Hey all, i saw a bunch of comments about a pin for ostomates. What a great idea. Think of all the other ones out there. I think they would help open lines of communication for us. All we need is a bit of money and a clever artist. What think he all?  Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!! I wear a cap quite a bit I could put a pin on that . Proctectomy , Ileostomy , Ulcerative Colitis Felicity had said a rose bud would be a good idea, and I think it brilliant ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Love the Roseburg idea. What insiders know it looks like. Great Felicity Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!! How about tulip?  Or that fly eating plant-what u call it? 2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. Tulip is good one but still like the rose, its a hardy plant with a beautiful flower but the stem it covered in thorns. Like being through illness where the times where hard and at the end the result is a beautiful flower. plus a rose can grow and repeat for many years. ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Yes John, And a black eyed susan, dasie, ?????? 2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. I know someone who is not only an artist, but makes all kinds of advertising things. My own thought is what about the rosebud idea with an ostomy bag closure, and in the rosebud... it says....ASK ME? That would open the door to ask me what? questions. I know I am only a little behind the times here, haha... but this is a thought that could go places. Way to go Barb. (maybe it should have one thorn and we could call that one Barb...in a good way) Linda I love it. Still think we should do something like this to raise awareness for all ostomates and I will be the barb.  Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!! What a wonderful idea. So long as it doesn't look like a chocolate emoji. ROSEBUD is very nice. The Anne Arundel Ostomy Association newsletter is called "The Rambling Rosebud "  Z That's great I love it. Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!! To define a ROSE, we could have a green leaf behind it, a line in the center, the words ASK ME on the leaf, they would stand out better on the dark green then a rose, more room also. Beneath the rose bud, the roll up edge, and then a stem with ONE Barb (thorn) on it. Our inside story in more ways then ONE, she has been thru so much I think it would be appropriate to commend the lady for surviving such life threatening battles. Our poster child so to speak. It would be all of our stories in one. The thorn in our side kind of thinking. Coming out of it with something beautiful and promising. Life. This fellow I know does amazing things with his art, colour, the whole nine yards. He has a 3D printer also. He would be able to draw up something better then I could and I am sure he would work with you Eric. If he can not do the pin, he could help design it. I was thinking about not just a pin but also a way to make money for this site of Erics, to cover his costs and time. We have all been blessed in one way or another here haven't we? I believe in giving credit where credit is due and Eric should be first a 1st consideration. In British Columbia, we have the Wear Your Heart on your Sleeve event. It is yearly, raises funds for Childrens Hospital in Vancouver. They are sold in all kinds of reputable places. We would have to make sure there is no trademark nightmare involved. we could try and get the cost of production up front, sponsors, maybe Coloplast or Hollister even...thinking out loud here...sell to our friends and family, make them available in the churches attended by those that do, banks, how about the high schools? Education time? Doctors office would be appropriate to sell at... Gastroenterologists would back this up fore the sake of education? Perhaps we could sweeten the deal by donating a percentage to the Rambling Rosebud, for advertising, sell at support groups... or the there must be a society related to this topic I don't know about. Ideas anyone, what do you all think? Design ideas? All welcome! Someone out there knowledgeable about this kind of thing? Linda Just to clarify...the thorn in our sides kind of thing represents our diseases...thorns are typically strong and sharp, even after the rose dies off. I hope there were no misconceptions on that. Linda Linda, I think you have some marvelous ideas. We need to let people know about ostomies and ostomates. Education for those who are headed this direction. I am still upset at the lack of good education when I had my original colonostomy. It was a horrible mass of surprises. I am with you!! Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!! Absolutely Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!! What is next step? Z I think we need to start making up some actual print ideas. Linda's friend could be a real help. We also probably need to consider some small donations from each of us to cover development costs. Maybe we need a treasurer of some sort. This feels good to me. We can get the word out about ostomies and in the long run get some help financially to help Eric. What think ye? Severe rheumatoid arthritis, spondoloarthropy, polymyalgia rhumatica, type 1 diabetic, IBS and finally, emergency diverticulitis surgery, colon removed Stella born Jan. 27, 2017. 6 bouts of c-diff, failed fecal transplant. Complete colonectomy and ileostomy July 30, 2018. ENOUGH!! There is a company that makes these pins. IT is a rose or a stoma. Perfect. I sent one to a member here and he loves it. I don't know of the company-but have been looking and asking my friend….. She picked a few up at a ostomcy conference. Next one is next summer in philly, Pa. I hope to go if things keep going the way they for me. 4 hour drive. But the pins pop up here and there.. she just got lucky-- They ask u only take ONE...….. 2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie.. Barb, Z, John68 and Marcie...Working up the comments...Marcie, do you have a picture of this pin? Can you post it here for us to see? We need to make sure we are not into stealing an idea we have not heard about. Design is going to be the significant thing here. I can ask Mike (the artist) what he knows about this kind of thing when and if we talk to him. Zvitusk...John... I would like to know what Eric knows about this kind of thing as well. He has been to conferences and the like and will be able to tell us if this is an already done idea or not. It surprised me that others thought the stoma resembled a Rose Bud! It is too obvious now of course...silly me. Lol. After my first at home disaster, I remember saying to my hubby that beneath this mess was such a beautiful thing! When back in bed I said after my first real look at Rose, that the stoma looks like a rose bud. Hence...her name. Go figure!  Trademark would be the first concern after design. All roses have beneath them a thicker green round section that is part of the stem. So I thought...a leaf behind and around the side of the rose bud,like a boutonniere, one leaf, with a slight bend in the center, sort of on its side, arching back some, and some above the rose,the rose bud, the roll up edge of the bag, the green thicker part leading to the stem, the stem with a barb on it and a bit more stem. Mike would be the designer here on our ideas, so hand in your papers please! I am no pro! I used to design and decorate wedding cakes, this is very different. Maybe we should do the buds out of royal icing...? Make them candies...edible stomas so to speak! JK! The rose is a beautiful flower, it resembles love and is more beautiful as it opens and grows. We are all growing here. Letting others in on our experiences and helping when it is the right idea thrown at the ones asking questions. Barb...thank you for lending your experiences and name to the thorn...I mean barb. Eric... if you could respond about what you know, we would appreciate it. Good idea Barb, you brought this up in the first place. Now we need to see what everyone has seen or knows in the way of getting a message across to the general public. Later. Linda Linda Hi All, I have always liked the idea of having a pin which would identify an ostomate so we could be approached for help or advice. I will point out one issue, has any one stopped to ask Eric his permission to do this. Doing this would bring a lot of extra work on top of the many hours he already puts into the running of this site. plus it means raising funds and asking for donations from members! This site is free and does not use any form of ads etc, Please no one take offence as I don't want to put down any one with an idea to help a fellow ostomate, ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns
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