Forum member @dogtalkerer had brought up a good point about having some way to identify what kind of stoma each forum member has in order to help answer posts since each type of stoma may require a different answer or have a nuance that requires special attention. Currently, I am able to add this option as a field in the member profile and it would be up to each member to fill it (or not). This information would only be viewable if you are looking at a specific member profile, so I do advise that you list what type of stoma you have in the "signature" section of your profile if that's something you want to share. What do you guys think? Should I add a stone type field to user profiles? Any other suggestions? Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hi All, I have on my signature that I have an ileostomy just to give a background in fact it’s all I have and could do with adding more. I don’t see how it would make a difference to know or not. Ok their a differences but leaks and skin problems common to all. All that said if it’s popular I ain’t got a problem 👍. Age maybe useful as an encouragement to young members so they could identify with others. We are seen as an older age group with an ostomy and that’s simply not true. ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns I hadn’t thought about it before but now I have put it on my “signature”. Easy way to do this without having to create new tech tasks with potential issues, in my opinion. But of course like John I have no problem with it. I know a young woman who is going go have a urosotomy (I will tell her about VeganOstomy) and she would probably appreciate knowing others who have one. So, signature line or other I think identifying is a nice thing to do. Colostomy 4/30/18. I don’t see how it would make a difference to know or not. I can see several benefits, personally: Anyway, I'm proposing the idea to see if anyone else has any thoughts or opinions on it. It's actually a very easy thing for me to do on my end, then it's just a matter of members filling it in on their profile (if they want to). Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Hi Eric Heck! You sure you ain’t an attorney! If not you should be 😂 Glad to hear it’s not a lot of work. I am onboard 👍 ileostomy 31st August 1994 for Crohns Hi Eric Yep I think it's a good idea too and I've just amended my signature to include this. All the best. Rose  Rose Hi Eric Well I thought I did! Don't know why the signature isn't appearing...... ? Rose Hi all, I was re-reading my signature and realized that I did put in that I have a colostomy. I guess I've always been open about it. I think it's a great idea, Eric. Any time I can help out a fellow ostomate in any way is a privilege for me. Stella the signature is only seen if you are logged in, at least in Chrome.  I only login if I make a comment, thus I can't tell if someone is colo or ileo if I'm just reading some comments. when talking about leaks, pictures of leaky bags and skin contours would be extremely useful. could put a smiley face over stoma. I realize many love their stomas, for me, it looks like a really gross puncture wound. a black and white picture of bag would reduce gross factor, but reveal how the leak migrated.  the signature is only seen if you are logged in, at least in Chrome.  I only login if I make a comment, thus I can't tell if someone is colo or ileo if I'm just reading some comments. This is correct and I can change that "permission" for guests and users who are not logged in. In fact, I'll do that shortly. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. The feature has now been added: Thank you all for the feedback. I'll be closing this topic now. Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
ileostomy December 2019
ileostomy December 2019
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~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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