I use the Bravia Rings and have never had a problem with them sticking to my hands. I remove the paper liner, stretch to fit my stoma and apply to my skin around the stoma, Not the Wafer. Never had a problem this way. If you stretch the ring a little too big, it will shrink fairly quickly. Stick on the wafer then the bag. Warm with my hand 60 seconds and done. Hollister Adapt, Safe N Simple and Eakin are very sticky and degrade quickly. That's why I use Bravia. Bill Been using the Brava Protective rings for a few months now. Often with positive results, but also random failures. Why? A trick my ostomy nurse showed me was to put the ring on the wafer where it overlaps the hole and then tuck the edge of the ring thru the hole. You need to cut the wafer a little bigger if you do this. I am far from an expert though. I get leaks frequently, though fewer this way. I used paste a lot in the paste. The paste isn’t intended to stick, but rather to fill in crevices in the skin. I had about the same limited success with paste, but since it is harder to clean off the skin, I have been using rings exclusively. Good Luck to you!! -Liza I photograph the stoma with a camera or phone with a ruler along side. print it out 1:1 it should then be the exact size. this can be checked by placing the ruler over the picture is should cover the image of the ruler very closely allow for camera lens distortion. Ruler helps to identify (top)north of image you now have an exactly shape of stoma to cut out surprise no company has developed this into a phone app or a special cameras that projects a laser grid or exact sizing for the stoma nurses. should be that hard these days. After all your phone has more computing power than the computer launched with the international space station! Colostomy Jan 2020 I was wondering about this. The concept seems to be that the ring swells out tight around the stoma. I thought I might be trimming the wafer too close to allow it to make a good turtleneck about the stoma. I did try to make a larger hole once. Not successful. But it may have failed due to other reasons. I see in the video review that the Brava Protective ring is noted for it's lack of residual gunk to remove. That may be due to it's lack of adhesion. I have some other rings that I will try. I will trade off more gunk to remove, for longer, secure wear time. My no ring application started to burn tonight. Applied Sunday morning, started burning Thursday night. I removed the bag, flushed the wafer and applied powder into the space around the stoma. That relieved the burn\leak. But that will only last for a while. It did seem to be quite a successful application though. Four days at work in warm weather with a lot of exertion and constant bending at the waist as well as lounging about Sunday. I will try to get to Saturday morning till change. I did notice that I made an incorrect observation. When I flushed the appliance tonight, I saw that it looked the same as if a ring were applied. I guess most of you know this already. But I have not noted ring or no ring results so far. The material of the wafer is all puffed\distorted, rotted looking. I thought that this was the ring material having squeezed up and out from under the wafer layer. But i see now that this is what happens to the actual wafer material. The ring may actually also be protecting from material leaking right through the degraded wafer layer. So I now have a plan to see if I can stop this from happening. I really want to get to regular a once a week change.  Why? Nice tip. Due to my work. I have a digital caliper. So I can measure that squirt to a thousandth of an inch. But folks can get a similar device for a lot less. Places like Home Depot sell much cheaper basic calipers. They have two fingers. One set and one sliding. With a ruler gauge on it. Slide the fingers together at the base of your stoma and see the results on the marking scale. Why? I notice that the Brava Protective ring does not adhere to the skin nearly as well as the Sensura Mio wafer that I use it with. One thing that seems to be true is that barrier rings, strips, pastes, etc. are not going to have the same adhesive strength as wafers. This is especially true when the bag is heavier or if there's a lot of pulling of the wafer. I would suggest using a support belt or garment to keep the weight off your wafer if you are using any of those extra products. A bare wafer tends to offer the greatest holding power. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Experiment. I have just done my second application with a weird ring placement. Last Saturday I applied the wafer directly to the skin, but I had a Brava Protective ring applied on top of the wafer. Eight days later I have tried it again. I cut the wafer to 18mm diameter. Very snug to my stoma. Took very precise measurement. Trimmed the ring to fit into the wafer bag ring. PITA. But I now have 18mm rings, so less fiddling with trimming. Comparing the wafer only to the wafer with ring on top, shows a very significant reduction in wafer deterioration above and below. After 8 days, I felt I could have gone even longer. With just the wafer also snug to the stoma I got 7 days, but just barely. Day 6 had some stinging. Seems the ring may offer protection to the wafer and it's adhesive. The Sensura Mio wafer seems to have a type of ring protection built into it. ( maybe others do too )There is a thicker layer of some material. Over time this material comes up and out around the hole. But underneath this material erodes quite a bit. Along with the adhesive that is on it. Looks spongy. Lots of holes/bubbles. With the ring on top, this material held up much better. Still swelled up. But did not get so eroded. Did not swell up and out of