I had mentioned in previous topic about eating peanuts for a whole and stopped. About 2 weeks ago started a Vitamin B12 supplement as I wasn't getting enough of it through food. My normal output is most active in the morning, then slows down throughout the day. Now, in the morning after about an hour of it being normal, it turns to Diarrhea. Not the watery kind, just very slushy. My diet hasn't changed, so wondering if the B12 could be the cause? I am going to stop taking the supplement to see what happens. I feel fine otherwise. Any ideas?? Jillian, I think the only way to be sure is by trial and error, which is what you’re doing. Try something, then abstain if there seems to be an adverse effect, then try it again to see if you get the same effect. It’s not a quick result, but probably the most accurate. There is just so much uncertainty - what is good for you might not be good for someone else, so it’s difficult to advise you on the B12. The painstakingly slow method of trial and error will tell you what you need to know. Good luck.  Laurie Just a semicolon My diet hasn't changed, so wondering if the B12 could be the cause? I echo what Tigerlily said about trial and error. Vitamin B12 is one of those vitamins that should be well tolerated, so unless it's something in that particular supplement causing issues, I'm not sure I'd pin it on the B12. Do you know if it contains anything else? Commonly, B12 supplements will have folate (folic acid), but even that should be pretty easy on the system. Is this supplement in liquid form? Under the tongue? Tablets? How often do you take them, and what's the dose? Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate. Jillian ... Hi! I know it's frustrating having to wade through things that affect us & things that don't.  My Vit. B12 has been defficient for 8 years & I've been on regular B12 shots since. Too many side affects from vitamin supplements to mention, but diahrea was one of mine. I do my own shots now, but the Doctor prescribes the serum. Keep track of your vitamin blood work as best as you can. If you think your defficient in others, be sure to take it up with your Doctor and don't put it off. Its so important to listen to your body. They can do blood work for so much these days its kind of amazing. I really hope things improve for you soon. Keep us in the loop okay. I'd be interested to know how this goes for you. All the best!  Linda from what you have posted about foods, it seems that you are not even close to having a balanced diet. I'd start with a balanced diet.  you could have gotten your system all imbalanced and stressed by whatever you are eating and not eating. get help.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~
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