ok friends,  had my 2yr post op exam yesterday ( took a video ) and it looks like a B cup boob w ny stoma on top.  probly had it post surgery and golf has aggrevated it.  my question is..........how are any of you dealing with one ?  hernia belt to keeo ut from getting worse ?   my stoma works well and sticks out almost 1" so i am NOT letting anyone cut me open to relocate or add mesh.     thanks in advance.  hey David , I got one shortly after surgery ,self inflicted , but I have used a support belt ever since (ten years ) and it hasn't gotten any worse since then, i use a comfizz belt with a hole which stops the bag from getting squished , https://comfizz.com/collections/firm-support/products/comfizz-10cm-belt-level-3-support-unisex i use the 10cm one but they have different sizes if needed    big big thanks tony 🙏 i will check it out.  sadly it looks like i will have to give up golf.  but, better no golf than more surgery I know how you feel ,I’m avoiding a gallbladder op because I just have had enough of surgery at the moment , had the barbiebutt last May and had a great recovery and in my head I’m thinking I’ve used up all my luck , no rational for this , but cancelled it twice so far , hopefully when they reschedule it I’ll get it done 😳 David and Tony, I know how you feel about surgeries - I didn’t go to the dentist for quite some time because I had had enough and didn’t want anyone to touch me medically. I explained that to the dentist when I had to go in for a tooth that go so bad I had to have a root canal! For what it’s worth, my own gall bladder surgery (which was done long before my cancer surgeries) was done with a laparascopy, which is the most common. It was very easy, and I had to stay just one night in the hospital. And it made a great difference in my quality of life. Colostomy 4/30/18. @llholiday thanks LL , I was the same with the dentist , needed a serious amount of work done , so i went to our local dental school last year and so far i've had 3 root canals (aren't root canals such fun) and prep for five crowns and some bridgework , the student i have is a lovely Canadian girl who is in her final year and is brilliant , the best part is that im getting the work done for a fraction of the price that a normal dentist would charge . ok friends,  had my 2yr post op exam yesterday ( took a video ) and it looks like a B cup boob w ny stoma on top.  probly had it post surgery and golf has aggrevated it.  my question is..........how are any of you dealing with one ?  hernia belt to keeo ut from getting worse ?   my stoma works well and sticks out almost 1" so i am NOT letting anyone cut me open to relocate or add mesh.     thanks in advance.  I had 2 parastomal hernias but unfortunately they got so bad I had to get mesh. I would say the best way to manage is to go to your stoma nurse and have her fit you for a hernia belt and order one. I was using a new hope belt but there are many out there and insurance usually covers them in the USA. The only other things I can tell you, where i messed up is when you have hernias just do NOT lift anything over 25 pounds or from the floor that's heavy including laundry baskets. No moving furniture or even pushing furniture. You just have to say no and wait for help. Let others do it. We tend to just want to get things done and say to heck with it but making more trips with smaller loads including groceries or just waiting for help is the answer. Have to be disciplined, those things tend to get bigger and worse each time we do things we should not.  I made these mistakes and here I am with mesh.  Â
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