the hole much at all. Just the first test results. But hopefully it will repeat with this application. I will try more of the same applications. Then I want to try skin barrier sheets. But trimming the sheets to just the area close to the stoma. I suspect that I can allow the built in ring type material to absorb and swell, but have the barrier sheet protect from the seepage getting to the skin. Hope this isn't wasting time and space here. But nobody is forced to read my yammering :) Why? I for one will be following your yammering's with interest. the wafers do erode quickly swelling and bubbling with a liquid output, so if the barrier ring on top reduces the speed or erosion then your on to something there! I have learnt more on this forum thanks Eric and the members who live with a stoma everyday than from any expert who never have to sleep a night with a stoma!! We all know that experience. Colostomy Jan 2020 Second application also went well. Eight days easy. Similar look to the wafer. Did my third try at this Sunday morning. I think next change I will try again with no ring. Just to verify that this is having any better effect. I may have just done a poor application with wafer only. Skin is doing well after eight day stretch. Have used the skin barrier wipes before application. They seem to prevent a lot of the itch. Of course all this is just me. Everyone has different issues with wear time adhesion etc. Why? I noticed that the area that does not stick well is also with no ring. It is that thicker area on the Sensura Mio wafer that seems to act as a ring by itself. I guess it absorbs the juices and maybe degrades the adhesive. It comes up and out around the stoma. The edges outside of that area stick solid seven days and more. Why? It is that thicker area on the Sensura Mio wafer that seems to act as a ring by itself. I guess it absorbs the juices and maybe degrades the adhesive. It comes up and out around the stoma. The edges outside of that area stick solid seven days and more. Yes, I most wafers you'll notice a center ring and an adhesive border surrounding is. This center ring is designed to absorb fluids so they aren't on your skin. This does lead to degradation. The part outside of this ring doesn't serve the same purpose and usually has a stronger adhesive to keep the wafer in place. I like that you tried with the barrier ring over the wafer. Some rings work better than others for this, but even that shouldn't be necessary for longer wear time. I just did an appliance change (day 8) with just a plain wafer. But my motto is often "whatever works" so keep experimenting to find what works best for you 👍 Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Can you use the protective seal on Hollister wafers? Hi Brandi. Yes, you should have no trouble using the Coloplast barrier rings or protective seals with Hollister wafers. In fact, you should be able to use any brand's barrier ring with any other brand of wafer. I've never heard of there being an incompatibility between those supplies. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Im not sure what to use. Hi Sue, as with many products, some will work better than others depending on the person. Coloplast has two types of rings, the Protective Ring and the Mouldable Ring. They both do the same thing, but are made of different compounds. These products may have a slight product smell (faintly like plastic, perhaps), but it's not something you'd notice unless it's right under your nose. I'm sure every product has a very slight smell due to manufacturing compounds, but it's nothing to worry about. If you get a leak, then it may smell for a totally different reason. Good luck! Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
Ulcerative Colitis... Ileostomy June 2016
I am a trouble shooter by trade, so I am doing it with my fairly new ileostomy. I inspect things when they are removed and try different ways to apply.
I notice that the Brava Protective ring does not adhere to the skin nearly as well as the Sensura Mio wafer that I use it with. I need adhesive remover spray to get the wafer separated, even after 5+ days, but the ring is pretty much already detached from the skin. It seems the ring depends mostly on it swelling out around the stoma to provide a seal. When I feel a stinging developing, I remove the appliance and can see that there is now a brown streak that has seeped under the ring. I guess after a certain amount of time, the ring has expanded to it's capacity. Maybe it erodes after that and allows seepage.
I actually emailed Coloplast and noted the poor adhesion and asked if they had considered sandwiching a ring into a wafer scheme. The solid adhesion of the wafer with a ring between another layer. No reply about it.
I am now trying to perfect trimming the wafer to fit closer without a ring applied. Luckily I have a quite circular stoma. Day 4 without ring and good so far.
I am curious about pastes. How well they adhere. To both skin and wafer.
I am considering an experiment with applying the ring on top of the wafer. Trim the wafer up snug to the stoma. Then apply a ring on the wafer, around the stoma. Unfortunately this will require trimming the ring diameter down a lot, to fit inside the bag connection ring. Not a lot of ring left. Maybe try a larger diameter bag connector for this experiment.
Ileostomy 6/18/2018
“May your day be bright and your bag be light.”
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
I bought a bow of Brava rings because Im running out. Im afraid Ill run out of supplies. Then some one told me brava rings have a funny smell.
Some body help me.
Are these a good product?
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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