I was sent a private message from an ostomate who has a high-output ileostomy about what options they have for cleaning their bag as all toilet paper in their area has been sold out. My suggestion was to rinse out the bag with water to clean it, then use something to dry the tail end - coffee filters, gauze pad, old rags that can be washed a reused. Since the outlet won't be soiled after rinsing the bag, this shouldn't be too difficult, but I'd like to know if anyone else has any suggestions or tricks to share. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. This is just a thought, I use heavy duty hand wipes for work. They are basically strong kitchen roll, I know there seems to be plenty of these still about. Probably because they will be in motor factor stores and hardware shops. ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Being that no supply chains have been broken, as in floods, hurricanes, fires , etc, shelves should be restocked soon.  hopefully people are starting to realize 20 rolls per person is much more than they considered.  I myself have used paper towel for years, though maybe in same catagory. the thickness and rigidity make it far easier to work with. I cut a towel in small rectangles and fold over into a small square equal to the width of the drain output. folded over once gives good thickness, eliminating getting "stuff" on your fingers. rinsing helps reduce clean up for sure. Being that no supply chains have been broken, as in floods, hurricanes, fires , etc, shelves should be restocked soon.  hopefully people are starting to realize 20 rolls per person is much more than they considered.  I also share this sentiment. Until then, it's possible that many people will be without these supplies, so hopefully, we can brainstorm some alternatives. I was just thinking that one of the advantages of using a bag that has a separate clip is that you can roll back the outlet to empty it and then roll it back down when you are done - zero need for toilet paper, but it would not be something that most people use already and it also comes with its own disadvantages. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. I empty the bag, fill it with water (I use a plastic cup), close the bag, slosh the water around, then empty again.  Then I normally wipe the outlet with a small amount of TP, but I also use wipes sometimes.  I think most wipes are sold out also, but I think this would work well with an old washcloth or rag that can be washed and reused.  Things come out pretty clean after the water rinse.   Ulcerative Colitis (1995) I am a rinser - have been using a paper cup, which doesn’t hold much and so am now rinsing a second or third time, which means less toilet paper is needed. Trying to make my bags last one more day, to conserve them also, just in case. Colostomy 4/30/18. Considering the amount of TP in our area seems to be very limited from the start, I have given this topic a fair bit of thought and decided that those M9 bottles I have been cleaning and saving when empty will come in very handy for rinsing those private areas the normally require TP to do the job. If you don't have any, beat the rush, get your stoma to the dollar store and buy some of the condiment bottles in the kitchen section. Wash them out and have them on hand for one of those just in case moments! Hearing them say on the news last night that this could go on for much longer because some folks refuse to follow the rules set by Governments, I thought about their cheap face cloths, and how they would make a good drying replacement as well. Cut them in half and sew a hem down the side and there you go. Two (or four, depending on need) for the price of one! lol.   I think if we have small children or even young teens in the household it is as good a time as any to teach them to use it sparingly from the start. I have been keeping an eye out here, but my eyes are having trouble dealing with the back ground lights no matter how darkened I get them. I hope you are all well and staying that way! All the best everyone!  Linda Just a short P.S...sorry I forgot to add this. Rinse your pouch. one cup of water is usually enough, but I use a partial amount in the cup of water first to thin the mix if thick or a fist rinse if needing to use it sparingly. We pay for our water here.                            If you take 3 squares of 2 ply TP or 2 of 3 ply, stack them one on top of the other, place your index finger onto the squares from one corner, so the tip is in the center.  pull the other corner its pointing at up and over your finger and wrap the rest around it as in a circle for even coverage. Hold the other wrapped sides in place with your thumb and middle finger. Gently push up towards the little plastic edges and from one side to the other, drying under the plastic edge, then dry the back side of it. Insert finger with the TP on it into the mouth of the pouch, use a little pressure to get it into the side edges and in one gentle swoop from side to side, bring it on out and into the toilet it goes. This is plenty of TP to dry the mouth of the pouch after rinsing.  I have found that I use far less TP with this method and find it a lot more efficient then making the TP rolled in a cork as I was told to do in hospital.  Linda I always used to put toilet paper in the toilet before emptying my bag, I have colostomy, and it splashes water coming down. When I realized what is going with toilet paper, I stopped doing that, and I bend down to create as less splashing as possible, I use a small piece of toilet paper to clean the tail end of the bag. Dan  There are people in this world that are Hoarders, and no I am not talking about anyone here on this website, just in general. I never in my 68 years thought that a day would come where you won't find this one necessity, which you never think of as a big deal, well it is these days - TOILET PAPER. Did we go into God forbid a third world war, was there a warning of an atomic attack on the US? So you are right, I don't need TP, but my son still needs to wipe his butt, maybe we all should have these bags, so no one needs this TP. I bought 2 packs of 4 rolls each, 3 weeks ago, got charged $6.00 dollars per pack, and I am now down to one single roll, and no one has any. It's like looking for gold, and some people have TP for life time, and they might leave some in their Will to their children and grand children. I never ever thought I would need to stock pile on damn paper, and for what? to wipe the butt and throw it away? Where is this country going? we can't stop the Virus, and can't wipe our behinds. What's next? Dan   @danbh I hope things have improved.  There have been no cleaning Clorox wipes and some things like that here for at least a month. The store here had no paper  towel and very limited tissue  and toilet paper (one to a customer) when I went yesterday. I was not out of either so did not buy. The toilet paper was a strange brand I had never seen. I really hope your store has been able to replenish. Colostomy 4/30/18. @llholiday I owe you a big thank you, I received the masks you sent, they are great, and both my son and me will use them. Just yesterday our Governor signed a rule that everyone should wear a mask, when in public place, or where you can not keep the 6' distance. As for the toilet paper I found some and for now we are OK, will not wait too long before I go looking for more. Keep safe and healthy, and hope we all pass this, and go for the new normal in life. Dan  Hi Dan...I'm sorry your having such difficulties. You can check with your local stores to see if they have a reserved time for seniors to go in and shop before the general public. In our area in Canada, we deal with similar shortages the last I heard was soft soap! Seniors can go in & shop one hour before everyone else. This may be the advantage of getting TP rather then not TP. If push comes to shove, I certainly would not hesitate asking to speak to the store manager to let him know your need, maybe he can hold some for you. Your not likely to get the usual brands during this time, or sizes, but that's to be expected, especially if a company has been turned into making medical equipment instead of the usual products. Other options....tissue paper , as in from gift wrapping, cheap at the $ store, lol, do not flush, OR, a condiment bottle $ store too, fill a squirt bottle with water to rinse and then dry with pieces of an old towel cut up that can be washed. No old towels, $ store wash cloths or... towels that could be cut to size, old flannel PJ's. My Mom used to tell us that on the farm back in the good old days, they used pages from the Sears catalogue out in the out house! Do not flush! lol. Hand Sanitizer is really only neccesary away from home if you can not get to soap and water. Sing your hands clean, 20 seconds is not a long time. How much can you age in one day?! lol! You can make your own hand sanitizer. Using rubbing alcohol over 60% alcohol, and aloe vera gel like what you may have on hand for sunburns. Google it. If you need a disinfectant in your home, a solution of bleach and water can be used. Google. Also if you prefer soft soap to a bar, you can make your own from a bar of soap...again, Google & no, I, don't work for google. lol . Linda
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
Permanent Ileostomy (2019)
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I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
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