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Partial and pseudo blockages....

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I am wondering if you or anyone has been told they not only get partial blockages, but also pseudo-blockages?  I get these wicked things. What do you do to help combat these issues?  What kind of flack does the medical world give you in hospital when they do not understand the basis of a pseudo blockage or partial one? How do you deal with nurses who may tell might as well go home, there is noting we can do for you here! Especially when you need help to tolerate the pain. They have been in my belly countless times, about nine if I remember correctly, and I also have a scad of scar tissue. Empoweringpts9...anyone? Feeling a bit desperate here. 


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Linda, I’m a total newbie-9 weeks with a colostomy. I’ve had a hard time with digestion. A week ago I had significant pain for 3 days and the nurse over the phone told me to take miralax twice a day. I have no idea if this is a partial blockage though. I did start to feel better and continue to take miralax every other day. I feel a lot better and I hope it lasts. I suspect I have adhesions that are making things difficult. Sorry if this is not much help but thought I’d share just in case this is an option for you. I will check in with your inquiry to see what the pros say! Good luck.

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Hi Lisaj...I am busy trying different motility meds. lately, and it is not going well at all. They seem to work for bout a week or two and that is it. Then it is the same old same all over again. I am so very tired of  pin and lack of sleep because of it. Adhesions can be  a nasty thing too. They serve there own purpose too. Not fun with a blockage.  Your input is helpful. Thank you for replying. I guess we will see if there are others.


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I used to get partial blockages on a regular basis early on - it was pretty "normal", but some ended up in full blockages. In my case, it was purely because I wasn't paying attention to how I ate. 

But some people have issues that go beyond food and may have blockages for no apparent reason - these do need to be explored with your surgeon or stoma nurse and depending on how disruptive they are, may require surgical correction. 

If the problem is simply food-based, then mindful eating (chewing well, watching your portions, food preparation, etc.) will all help.

Just your friendly neighborhood ostomate.
~ Crohn's Disease ¦ Ileostomy ~

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Thank you Eric, I have always eaten very carefully.  As a kid, I knew that it hurt to eat. I almost wish I could blame the blockages on that issue. But, I have been told it is a "functional" issue.  A lot like wiring a house wrong. The switch in one room the light goes on in another.  Not fun at all. I am just pulling out of another bad blockage.  If I call an ambulance, they have to take me to the nearest facility, stabilize me and then transfer. If It gets that bad, The problem is there are no specialists in our area they are an hour away. That is no big deal to me, but then I would have to drive myself in. Not too many are willing to loose a nights sleep for someone else. I do not think it is safe for me to drive in the state of a blockage. Yikes! I can almost see the puke in my lap. Other then Vancouver, the next closest is in Calgary. What fun.

Lisaj...adhessions can be a real problem for sure. The biggy is, if they  remove them, more can form. It is a wicked circle to say the least. Because I dealt with constipation so badly all my life, I did learn what foods worked with me and which ones worked against me. I still avoid seed, nuts, tomatoe peel, and sometimes even grape peel unless I can really break it down well. I lost a fair deal of teeth when I was so badly malnourished the first time. With has been a whole other learning curve. But I do eat a fair deal of the melon fruit family, and soft fruits like apricots, peaches and even pears.  Tho pears can sometimes feel like I am passing river rock!  I truly love the melon groups of fruits tho. You can do a fair amount with them, and they help hydrate also. Peel has a lot of flavor in it and I tend to miss that so will sometimes just chew it to death. Thank you for sharing. Stay well!



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I found that when I get plugged up, it helps tremendously if I irrigate my stoma. I don't know if it would work in your situation,  but you can consult with your WOCN. 



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