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Dealing With Ostomy Pouch Odors - OSTOMY TIPS (w/ video)

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Let's discuss ostomy odors and how to better manage it!

You can read my written article on this topic by following the link below.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Lucille Penner)
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I have had an ileostomy for 45 years and tried many deodorants. I think Devrom is amazing. In my experience it is the only ostomy deodorant that works.

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Thanks for the info, Lucille! I haven't tried internal products, but I've heard some great things about Devrom.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Thank God! A site that references peer reviewed science.

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Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Chuck Parker)
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I have had a ileostomy for 33 yrs & eat a vegan diet. My insurance company no longer pays for deodorants, so I now mix 50/50. i use Listerine & M9 deodorant.
Does anyone else use A "Home Brew" deodorant ?

Robert reacted
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Hey Chuck! I know many people who use "DYI" deodorants ranging from tic tacs to hydrogen peroxide to mouthwash - most stoma nurses advise against that practice because of everything ranging from damage to the stoma to reduced wear time. I personally do not opt for the DYI path, but I also get deodorants covered by my insurance company.

(@Shannon Kelleher)
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I have learned that using altoids helps with the odor! Take a small handful and put it in. It seems to solve the problem. Hope it helps!

Robert reacted
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Thanks for sharing that! I know several people who use mints in their bag to help with odors. Glad it works for you!

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

Robert reacted
(@Connie A)
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I too have had ileostomy for 45 years. Not much problem with odor until 10 years ago. It is so strong at times it gives me headache. It is even strong when not emptying and no leaks. I have used devrom and nullo internally. Sometimes they work and sometimes not. I have used Na Scent, M9, Adapt and others. Home remedies from rinsing with coffee or water with drop of mint. Very frustrating. I'm keeping a food diary and process eliminating food. I am now trying apple cider vinegar mixed with OJ. I think this is helping.

Robert reacted
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I am in NZ and all supplies within reason are supplied free through our health system so we are able to request what we need. I have been using a product called Nodor by Dansac for odour and while it reduces the odour when emptying my bag it does not eliminate it so also use room freshners, which really don't work. I read on here someone suggesting vinegar so I gave it a try. Normal malt vinegar - about 2 mls into the bag after emptying and I am amazed how well it is working!!! Next to no odour. Early days yet but will keep you posted.

Robert reacted
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Vinegar is a new one! Let me know how it goes.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Bill Jackson)
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Update for you re vinegar. I have been using it for 5 days now and it works a treat. I have emptied the little squeeze bottle my Nodor came in and refilled with malt vinegar. So now it is easy to squeeze around 15 drops into my bag once I have emptied it. Almost no odour and makes me feel more comfortable about going out and having to use someone else's bathroom. 👍😃

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Thanks for the update! Only 15 drops and it's that effective? That's pretty damn impressive!

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Sometimes, I just spray a little bit of perfume ON my pouch. Men can use their own spray of choice. It helps if your pouch is on the older side.. But I use it when I go out in case I get a bit of u know what on my pouch..... For me, is it s safe bet and mind free. This is not really a cover up-but it keeps the dogs away... ha ha..

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Use caution when putting anything in your ostomy bag that you wouldn't put in your mouth. The stoma is still an organ that can absorb nutrients and chemicals it comes in contact with.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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I said ON the pouch.. Never INSIDE a pouch.. Unless there is a special liquid for INSIDE the pouch-and sometimes, I wonder about them? Would never want to hurt my "Nellie"
She can be rather mean to me if I make any rudeness to her-That is for sure!! Would take weeks to over come that mistake!!! Sort of a one way street with our stomas huh?? Who is training who? Not dealing with a 2 year old child.. Even that is an event of horror sometimes.. Don't want to go there!!! Be nice to your Nellie and she will be nice to you I always say.. Speaking of??????? Someone wants a new dress AGAIN!! Thought that I could go another day--

2014 - 3 strangulations of colon, Ulcerative colitis, removal of colon, illiostomcy named woooh Nellie..

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Ah, I totally missed that! Yeah, ON is certainly safer than IN your pouch!

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

(@Becca Holton)
Joined: 7 years ago
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I appreciated that you shared your experience dealing with ostomy odors. That's something I've been wondering about for a while now. I've heard that finding the right deodorizer is a trial and error process.

(@Tonya Moore)
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When dealing with my father's ostomy, many years ago, we were told by the ostomy department at St. Thomas hospital to use green mouth wash. The hospice nurse who, at the end, came every day was amazed that we never had the "ostomy odor" in our home.

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