Why? Wore out my seal / wafer- did it 2 times.. IF I have a very thick out put-maybe-just a little- but I don't have thick-- If u use a "B.O."/lub- that should take care of the out-put sliding on out.. If your pouch sticks when u put on a new/clean one- I blow into it from the bottom to puff it out.. No, I have not received a reply or anything--just at night if I get a leak.. Don't wear that nicely either.. :<( ha haha........... 2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. funny enough after seeing this subject I notice that after I fince I sometimes get a slight stinging sensation How does your skin look when you remove your appliance? And is there a lot of wafer erosion when you do? it never seems to erode the baseplate or the seal , but I do change every 3 days at the most , the skin looks ok , I have been using coloplast since I came out of hospital and a few weeks ago I got a really irritating rash , I think it might have been the coloplast barrier wipe that I used as I normally don't use them , any way I had a few hollister samples and tried them and so far so good , the only problem is that the hollister is a lot harder to clean after emptying than the coloplast I do rinse after emptying. Not enough water to get to the flange most of the time. If I have very thick output and my filter is already shot I do put a little more in and burp the air out so I can submerge my stoma and gently run abound to loosen the output. Crohn's Colitis, Ilieostomy, Proctocolectomy November 2017 Tony-same here with coloplast. I called the company-DO NOT USE WIPES!! THat worked for me- But If I do need to use a wipe I use safe n simple, that removed everything nd then I use a wash cloth to remove that and let dry-.. Holister give me a itch and see to be heavy.. 2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. Tony, No water erison- And I change every 3rd day as u do. Sometimes a bit red-but in the beginning, I had issues until I found what worked for me. THe safe n' simple wipes work so well cleaning-Maybe u should try these.. smooth going-but remember to wipe clean with wash cloth with water to remove .. No irration with these wipes. YA! 2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. Hey Marcie I use a priduct called WarerWipes  , they are 99.99 water and 0.1% fruit extract and they work very well that should be WaterWipes Tony, the safe n' simple is a wipe that takes off the excess paste, left on seals, and poo-mess nicely and not hard on the whole area. Then use the water wipes. Never heard of water wipes.. But u can still use safen' simple if you don't have access to a "water wipe" if your not at home. But not recommended-but wont hurt anything-just maybe a lift if is not dried well.. GOT to have that area clean!!!!! OR rashes will come and u cant figure out if it is that? or the wafer? Call the company's and get samples-they like to only send u 1 or 2- I ask for 3-4 so I can really tell if I want to place a BIG order.. Clolplast is what I found the best and light weight-NO CLIPS!! ekin seals-coloplast hold true to my formation.. Good luck Tony!!!! 2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. Should add I've been hitting the 7 day mark between changes lately with no noticeable erosion. Crohn's Colitis, Ilieostomy, Proctocolectomy November 2017 The ostomy nurse also told me to not use barrier wipes unless in combination with stoma powder to treat irritation. I too use coloplast 2 piece, but, i use the ones with an adhesiveconnection rather than the clickit connection as my hands make it very hard to manipulate the click connection. Also tried Hollister, but very uncomfortable, harder to clean, hate the clip as it is always poking me. I wash the area with a warm wet washcloth and dry it thoroughly. So far my changes of appliance and pouches is irregular. Would love to be on a schedule. The past few days with 3 explosive eruptions, Stella is in control. If things don't improve by tomorrow I think an ER visit portends!! Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!! I don't use the barrier wipes unless I have a lot of yuk around my stoma... takes more time, but it takes off the extra stuck on seal parts that seem to get stuck when I get an explosion-- better than wiping it a lot=pimples and rash--but doesn't happen to much-if I get a leak at night I take a shower and spray that area real good and pray that it is OVER so I can proceed to my business. Ya!! MY business.............  2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. Brabara, Tom gave me 2 dozen yellow roses.. I am loved. I put one in a stem vase just for you and hope you feel better-- 2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie..
Ulcerative Colitis... Ileostomy June 2016
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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